Mid-June 2018: Relieve Summer Stress!

Summertime, summertime, sum, sum, summertime. Summerti-i-i-ime. Remember that song? It says summertime is for fun, being out of school, footloose and fancy free. That may be true for kids, but what about the parents?! How to keep the kids occupied? What do you do when they get bored? Take them to work with you? Send them to camp? Take the family on a vacation? Enroll them in pottery, swimming or archery classes? Summer is often a time of stress for families.

Here at Tree Frog Farm the shiso crop is growing and the gardens are in their full glory, requiring consistent tending. I’m making 1 or 2 essences each week. I’m also working with clients, preparing for the Practitioner Training Class in July, managing the business end of things including intensified marketing, and completing the formulas for the Heart, Throat and 3rd Eye Chakra Blends. Whew! All of this is wonderful fun, yet there are days I feel overloaded.

Last newsletter I mentioned Stress Relief Flower Essence and Aromatherapy Mister as my Favorite Product. Lately I’ve heard from so many other people how much relief they are getting from using the Stress Relief Mister that I decided to put it on special. A wonderful companion is No Worry Be Happy Essence Blend, which contains three of my long-term favorite unscented flower essences. They are Osoberry, Devil’s Club and Lavender Flower Essences. Devil’s Club and Lavender are also in the Stress Relief Mister, while Osoberry is a wonderful complement. All of these will be on special through mid-June.

InJoy, Diana

Relax into the busy fun of summer with Stress Relief Aroma Mister and No Worry Be Happy Essence Blend!

NEW! Diana’s Favorite Products!  Scroll down to read more. And let us know what you think!

Osoberry Flower Essence

Osoberry Flower Essence helps you feel rooted in your body with physical stamina during the press of busy days. It helps you to stay calm and flow when your plans don’t work out as you expected. Osoberry Essence enhances your understanding of how daily responsibilities integrate with your larger vision and soul purpose, it and assists you to set priorities to accomplish what is most important. This may involve letting go of some projects, so others may grow. Osoberry Flower Essence encourages self-care to maintain your physical, emotional and mental wellbeing during this process.

As Osoberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM grounded, energized and calm integration of my soul purpose in daily life.

For more information about Osoberry Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, chrysocolla, citrine, drusy quartz, golden barite geode, green calcite, green tourmaline, icosahedron cut quartz, red aventurine, and tiger’s eye – click on the picture.

Devil’s Club Flower Essence

Devil’s Club Flower Essence lifts the weight of the world off of your shoulders and comforts your weary soul. It helps you to separate from the thorns of life and nurture yourself, while reconnecting to your spiritual roots. When you find peace and connection to Spirit within yourself, you can reconnect to your inspiration and joy.

Devil’s Club Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM solace to those who are spiritually wounded and world-weary.

For more information about Devil’s Club Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, bloodstone, carnelian, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, fire agate, icosahedron quartz, red jasper and smokey quartz – click on the picture.

Lavender Flower Essence

Lavender Flower Essence shifts repetitive thinking into a calm flow of thoughts with clear understanding and a sweet, heart-centered connection. It streams lavender light into your mind and body. Lavender Essence strengthens any vulnerable points on the boundary of your personal space, which also helps the mind to be calm and at rest.

As Lavender Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM quiet mind and clear understanding with a sweet heart-centered space.

For more information about Lavender Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, botryoidal (grape) agate, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, lepidolite, lithium (purple) quartz, and sugilite crystals – click on the picture.

Stress Relief Aromatherapy & Flower Essence Mister

Enjoy the wonderfully balanced scent of lavender, rose geranium and vetiver! The action of the flower essences and the essential oils are mind calming, heart opening and grounding. When life is full of doing and feels stressful, this mister helps you stay lighthearted and centered during the many activities and responsibilities of your day. It reminds you to slow down, stay energetically aligned with your inner wisdom and create time to nourish, center and comfort yourself.

For more information about the Stress Relief Aromatherapy and Flower Essence Mister and the drusy quartz, green calcite, ocean jasper and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

No Worry Be Happy Essence Blend

The No Worry Be Happy blend of flower and tree essences supports flowing easily through your day focused on lighthearted playful joy and gratitude instead of troubles and worries. Anxiousness and worry occur when the energies of thinking and feeling get mixed together between the cognitive brain and emotional heart functions. When there are misalignments within the mental and emotional energy fields, you lose touch with your higher wisdom.

The No Worry Be Happy blend brings you back to your multidimensional heart while calming your mind and reconnecting you to your inner knowing. When you feel unhappy, anxious or overwhelmed by the demands of your life, it lifts your spirits, soothes your mind and settles your body. It encourages emotional balance and feeling at ease with yourself and your experiences.

For more information about the No Worry Be Happy Essence Blend and the blue phantom quartz, charoite, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, and white and red stilbite crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

Diana’s Favorite Products

When stress gets so intense that I feel deeply exhausted and am unable to find my center or ground myself, then I reach for DuRen Meridian Blend. It instills core strength and stability and brings my body/mind/spirit connection back into dynamic equilibrium. I keep DuRen Meridian Blend on hand to use as needed. Lately that has been every day!

InJoy, Diana

Click on the picture here for more information.

Personalized Healing with Diana

Experience a personal flower essence consultation or energy healing session with Diana!

She will create a custom bottle of flower essences to support your personal healing and growth. And you may include an energy balancing, or shamanic journey experience if you’d like.

Contact Diana at 360-758-7260 or consultations@treefrogfarm.com

Click here (link) for more information.

Suggested Reading

You are the Universe, Discovering Your Cosmic Self and Why It Matters

By Deepak Chopra, MD and Menas Kafatos, PHD

We live in a world that appears physical to us. But is it really? Deepak and Menas say no. Their collaboration combines qualia physics and consciousness to invite each of us to explore a deeper realm of reality. We are lead into a place where the qualities of consciousness, qualia, create all of reality. It is exciting and mind-blowing! You’ll never look at a peach, a table, a rose or your hand in the same way.

InJoy, Diana