A new day, a new year, a new decade! What potential for each of us individually and all of us collectively!!
As we each manifest our potential, our gift, in alignment with our highest consciousness and the joy of living our unique gifts, all of humanity benefits. I truly believe this and am living it. This is how Tree Frog Farm Flower Essences was born, has been nurtured and continues to grow these last 20 years.
However, sometimes now I flounder because I’m not sure of my future. I consider teaching about flower essences the gift I most want to offer now. But will I be able to teach while I am receiving the treatments necessary for my recovery?
Recently it occurred to me that my greatest gift for right now is really simple: After the cancer caused a fracture in my left hip socket bone, I wasn’t sure if I would ever walk again. I thought I might spend the rest of my life using a wheelchair. Then an amazing surgeon totally rebuilt my hip socket bones. I am able to walk, for now with a walker, but soon with just a cane! My gift right now is to live the joy of being able to walk.
If your potential, your dream, your gift is to create something big, paradigm shifting – go for it!! However, your gift doesn’t have to be something big. It is the simple day-to-day things that change our lives and our world as much as the big things. Together we can change the world!
InJoy, Diana
Helpful Hint: If the temperatures in your area will be freezing or below, your essences could freeze and bottles break. It will be helpful for us to know if you will be home to receive your package or if we need to have the post office hold it for you to pick up. Please write delivery instructions in the comments when you make your orders. Thank You!
Manifest Life Process Essence Blend
Create what you want to manifest! The Manifest Essence Blend helps you come into alignment with the highest purpose for your current life process or project. It assists you to move through the following steps and stages:
Believe in your ability, as a multidimensional human being, to manifest • Become clear about what you want to create
See what stands in your way
Align your thinking, emotions and body with what you want
When encountering blocks and slowdowns, spiritually aligned intention to breakthrough
Move past family lineage and societal conditioning
Remember who you really are and why you want to engage in this process or project
Transfer ideas and intentions from outside of time into grounded action within time. This includes developing specific measurable goals with a time-line
Regularly affirm your intentions and goals by reading them, ritual, etc.
Relax, trust and create with confidence, gentleness, joy and gratitude
For more information about the Manifest Life Process Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it click here.
Fresh Start Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister
Fresh Start Aromatherapy and essence blend instills courage, calm and centered-ness during this process. A wonderful citrusy and earthy scent. Great for engaging new adventures in your life!

– Starting a new job or changing careers, new business, project or reorienting an existing project
Encourages you to deepen your sense of who you really are. You are unique and experiencing physical vitality.
For more information about Fresh Start Aromatherapy & Essence Mister the essential oils, essences, and the crystals that helped – click here.
Solar Plexus Chakra Essence Blend

Brings mental clarity with focused, organized, well-planned action. When the Solar Plexus Chakra is open and active a higher quality thinking regulates emotions, so you can think clearly and feel authentically. This encourages emotional empowerment, joy and wonder in daily life. The Solar Plexus Chakra Essence supports the healthy functioning of the Solar Plexus Chakra.
For more information about the Solar Plexus Chakra Essence Blend- click here.
Sunflower Flower Essence
Sunflower Flower Essence is helpful when your habit is to focus on negative thoughts and gloomy emotions. When you didn’t feel nurtured or loved as you grew up. When you compare yourself to other people and think you can’t improve your life.
Invites you to orient toward the sun! Shifts emotions and thoughts from dark and gloomy to looking up with a bright and sunny expression. It works well for children (and adults) shifting temper tantrums to happy feelings. It is about believing in yourself, and your innate joyful vibrant nature. Stimulates you to reorient from an attitude of lack of, to create as a multidimensional human being.
For more information about Sunflower Flower essence click here.
Orange Wild Honey-suckle Flower Essence

This essence is useful when you feel constantly revved, edgy, nervous, can’t slow down to enough be with yourself and have difficulty sleeping. Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence supports a deep body feeling of who you really are and are not. Retrains the nervous system towards peacefully engaging life.
When you become more balanced and stable, your nervous system, you will be able to stay calm, regardless of what is happening around you. If you do become unbalanced by outside influences, you will more easily and quickly come back to balance.
For more information about Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence, click here.
Coltsfoot Flower Essence
Coltsfoot Essence is useful when you are tentative, holding back from engaging fully in life, feel afraid or don’t have the energy to learn new things.
Wonderful when you are starting a new adventure or struggling to stay with a challenging situation, assignment or project that is taking longer than expected. It is supportive for people who are exhausted by grief.
Relieves hesitations and instills physical and emotional vitality when you are exhausted and weary from challenging situations. Fully engage new adventures, including the extended evolutionary process and old self-imposed limitations to your creativity. Encourages deeply focused joyful activity.
For more information about Coltsfoot Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click here.