About Our Flower and Tree Essences

Tree Frog Farm Essences

Planting shiso crop At Tree Frog Farm, we work in a mutually supportive, co-creative partnership with Nature, to produce high-quality essences of Pacific Northwest native plants, medicinal herbs, and other garden plants. We are located on Lummi Island, in the temperate rain forests of the Pacific Northwest and along the Pacific Ring of Fire (a zone of frequent earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that encircles the basin of the Pacific Ocean). Together these environmental influences support the gentle, yet deeply transformative quality of our essences during these rapidly changing times.

Tree Frog Farm specializes in offering flower and tree essences in a delightful non-alcohol base of red shiso leaf tea and vinegar. It is an alcohol-free alternative to traditional brandy. We offer both bases for our essences.

Our Red Shiso Base

We grow our shiso here at Tree Frog Farm using organic processes and working closely with Nature beings for a vibrant crop. From the dried herb, we make a tea infusion using our filtered water system from a well-drawn deep from the heart of our land. To further strengthen the shiso preservative qualities, we add a small amount of organic vinegar. The high vibrational frequency of the red shiso herb compliments that of our flower essences. Assists your body’s energy systems to resonate with, and integrate higher frequencies, and addresses heart chakra issues.

Red Shiso Baseshiso crop

As you might imagine, our shiso base tastes like tea with a touch of vinegar. Red shiso is a robust member of the mint family, and its name means ‘purple leaf’ in Japanese. Besides contributing flavor and a distinctive raspberry color, this herb contains “perilla aldehyde,” which gives it antimicrobial properties.

The Tree Frog Farm Team prefers the red shiso base because we experience the quality of the red shiso base matching the quality of the flower and tree essences produced here. However, some people cannot tolerate vinegar, so we offer our products on both bases. Our customers have found that our flower and tree essences work equally well in either the brandy or the red shiso base.

Our Essence Making Process

making arnica

Diana often likened the process of making an essence to that of tuning into a radio station. Turning the dial directs you to a particular frequency. The more clearly your radio is aligned with that frequency, the clearer the transmission; if not, there is static. By inviting in the specific plant spirit together with intention to attune acts as the antenna to receive that transmission. Instead of a song, what is received is more like a tone, or a single note. Later, when several essences are mixed to make our Flower Essence Blends, they create a chord or chords, like a song.

Tree Frog Farm Flower Essences are energetically grounded using a crystal grid matrix. Originally, our essences were made using the method of floating flowers on the water in a clear crystal or glass bowl, and placing small drusy quartz crystals around the base of the bowl. The bowl sat in the sun for 5 or 6 hours while the frequency of that particular plant was downloaded into the water.

Our Method

IFE bottles

Since 2004, we began using our no-pick method where crystals are set in a grid matrix among the plants and “mother” bottles while the essence is being made. Each mother bottle is filled with a water and shiso base, or a water and brandy base. The sun assists the download of the plant’s frequency directly into each mother bottle, while the crystal matrix informs the way this process happens. As a final stabilization, all of our essence mother bottles are placed in a *Genesa Crystal (a sacred geometry sculpture made of copper tubing) by a quartz crystal and Buddha statue for 1 hour. Then the new essence is complete!

Final Production Process

The next step is to make the bottles of essence that we sell. Our production team sterilizes 1/2 ounce and 1-ounce bottles and droppers in small batches. These bottles are then filled with either our red shiso base or with brandy making a ‘blank’ carrier for our essences. Drops from the corresponding essence mini mother bottles are added (we leave the original mother bottles untouched until we need to fill up a specially designated mini-mom bottle) to introduce the essence into the bottle and label it. That process is complete. They are at the same vibrational level called stock bottles. 

Our essence blends are energetically charged in a crystal matrix. Each blend is made in small numbered batches and charged in a grid for 1 hour to help influence the quality and action of each blend of essences.

Nature and Sound Qualities in Some of Our Essences

A few of our essences, such as Mock Orange, Tropical Sunset Rose, Western Red Cedar, Indian Pipe, Pathfinder, and Sweet Valentine Rose had sound infused into them while they were being made. These sounds include Native American drum or rattle, Tibetan brass bowl, penny-whistle, wind chime, or Spirit song that comes through while making these essences. An eagle feather was used ceremoniously during the making of certain essences such as Indian Pipe, and Pathfinder Flower Essences. Raven brought his shapeshifter quality which added to the Hawthorn Tree Essence. See each essence page for more details.

* Find out more about Genesa Crystals by contacting Young Design, 33 Heron Cove Rd., Phippsburg, Maine 04562. Phone/fax 207/386-0089.