Flash Sale – Customer Appreciation- Hearts Communication

THANK YOU to all our wonderful customers!! We wanted to offer this sale as a way to share a little love back. Your continued out pour of love and support really means the world to us.

The Hardy Fuchsia is in bloom at Tree Frog Farm, as was the Michaelmas Daisy. These two kicked off the theme of this sale; the hearts communication. The Joe Pye Weed and Arnica flowers were also in bloom so it all seemed to fit together.

Fresh Start is for clearing out the energies that no longer serve us as we move into the Fall season. It has a delightful orange scent that feels instantly transforming and uplifting.

We will be back in the office again after Labor Day, so this sale will go from 9/4 – 9/8.

Tree Frog Farm Team – Stu, Rhaychell, Diana & John

Hardy Fuchsia (Fuchsia magellanica)

Hardy Fuchsia essence aligns you with the resonance of the heart’s electromagnetic field transforming heart experience imprints that no longer serve you. It deepens your capacity to breathe in Universal Joy and breathe out your own heartfelt Joy to others. Reawakens “heart-a-pathic” communication.

Michaelmas Daisy (Aster amellus)

Calling all Angels! Feel angel wings wrapped around you, reassuring you that you are protected and loved. Facilitates communication from your God Self with your conscious mind and physical body. Engenders compassionate communication with yourself and others.

Garnet Hollyhock (Alcea rosea nigra

Garnet Hollyhock essence invites you to access the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy through the gateway of your higher heart. Supports you to live from this expanded higher heart-centered awareness.

Arnica (Arnica chamissonis) 

Arnica essence relieves physical or emotional shock locked in the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual bodies. Encourages a balanced response and harmonized ability to integrate wisdom and energetic realignment from shocking experiences.

Joe Pye Weed (Eupatorium purpureum)

Use this essence when you are resistant to life because you’ve become disheartened and burned out, helps you to gently reorient to joy and confidence that all is well.

Fresh Start Aromatherapy & Essence Blend

Wonderful citrusy and earthy scent. Encourages you to deepen your sense of who you really are, your uniqueness, while experiencing physical vitality. This essential oil and flower essence blend works to help to joyfully engage your deepening sense of self and new life direction. Instills courage, calm and centeredness during this process, as well as fortitude, commitment and perseverance for people who are transitioning out of a challenging situation.