August 2015: Heartful During Stress

Heartful During Stress

I have recently been reaching for the Shock or Stress (SOS) essence blend. Last week we had a big jump in the number of orders of S.O.S. Hmmm, so it’s not just me! This summer has been wonderfully full, very busy, and most of the time I flow really well it. Sometimes I feel myself overloaded and stressed to the point where I can’t think clearly, feel outside of myself, and am very emotionally tender. I thought I’d check to see what is going on astrologically and found Molly Gauthier of Molly’s Astrology to be a reliable source.

Here is a limited synopsis.

June & July into early August: Tempers flare, moods are more volatile, energy is reactive rather than proactive, and accidents are more likely. A strong sense of pushing boundaries, especially emotionally. Swings between confidence and pessimism.

July & August into September: Venus goes retrograde and the feelings are intense. Magnification of intuitive, spiritual and artistic gifts, as well as fears, illusions and delusions. Potential missteps, or the dream job or love of your life. Efforts in the direction of creativity, organization, and developing healthy self-expression should be successful.

Diana PepperWhew! A lot going on! Heart tenderness issues and the potential for emotional and physical shock. It’s important to find ways to calm yourself. Personally, I like to lay on the ground. S.O.S. Life Process Blend and Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend will also be wonderful allies. Pacific Bleeding Heart is a key essence in both. Lady’s Mantle is part of the Pericardium Heart blend and is a strong complement for S.O.S All of these are on special during August.

P.S. S.O.S is also a wonderful traveling companion!

InJoy, Diana

Lady’s Mantle Flower Essence

Lady's MantleLady’s Mantle is a European medicinal herb. Its lobed leaves form cups that sparkle with morning drops of dew or rain in the center and around the edges. (Delete It’s) Its stalks of tiny green flowers make beautiful long lasting cut flowers. As an herb lady’s mantle is astringent and stops blood flow. It is used as a wound healer, to stop heavy menstrual bleeding and cramps, and to facilitate childbirth. During menopause it is also useful for hot flashes and headaches. Lady’s Mantle is thought to be a liver decongestant.

On the flower essence level, Lady’s Mantle Flower Essence calms your heart and eases your spirit. It softens protection around the physical heart by clearing and balancing the electromagnetic fields around the heart and releasing constriction in the pericardium sac around the heart, which slows down the sympathetic nervous system response. This allows the emotional heart system to incorporate higher frequency Divine energy bringing peaceful comfort to your emotional heart.

As Lady’s Mantle flower essence says of itself:

I AM gentle, joyful peace and self-love.

For more information about Lady’s Mantle Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, drusy quartz, green heulandite, ichoshedron cut quartz, Nirvana quartz, Peruvian pink opal, pink cobalto calcite, pink Lemurian seed crystal, pink tourmaline and quartz, rhodochrosite, rose quartz and silver topaz – go to the link below.

» More Information on Lady’s Mantle

Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence

Pacific Bleeding HeartPacific Bleeding Heart is native to the US Pacific Northwest. The heart-shaped pink to purple flowers bloom in mid-spring and are a favorite of hummingbirds. Ants are attracted to the seeds and carry them off; this establishes new patches. Medicinally, bleeding heart has an analgesic action and is used to treat pain including toothache, sprains or bruises. Taken internally as a tincture, bleeding heart herb calms and centers when you are shaky, nervous, agitated or extremely angry.

On the essence level, Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence engenders compassion for yourself in challenging situations and relationships. It separates mixed up physical, mental and emotional heart energies. This helps you to see through the stories and realize you are not a victim unless you believe you are. Pacific Bleeding Heart Essence supports you to transform thinking and emotions about your stories into personal strength and compassion for everyone involved. It brings you to a place of safety and personal peace in your Heart’s Home.

As Pacific Bleeding Heart flower essence says of itself:

I AM compassion pouring forth from an open Light-filled heart,
soaring effortlessly into new insight.

For more information about Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, cobalto clear pink calcite, peach moonstone, rhodonite, ruby, smokey quartz and drusy quartz – go to the monthly link on the sidebar.

» More Information on Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence

SOS Flower Remedy Blend

SOS Flower Remedy BlendShock Or Stress, S.O.S. Flower Remedy is the all-in-one first aid flower essence remedy for adults, children and animals. It quickly eases physical, emotional and spiritual shock to restore calm and balance. The flower essences in S.O.S. Flower Remedy safely go to the level needed after an accident or trauma. It is helpful when an old trauma becomes reactivated, from a similar experience or during a healing process. S.O.S also calms over stimulation and stress of daily life.

It is available with a dropper top in brandy base, or in a handy spray top in the red shiso base. The spray top is my personal favorite. Just flip off the top and spray into your mouth, or spray around you to settle the shock in your energy fields.

For more information about the SOS Essence Blend and the amber, aquamarine, black onyx, drusy quartz, and Inca jade that energetically charged it, go to the link below.

» More Information on SOS Flower Remedy Blend

Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend

Pericardium Heart Organ Meridian BlendThe heart is the most vital and sensitive organ in your body. Besides pumping blood, it generates the majority of the electromagnetic energy in the fields surrounding the body. The heart is the home of Spirit and is the center of creative expression. The pericardium is the physical sack around the heart. It is filled with a fluid that lubricates and protects the physical heart from bumps and shocks. Most energy healing systems do not approach the heart directly, but work through one of the heart protectors first. That is why our blend combines Pericardium with Heart.

Symptoms: Use Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have blood circulation problems, pericardium issues or heart-burn. Helpful when you feel heart-broken, try too hard to gain attention or feel distant and dead inside. Lack of joy and passion for life, being a workaholic or lethargic are indicators. Having difficulty being in your body, confusion about personal boundaries, and being sexually shut down or overactive in place of healthy relationships, especially if there have been sexual violations.

NOTE: This formula may be too strong for people who have had heart attacks or heart palpitations. Please use the Small Intestine or Triple Burner formulas instead.

Action: The Pericardium Heart OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that support physical pericardium and heart functions and with the energy circuits that connect you with Spiritual heart energies through the heart and higher heart chakras. This formula strengthens your heart’s ability to generate electromagnetic fields. It supports having appropriate personal and sexual boundaries and loving respectful relationships. The Pericardium Heart blend encourages being fully embodied while joyfully and playfully circulating your creative gifts in the world. It emboldens being consciously awake with the gleam of spiritual life-force shining through your eyes.

For more information about the Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, golden topaz, green heulandite, nirvana quartz, pink sapphire, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and rose quartz crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below.

» More Information on Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend

This summer – with so much going on astrologically & emotionally,
with summertime activities and family visits – be sure to
keep SOS on hand and stay in touch with your heart.

» More information on Monthly Specials

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at

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