Feb 2020: Heart-Centered Humanity

Age of Aquarius

Heart-Centered Humanity? Is that possible?

If you look at the daily news, No.

If you look at millions of acts of kindness and gratitude that happen every day by “ordinary” people, then Yes!

Humanity is in the midst of a major evolutionary leap. We have been for years and the pace is accelerating. The 1969 song, The Dawning of the Age of Aquarius by The 5th Dimension is still one of my all-time favorite songs!! Click on the picture to watch.

We may have arrived! The new moon in Aquarius on January 24th, 2020 was said by some astrologers to herald the entry into the Age of Aquarius. Some people have different dates and others say it is a process over hundreds of years. What is most important is not the date but that each of us is living as though we are in the Age of Aquarius.

What does this mean? More open-heartedness, compassion, love, peace, gentleness, harmony, working together for the benefit of each person, all of our non-human relations and the evolution of our beloved Earth. Sound good?

We are being called to move past our fears, open our hearts and center our lives in love and loving ourselves so we can genuinely love others. The Heart Chakra Blend, Pericardium Heart Organ Blend and the Gentle Heart Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister are wonderful allies in this process. Nootka Rose and Kinnikinnik Flower Essences are in all 3 products. Clustered Wild Rose is in the Heart Chakra and Pericardium Heart Blends. 

InJoy, Diana

Hint: If the temperatures in your area will be freezing or below, your essences could freeze and bottles break. It will be helpful for us to know if you will be home to receive your package or if we need to have the post office hold it for you to pick up. Please write delivery instructions in the comments.

Heart Chakra Blend

The Heart Chakra Flower Essence Blend supports the healthy functioning of the Heart Chakra.
Tree Frog Farm Essences – Heart Chakra Essence Blend

Use Heart Chakra Flower Essence Blend when you become emotionally disabled, taking on too much pain and suffering of others; have difficulty with personal relationships or become co-dependent. A guarded Heart Chakra can lead to self-destructive tendencies. Emotional symptoms associated with the Heart Chakra are sadness, grief, sorrow, feeling bereft or heartbroken.

Love, compassion, equanimity, peace and prana, the breath of life, are main themes of the Heart Chakra. The Heart Chakra is in resonance with life when feelings such as compassion, gratitude, joy, self-love, wonder and bliss fill your life. You become oriented to living in the present moment with peace and equanimity. With love, the web of life unifies spirit and matter; creating balance and wholeness.

The Heart Chakra Flower Essence Blend supports the healthy functioning of the Heart Chakra.

For more information about the Heart Chakra Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it and the adamite, drusy quartz, emerald, emerald calcite, kunzite, mangano calcite, prehnite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz and watermelon tourmaline that energetically charged it click on the picture.

Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Pericardium Heart Blend works through the energy circuits that support pericardium and heart functions.
Tree Frog Farm Essences – Pericardium Heart Energy Meridian Essence Blend

The Pericardium Heart Energy Meridian Essence Blend encourages being fully embodied in joyfully and playfully circulating your creative gifts to the world. It emboldens being consciously awake with the gleam of spiritual life-force shining through your eyes.

The heart is the most vital and sensitive organ in your body. It is the home of Spirit and the center of creative expression. The heart generates the majority of the electromagnetic energy in the fields surrounding the body. The pericardium is the physical sack around the heart. It is filled with a fluid that lubricates and protects the physical heart from bumps and shocks.

The Pericardium Heart Blend works through the energy circuits that support pericardium and heart functions and with the energy circuits that connect you with spiritual heart energies through the heart and higher heart chakras. This formula strengthens your heart’s ability to generate electromagnetic fields, which enables healthy functioning of your body/mind and enlivens your interactions with the external world. It supports having appropriate personal boundaries and loving, respectful relationships.

For more information about the Pericardium Heart Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it and the drusy quartz, golden topaz, green heulandite, nirvana quartz, pink sapphire, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and rose quartz crystals that energetically charged it click on the picture.

Gentle Heart Flower Essence & Aromatherapy Mister

Gentle Heart Aromatherapy and Essence Mister has a wonderful soft lemony rose scent
Tree Frog Farm Essences – Gentle Heart Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister

Gentle Heart Aromatherapy and Essence Mister has a wonderful soft lemony rose scent. Perfect for personal, family, ceremonial use and romantic occasions.

  • Encourages you to express caring love for yourself and others.
  • Gently balances, strengthens and opens your heart. Gives a gentle lift to your mood and spirit.
  • Encourages you to engage life from your heart and to release emotional heart wounds.
  • Aligns your heart with the Spiritual Heart of the Universe. 
  • Supportive after loss of a loved one or during times of grief and heartache.
  • Opens and connects your heart chakra with the collective heart consciousness of all living Beings.

For more information about Gentle Heart Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister, the drusy quartz, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and rose quartz crystals that energetically charge it click on the picture.

Nootka Rose Flower Essence     

Use Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence if your heart feels closed, shut down and protected. This could manifest emotionally as feeling depressed, anxious or detached.

Physically, even though you have a strong heart, you might find yourself having symptoms like minor heart palpitations. Spiritually, when your heart chakra is out of alignment with higher energies, you may feel lost or disconnected, without a heartfelt religious or spiritual path.

Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence opens, balances and connects your Heart Chakra with the World Heart and the Universal Heart. The World Heart emanates from the collective heart consciousness of all living Beings seen and unseen that live on Earth. This includes humans, animals, plants, Nature and Elemental Beings and the Earth. The Universal Heart emanates from all directions of space and time, from All-That–Is.

Nootka Rose Essence clears your Heart Chakra through the inner and outer 9 dimensions of Earth’s energy layers to connect your personal heart with these higher energies. This connects you with Divine Love and enriches your relationships with loved ones, friends, your Self, Nature and All Beings. 

As Nootka Rose Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM awakening of Divine Love and Gratitude in daily life.

For more information about Nootka Rose Essence, the sounds of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the amber, drusy quartz, garnet, icosahedron quartz, morganite, nirvana quartz, pink cobalto calcite, pink opaque calcite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz and ruby crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click on the picture.

Kinnikinnik Flower Essence

I AM ease with unconditionally loving myself and others
Tree Frog Farm Essences – Kinnikinnik Flower Essence

Use Kinnikinnik Flower Essence when the back of heart chakra is sluggish and narrowed. This is when you lose your connection to unconditional love for yourself and others. Life feels dull and constricted. Lack of self-love can lead to many conditions including addictions, heart disease and auto-immune disorders.

Kinnikinnik Flower Essence gently opens the back of the heart chakra and supports the process of returning to unconditional self-love. It instills the will to open-heartedly accept and love others, which leads to a vibrant, expansive life.

As Kinnikinnik Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM ease with unconditionally loving myself and others.

For more information about Kinnikinnik Flower Essence, the sounds of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the amber, adamite, amethyst, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, mangano calcite, morganite, pink cobalto calcite, quartz points, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and rose quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click on the picture.

Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence

Use Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence if you want to shift to a more gentle, receptive approach to life and your spiritual process or to bring a softer tone to aspects of yourself and your work; that of a sharply focused, fast-paced or rushed aspects of the masculine.

This essence works individually and with the larger collective human consciousness. As each of us embodies the strong yet gentle feminine, the collective approach to life shifts. This essence works individually and with the larger collective human consciousness. As each of us embodies the strong yet gentle feminine, the collective approach to life shifts.

As Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM strong, heartfelt, directed, compassionate, purposeful and soft feminine energy.

For more information about Clustered Wild Rose Essence and the amber, Jeffrey quartz, pink cobalto calcite, red and white stilbite, rhodonite, rose quartz, and drusy quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click on the picture.

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