December 2017: Creating Sacred Holiday Space

It’s the Holiday Season again, time for gatherings with family and friends! Here are some tips for creating sacred space for the Holidays. There are two levels of setting the energy to create sacred space for celebration and worship. The first level is to clear the emotional, psychological and microbial influences that may have been left in the space. These may have been released during daily activities and interactions, illness, shock or trauma. Angels of Light Aromatherapy/Flower Essence Mister clears the first level by releasing the shadows of the past, setting up white light clearing and inviting in angelic protection for a space or person. It also clears microbial influences.

The second level is to invite sacred energies into your home, a room, an outdoor area or your energy fields. Sacred Energies Flower Essence Blend starts at the second level to bring the energy of higher consciousness into an area or space. The flower essences of this blend set a high frequency resonance that connects you with your multidimensional self that is accessed through the higher consciousness in your energy fields, chakras, higher brain and higher heart functions. It comes in a base of brandy with a dropper top or in a refreshing herbal/vinegar base with a spray top. The spray is easier to use for creating sacred space.

This time I’m featuring three flower essences – White Yarrow, Red Elderberry and Michaelmas Daisy. White Yarrow and Michaelmas Daisy are key essences in Angels of Light Mister. White Yarrow and Red Elderberry bring high frequency light into the Sacred Energies Blend. All of these are on special during this season of celebration.

May your Holidays be Merry and Bright!

InJoy, Diana

P.S. To enhance the Holiday Spirit, try our Yuletide Blessings Aromatherapy/Flower Essence Mister. Its scent reminds me of evergreen boughs and holiday baking. Feelings of peace, love, compassion and the presence of angels will fill your festive Holiday gathering. Available only for a limited time, until December 31.

Energetically clear and create sacred space for your Holiday gatherings. Call in your angels and feel the peace at the heart of this Holiday season.

Good News! The shipping special continues through December 15th. On international orders of any amount, and domestic orders of $49.99 or less, you will receive a $4 reduction in the shipping fee. (The order will not show a $4 shipping discount. It is already taken out of the shipping cost that the shopping cart calculates.) For United States customers with orders over $50, you will receive Free Shipping when you select the “Free Shipping $0.00” option in the shipping method slider.

Prices will increase in January. Stock up now!

White Yarrow Flower Essence

White Yarrow Flower Essence sets up a spherical field of white translucent protection at the boundaries of your energy fields. As the frequency of White Yarrow Flower Essence moves in through the crown chakra, it gently wraps the energy circuits of your brain then the energy circuits of your central nervous system with these higher White Light frequencies. This affects the way you process information, think and respond to stimuli. White Yarrow Flower Essence will assist you to access the highest multidimensional White Light creative energy you are ready to integrate.

As White Yarrow Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM high resonance White Light for clear and healthy energy fields and body.

For more information about White Yarrow Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, azeztulite, drusy quartz, Herkimer diamond, Himalayan quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Lemurian seed crystal, Jeffrey quartz and Tibetan black quartz – click on the picture.

Red Elderberry Flower Essence

Red Elderberry Flower Essence strengthens the connections with your higher dimensional guidance, such as angels, spirit helpers, and your Higher Self. Many people are beginning to remember that some of these Guides are actually aspects of their Oversoul that function on higher frequency dimensions. These higher aspects assist each of us – the aspect of the Soul-self on the Earth 3rd dimensional plane – to live this life. As we each become more conscious of our Higher Dimensional Guidance, we resonate with feelings of being happy, safe, a part of more than this physical body. As you retrain your mind and emotions to live this way, your physical body will become healthier. Red Elderberry Flower Essence is a valuable ally in this process.

As Red Elderberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM Light, your true Being, radiating through daily life.

For more information about Red Elderberry Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, azeztulite, clear apophyllite, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite and stibnite – click on the picture.

Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence

Calling all Angels! Feel angel wings wrapped around you, reassuring you that you are protected and loved. Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence facilitates communication from your God Self with your conscious mind and physical body. It engenders compassionate communication with yourself and others.

As Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM protected, loved and communicate compassionately

For more information about Michaelmas Daisy Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, angelite, blue kyanite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, rhodochrosite, and silver topaz  – click on the picture.

Angels of Light Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister

Great for this sacred Holiday time! Create sacred space for ceremony and family gatherings.

Wrapped in Angel wings, let your spirit soar! Release from worry and fear. Feel lighthearted and grounded. Provides protection by strengthening your personal boundaries.

Helps children and adults relax into sleep. Clear away the cares of the day; relax your mind and body.

Great for massage therapists, other body workers and energy healers! Emotionally and energetically clear your room between clients.

Flower Essences:

Michaelmas Daisy – Calling all Angels! Feel angel wings wrapped around you, reassuring you that you are protected and loved.

White Yarrow – Creates White Light personal boundary protection.

Comfrey – Aids in the healing of wounds so deep and traumatic that they affect your soul’s journey. Encourages feeling safe in your body with a courageous heart.

Lady’s Mantle – Brings deep spiritual peace to your whole body and being.

Essential Oils:  

Lavender – Brings inner calm, peace of mind and freedom from emotional and mental stress. Strengthens your personal boundaries.

Bitter Orange – Brings peace and happiness for the mind, body and spirit.

Thyme – Helps reclaim a childlike sense of fun, brings courage and protection.

For more information about Angels of Light and the crystals that energetically charged it – amethyst, angel wing, drusy quartz and Lemurian seed crystal – click on the picture.

Sacred Energies Essence Blend

Come into your sacred self! Feel the sacredness in your surroundings! The flower & tree essences of Sacred Energies set a high frequency resonance that connects you with your multidimensional self that is accessed through the higher consciousness in your energy fields, chakras, higher brain and higher heart functions. To facilitate spiritually aligned healing and healthy living, take it orally by spray or dropper, or spray into your energy fields. To invite sacred energies for ceremony, celebrations and meditation, spray it into a room or outdoor area and feel the instant shift to higher heart-centered consciousness. Perfect for gatherings this Holiday Season!

Sacred Energies Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils. It is in a refreshing base of red shiso herb tea with organic white vinegar with a spray top or a base of brandy with a dropper top.

For more information about Sacred Energies and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, cavansite, moldavite, rose quartz, ruby and Jeffrey quartz that energetically charged it – click on the picture.

View all product specials including Bath Salts here.

2018 Practitioner Training Course

Join us for this exciting and vibrant flower essence course!

Level I: Two weekend classes of 3 days each will focus on learning how to use 48 individual flower essences to make custom blends. We will also discuss pertinent information about starting a flower essence practice or adding them to your existing practice. Practicum included in each class.

Level I Class 1 May 4-6 $510

Level I Class 1 & 2 May 4-6 & July 6-8 $885

Register for Level I both classes by April 9 Save $135 After April 9 Full price for Level I is $1,020

Level II: One weekend class of 3 days will focus on an introduction to Chinese Five Element theory and Organ Energy Meridian Blends, chakra and cranial sacral essences, and an overview of how these all work together as spiritual energies move into the body. We will also discuss how to integrate these into your client practice. Practicum included.

Level I and II May 4-6, July 6-8 & October 20-22 $1,210

Register by April 9 Save $190 After April 9 Full price Level I & II is $1,390

Please let us know if you have questions or are interested.

Purchase classes here.

Suggested Reading:


The Wisdom Jesus: by Cynthia Bourgeault

Even though I’ve reviewed this book previously, I feel it is so valuable that I’ve decided to review it again. If you put aside what you think you know about Jesus, something remarkable happens. Cynthia Bourgeault, PhD, is an unusual Episcopal Priest who through her direct experience, and studies of the Biblical Gospels and other early gospels – like the Gospels of Thomas and Judas – found Jesus to be a wisdom teacher of the transformation of consciousness. Reading this book opened my eyes to deeper meanings of Jesus’s teachings. See what you experience.