Joyfully Engage Sorrow

Thank you to all of the folks who sent such sweet comments after my last newsletter about grieving Smokey’s decline. Our beloved Smokey had a stroke on Friday 10/24/14 and transitioned to the spirit world the next day. He came to live with us in the fall of 2000 after spending the first few years of his life roaming Lummi Island or tied to a bus. A wild unpredictable child at the beginning, he mellowed into a gentle elder who loved all. Many years of love and flower essences helped this process. It was a gentle death and I watched his spirit rejoice to meet some of his deceased dog friends who helped him transition. We miss him with all of our hearts yet know he is much more comfortable and free now. He is survived his furry siblings – brother, Aspen dog and sister, Tessy cat, John and me.
Even through the grieving, I feel a kind of joy. We are in a new phase. Smokey is having new adventures. Aspen is taking on the full responsibility of his job as our protector and only dog companion. Tessy…well, Tessy cat is also 16 and happily sleeps anywhere that is warm, often by my side at night. John and I now have more time and energy for each other and the Tree Frog Farm business.
In the mixed time of both sorrow and moving forward, I’ve found Clear The Air and Fresh Start to be welcome allies. Coltsfoot Flower essence is a key essence in both and is the featured essence for November.
Tomorrow is the Mexican holiday, Dia de Muertos, Day of the Dead. It is traditional to make an altar with food offerings for your deceased loved ones. Tomorrow I will put out a dog biscuit for Smokey.
InJoy and Sorrow,
Coltsfoot Flower Essence
Coltsfoot, also known as Western coltsfoot or Butterbur, is native to the US Pacific Northwest. It is a perennial with slender creeping rhizomes and deeply divides leaves. The 5 to 6 inch long flower stalk blooms in early March before the leaves show. The small ray flowers are whitish to pinkish, with many heads on glandular stalks. Coltsfoot grows in wet forests, thickets, swamps and along stream sides. Medicinally, coltsfoot has been used to soothe respiratory problems, sore throat and stomach ulcers.
On the flower essence level, Coltsfoot Flower Essence instills physical and emotional vitality when you are exhausted and weary from challenging situations. It relieves hesitation to fully engage new adventures, including the extended evolutionary process we are experiencing now. It relieves old self-imposed limitations to your creativity, and encourages deeply focused joyful activity. The energy of Coltsfoot is invigorating and exuberant yet calm, and helps you to access multi-dimensional guidance on how to use this renewed level of energy.
I AM focused exuberance and vitality for new adventures and challenging situations.
For more information about Coltsfoot Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence–amber, black tourmaline, blue topaz, charoite, drusy quartz, green aventurine, green calcite, gold (raw), icosahedron cut quartz and red jasper–go to the link below.
» More information on Coltsfoot Flower Essence
Clear the Air Flower Essence / Aromatherapy Mister
Clear The Air encourages clear communication while experiencing grief or sorrow. Helps you to let go and breathe in life!
It opens the respiratory system, and is effective with colds or allergies. Mildly antimicrobial.
Clear the Air has a wonderful fresh, clean scent. Great as a room freshener.
Flower Essences:
- Borage – Transforms sorrow and depression into heart-centered conscious speech.
- Coltsfoot – Joyfully engage new adventures and challenging situations with physical stamina and vitality. Access multidimensional guidance to focus this exuberant energy.
- Oceanspray – Supports connecting with your lighthearted, jubilant presence to resolve the undertow of sorrow below the illusion of calm and tranquility.
- Trailing Blackberry – With an open heart, joyfully serve yourself and others through compassionately speaking the full conviction of your perceived truth.
Essential Oils:
- Eucalyptus – Supports the immune system and treats upper respiratory issues such as colds and congestion. Lifts the spirits and restores vitality. Clears conflict or negative energies. Antibacterial and antiviral.
- Clary Sage – Calming, lessens pain, encourages communication.
- Thyme – Mood uplifting, helps breathing, improves mental clarity. Antimicrobial and antiseptic.
For more information about Clear the Air and the blue aragonite, drusy quartz, Inca jade and ocean jasper crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below.
» More information on Clear the Air Flower Essence/Aromatherapy Mister
Fresh Start Flower Essence / Aromatherapy Mister
Fresh Start enlivens you to joyfully engage your deepening sense of self and new life direction. Instills courage, calm and centeredness during this process.
Great for engaging new adventures in your life.
For example:
- Starting a new business or changing careers
- Starting or deepening your spiritual path
- Entering marriage or partnership
- Recreating your life after divorce or death of a loved one
- Welcoming a new baby
- Expanding your personal interests after retirement
- Moving
Encourages you to deepen your sense of who you really are, your uniqueness, while experiencing physical vitality. Instills fortitude, commitment and perseverance for people who are transitioning out of a challenging situation. Supportive when you are creating a new life after trauma.
Flower Essences:
- Coltsfoot – Joyfully engage new adventures and challenging situations with physical stamina and vitality. Access multidimensional guidance on how to focus this exuberant energy.
- Orange Wild Honeysuckle – Supports a deep body feeling of who you really are and are not. Retrains the nervous system towards peacefully engaging life.
- Salmonberry – Courage for acting on your knowing to take advantage of opportunities that life presents to you, even when it’s not convenient and you feel resistant. Connect to your higher purpose and joyfully take action anyway.
- Moon Shadow Rose – Instead of chasing shadows of your past, release them and be open up to the lessons that can be gleaned.
- Comfrey – Aids in the healing of wounds so deep and traumatic that they affect your soul’s journey. Encourages feeling safe in your body.
Essential Oils:
- Bitter Orange – Brings peace and happiness for the mind, body and spirit.
- Melissa – Reduces anxiety. Relaxing, comforting, mood uplifting.
- Citronella – Purifying, vitalizing, repels negative energy.
- Vetiver – Reduces stress and tension, calming, grounding.
For more information about Fresh Start and the drusy quart, red aventurine, sunstones and white and red stilbite crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below
» More information on Fresh Start Flower Essence / Aromatherapy Mister
In this season of letting go, grieve when needed, and allow the joy of new beginnings to gently move forward.
» More information on Monthly Specials
We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at