2016 Election Special Edition: Election Reaction

Election Reaction

The American people have voted. Many of us have been fed up with the established politics for some time now. Both Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump spoke to the pent up desire for change. A large percent of Democrats were hoping for Bernie. Since Hillary Clinton got the Democratic nomination that possibility went by the wayside. Now we have President-elect Donald Trump.

The amount of shock, fear, anger and angst is palpable. I don’t watch TV, listen to the news, or spend a lot of time on social media. Still I can feel these emotions coming through the “collective airwaves.” After a few days of processing the shock, I am feeling reserved hope. Will this be the beginning of the end of the corporatocracy? We’ll see. In his victory speech, Donald Trump pledged that he would be “President for all” of the American people. Let’s hope so.

After the divisiveness of this election, it is important that we all come together in seeking understanding and common ground instead of creating more separation. So I am offering S.O.S. and Arnica Flower Essence for helping those of us who did not vote for Donald Trump to come out of shock and Beauty Way Life Process Blend and Clustered Wild Rose for all of us as we hold space for a compassionate new beginning. These will be on special for a limited time – the next 2 weeks only.

InJoy, Diana

Arnica Flower Essence

arnicaArnica Flower Essence relieves physical or emotional shock locked in the physical, emotional, mental or spiritual bodies. Encourages a balanced response and harmonized ability to integrate wisdom and energetic realignment from shocking experiences.

As Arnica Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM resilience during life’s shocks, bumps and scrapes.

For more information about Arnica Flower Essence – go to the link below.

» More Information on Arnica Flower Essence


Shock or Stress Flower Remedy Blend

shock-or-stressShock Or Stress, S.O.S. Flower Remedy Blend is an all-in-one first aid flower essence remedy. It quickly eases physical, emotional and spiritual shock to restore calm and balance. It is helpful when you have experienced a fresh emotional shock that you want to keep from settling into your physical body, or when an old trauma becomes reactivated, from a similar experience.

For more information about S.O.S. Flower Remedy Blend  – go to the link below.

» More Information on Shock or Stress Flower Remedy Blend

Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence

clustered-roseClustered Wild Rose engenders strong, heartfelt, directed, compassionate, purposeful and soft feminine energy. Supports the collective world consciousness to embody a more gentle, compassionate way of life.

As Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM strong, heartfelt, directed, compassionate, purposeful and soft feminine energy.

For more information about Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence – go to the link below.

» More Information on Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence

Beauty Way Flower Essence Blend

beauty-wayBeauty Way Blend helps you to slow down, feel yourself and see the beauty in your surroundings. It cultivates remembering that your higher wisdom is more easily accessed when you are quiet inside. It is about being internal, reflective, receptive, and heartfelt compared to being external, results oriented, protective and powerful. And yet there is strength in the Beauty Way path. It is the strength that rises up from the Mother Earth herself. Beauty Way is a gentle yet strong ally encouraging you to integrate these more compassionate qualities and strengths into your daily actions.

For more information about Beauty Way Flower Essence Blend – go to the link below.

» More Information on Beauty Way Essence Blend

As we prepare for a Donald Trump Presidency, shift shock to compassionate understanding and acceptance for all peoples.

» More information on Monthly Specials