What Customers Say About Tree Frog Farm Essences

“The flower essences they make are far more than just flower essences. They heal the soul!” M.D.

Highest quality, lovingly produced Flower Essences and Aromatherapy Misters. I don’t know where I would be without them to help smooth the way through difficult changes, for both myself and my clients!” M.S.

“I really love Tree Frog Farms products and also their super friendly family style customer service. When I first read their product descriptions, being familiar with Bach Flower Remedies, I was like ‘no-way’ can they put that much love and attention into their remedies. I purchased about 8 of them and they shipped them to Berlin where I live. I cannot tell you the deep healing I received once using them. I really recommend their products to anyone!” P.L.

“I started using Tree Frog Farm products over a year ago because I didn’t like the options available on the market in health food stores that used Alcohol as their base in most all tinctures.
I stopped consuming alcohol 3 years ago when my breast cancer returned to my liver lungs and bones…so I’m very grateful to have found specific blends of ingestible sprays for each organ health from Tree Frog Farm.
I am also very susceptible to the changes in the planetary universe such as solar flares and magnetic Geo storms, so having a spray such as Electrical System Integration, SOS, and Stress Relief to turn to during times of need is very supportive to my body mind and soul.
I have been a student, lover and collector of Crystals and gemstones for the past two decades, knowing that Tree Frog Farm energetically charges their blends this way speaks very strong to me. I love that all their ingredients are easily located in their pamphlets and website. On a side note since the start of using their products both my CT and bone scans have been stable!” T.L.

“Very gentle and powerful healing essences. They have been a great ally to my healing growth throughout the year, as I moved through different aspects of my life and TFF has the specific blends that touch on different aspects holistically.
I have worked with Diana through a custom healing session as well, which was greatly rewarding in helping me heal childhood traumas, that were holding me back from experiencing the depth of emotional peace, safety and joy in my adult life. It was a comfortable and non-judgmental experience and I am truly grateful to witness the tangible changes in myself over the months, long after the essence has finished.” V.N.

“My mom had a stroke last year and I was desperately searching for a holistic healing option. Google brought up Tree Frog Farm’s Brain Essence Blend, so I bought it ASAP. It has been AMAZINGLY transformational in my mom’s recovery process 💝. I am truly thankful to Diane for sharing her gift and everything that goes into making the essences (you can read about it in the descriptions). Her connection to the elementals, nature spirits and Gaia herself reflects in the beautiful essences 💗. Diane and Tree Frog Farm is such a gift to humanity, and I have enjoyed all the essences I have gotten since then ♥️ I highly recommend Tree Frog Farm, it has been a gift and soother during my soul progression this lifetime ☀️” C.S. – Local Guide

“I began using your flower essences several years ago after a friend suggested they might help with the dis-ease I was feeling. At that time I was struggling with loss, grief, lack of direction, old anger, depression, guilt, confusion and fear. My spiritual program had gone out the window. I felt as if I had lost my way. Using your essences with intention for each symptom, my energy has shifted radically and it is so much easier to cope with all aspects of life. My connection with nature and the universe has taken on new meaning. There is joy in my life. Today I use the essences and sprays on a daily basis. When I look at my little array of blue bottles they seem to speak to me; to tell me what I need, which ones to take. My friends and family tell me they’re so glad ‘I’m back’ and I love the way I feel. I’m happier, healthier and more peaceful than I have been in years. I’m very grateful for your devotion to producing and sharing these marvelous products. Mahalo nui loa from the bottom of my heart.” C.L. HI, USA

Bloodroot Flowers“I love the essences, they are so lively and very powerful! I have been using the burdock and bloodroot to move heavy metals out of my body and many ancestral patterns as well. I have been detoxing heavy metals for a few years now using homeopathic and herbal supplements – it only occurred to me several months ago that I should use essences because what was holding the heavy metals were emotional and spiritual related. Well it got things going! As I have been clearing the heavy metals, I have also been clearing the anger that has been holding them tight to my liver and gallbladder. This is a pattern that goes back many generations in my family lineage and I have seen it very apparent in my oldest son. He is now taking burdock and valerian and has been working thru his anger – he is now sleeping a lot better. It is amazing that the essences work thru people – I have cleared many things for my family and I am grateful to have come across your essences. I will continue to use them and recommend them to others.” L.T. CA, USA

I got the order and it was fantastic. The Manifest spray really stood out. Yesterday I was having a bit of a crisis and was at a loss. I started with the new batch. I sprayed the Manifest on my Root and Solar Plexus chakras. Today my past life regressionist called me and stated something about what I was hoping to manifest right down to the last detail. I am very grateful for you and your work.”  S.B. CA, USA

“I am VERY happy with my purchases. I have not used the Manifest Essence as diligently as I probably should but I do love it. I try to remember it once a day. And I LOVE the Golden Armor Mister. I cannot get enough of it. I do not normally travel well and was looking for some extra calming. I took it to Mexico and used it before I got on the plane, before I went rappelling and any other time I felt I needed an extra level of protective energy. I love the smell. When I spray it for other people they instantly fall in love with the subtle earthy scent. Two days ago, I sprayed for a girl I just met and she immediately bookmarked your Website. I am going to need another bottle soon :-)” S.S. PA, USA

“I finally ordered your September essences, but I wanted to send you a quick testimonial. I had a fast-paced August full of moving challenges (from Los Angeles to Sedona), a new relationship and little time to relax. I had your August essences, but never got around to actually using them until I finally unpacked them. I was in quite an emotional spin with the challenge of the transition and when I took your essences I felt better SO quickly that I wished I had them open and kept them handy throughout the whole move. Of course, then I wouldn’t have had the joy of such relief when I finally got around to them!”

“Also, I was taking them a few days later and perusing the website and I put Fireweed and Lungwort in my basket because I was very drawn to them and feeling the need for assistance with balancing the feminine and masculine in my life. I didn’t order them at the time figuring I would get back to it, then the September newsletter arrived! What great validation for me that I’m feeling a need for balance in that area – its up!”

“The type of connection and stewardship of product & service that you all live is the new way that is changing the vibration of our world. It’s blooming! Thank you so much for beautiful essences and your clarity in feeling the collective energy.” J.P. AZ, USA

“These are the great differences that I have noticed since starting your remedy… I am more in my feet (helps when you play tennis.) Grounded. More in the body (Skullcap.) Guess this means I am less anxious. Have been anxious since day 1 (birth trauma.) More grateful for everything….attitude is tip-top. And it is easier to shift attitude now when it might be headed south. More giving of myself and thoughtful….can put myself in someone else’s shoes without any strain. I think this is remarkable…especially since if I didn’t think about it, I would not have noticed – because changes and remedy are so subtle.” M.K. CO, USA

“I did purchase the pacific dogwood essence set that was on special in October and they are so interesting. I have used them while receiving a cranial-sacral session. My practitioner (who is magnificent) was inspired to put them on various points on my body. I had instantaneous opening of so many pathways…I was zinging all thru my body. How wonderful to use them in this new way.” L.T. CA, USA

“I had my most recent check up with my neurologist this week and it totally rocked. He was literally dumbfounded with the results. The MRIs showed healing of the spinal cord…HEALING! And the MRI of the brain showed no significant increase in damage, so the MS is not progressing! While I still have MS on my brain and the spinal cord has not fully healed, there was healing evident in comparison to previous MRIs. Did I mention healing?? Thank you to my healing team.”

1. The Divine Team
2. My Friends
3. Diana Pepper, my flower essence miracle worker. I highly recommend her.
4. My network care chiropractor. I highly recommend him.
5. My massage therapist
6. The teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh and others
7. Yoga
8. And more.”

“Thank you for sending out my formula so quickly. I appreciate it. I am looking forward to starting it. I just wanted to let you know that since talking with you on Thursday, I already feel calmer and am filled with real hope that the essences will help reprogram my energy.” T.K. Arlington Heights, IL

“Tree Frog Farm Flower Essences have provided wonderful energy to support effective changes in my life.” N.G. WA, USA

“I used the Manifest and Beauty Way to help me calm my insides, and it has felt luscious.  I love the taste.  It sparks the sensory taste buds in my mouth, and raises my awareness about the deliciousness of life.” J.G. Producer, Flipping the Joy Switch. WA, USA

Another use for Sacred Energy Spray, clearing crystals! Instead of clearing my crystals in salt water, I sprayed them with Sacred Energies. Oh My goodness, they loved it! The energy changed in them immediately.” S.B. CA, USA

“I so appreciate YOU for being the spiritual conduit/bridge that you are, and sharing it with those of us on your mailing list !!! S.M., WA, USA”

You can leave us your own review by clicking this link   https://g.page/TreeFrogFarm/review