December 2010: Manifest With Joy

It is oh so easy to take this evolutionary and transformational process way too seriously! This Holiday Season (and next year) let music and Manifest help you to Light-en up and Joy-fully play. I had the pleasure of meeting Trish Hatley at a healing arts event in October. I love Trish’s swinging, jazzy music and rich voice. As soon as I heard her latest album, “Sing, Ask and it is Given”, I knew it would complement our Manifest Essence Blend. So I’ve decided to offer them together for our December Special.

Manifest With Joy

Manifest Essence Blend Spray

Manifest Essence BlendManifest Essence Blend Spray has been our most popular blend since the time it was introduced. I’m not surprised since it does so much and is so easy to use. It aligns you with the process of manifesting in concert with your highest purpose:

  • Become clear about what you want to create.
  • See what stands in your way.
  • Align your thinking, emotions and body with what you want.
  • Move past family lineage and societal conditioning.
  • Remember who you really are.
  • Transfer ideas and intentions from outside of time into grounded action within
  • time. This includes developing specific measurable goals with a timeline.

  • Regularly affirm your intentions and goals by reading them, ritual, etc.
  • Relax, trust and create with confidence, gentleness, joy and gratitude.
  • Say thank you and graciously receive what you have created.

To use Manifest Blend, spray it into your mouth, into drinking water or around you. I also like to place my bottle in the Feng Shui abundance corner or helpful people corner so it is working 24/7 in accord with my intentions.

For more information about the Manifest Blend and Amethyst/Citrine Spirit Quartz, Golden Topaz, Inca Jade, Ruby and Drusy Quartz crystals that energetically ground this blend go to the monthly special link below.

» More information on Manifest Essence Blend Spray

Sing, Ask and it is Given CD & Manifest Blend

I love waking up with the lyrics of this CD running through my head. “I’ve an attitude of gratitude every day.” When I start to feel overwhelmed from so many things clamoring for my attention, what helps me to focus? “I’m in the right place at the right time, doing the right thing…” When I start to feel frustrated, angry, worried I remember – “I’ll raise my vibration with a loving thought, a happy joyful thought.” And when I’m feeling love and totally in alignment with what I’m doing, I get those “good, good vibrations.” What a fun way to affirm what you want in your life!! Here are some samples of the songs.

Now pair this CD with our Manifest Blend and you have a powerful, dynamic duo! Spray the Manifest Blend while playing your favorite song. Play the CD while driving and sing along. Play it while working and imbibing the Manifest Blend in your drinking water. Keep the Manifest Blend and CD in the Feng Shui abundance corner of your house or office when not using them. Get creative! You can think of many more ways to have this dynamic duo support your process. And it is fun! What a great gift for a friend, family member or yourself!

To order the “Sing Ask and It is Given” CD & Manifest Blend Special, go the monthly special link below.

As we realize that we can create what we want for our lives, we will become more able to create Peace on Earth and Goodwill to all Beings.

Tree Frog Farm Facebook!! On 10/28, Diana posted about the New Reality Transmission. Officially the 11 days are over, but the process of creating our new reality continues. Join Tree Frog Farm Facebook to find out about or post information about other higher consciousness events.

» More information on Monthly Specials

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at