February 2023: Heart Centered with Nature and Mother Earth

The three essences featured on special for the month of February can help you stay on track for setting your intentions during this time between Winter and Spring. Coltsfoot Flower Essence inspires you to fully engage new adventures with joy, physical stamina and vitality. It assists you to access multidimensional guidance to focus this exuberant energy. Coltsfoot also relieves old self-imposed limitations to your creativity. Blackcap Raspberry Flower Essence takes this a step further by drawing your attention to subconscious block that are impeding or hindering your process. Watch for cues and synergies in your life that will provide valuable direction. Crocosmia Flower Essence encourages you to playfully engage your emotional strength, power and will to speak confidently with enthusiasm about your intentions to yourself and others.

The blends we are featuring are Heart Chakra Essence Blend, Earth Wisdom Life Process Essence Blend, and Gentle Hearts Aromatherapy Essence Mister. Have fun setting your intentions for this year!

Valentine’s Day is nearing which encourages us to be heart centered during this time of renewal and intention setting. Being open and able to freely give and receive love during the emergence of Spring can help you get in tune with Mother Earth, all of Nature, Your True Self, and the Creator’s energy – which in turn will make manifesting of your intentions all the more potent! I wanted to share an excerpt from a channeled message I recently came upon: Mother Earth and the Fairy Kingdom, as spoken through Natalie Glasson in 2009. It elaborates perfectly the message about this sacred time of year and how to best manifest your intentions through your heart!

“The Nature Kingdom can offer you a sanctuary that allows you to access a deeper peace and stillness within you while also helping you to understand and interpret the stillness and wisdom within you. Many aspects of the Earth act as energizers of the Creator’s energy of love. The Nature Spirits and physical manifestation of Nature anchor the energy of the Creator deep into their core, they hold the energy vibration of the Creator at the most perfect level for that area of the Earth while also pouring the love and sacred light of the Creator out into the atmosphere and energizing all that pass through.

While the Nature World asks us to view the wonderful beauty and love of the Creator it also assists you in connecting with the negative aspects and energies of your soul, these are so valuable as they are your tool for growth and a greater understanding of the soul within you. We can see that the Nature Kingdom, the Animal Kingdom and even the weather offers us unique insights into the soul and will of the Creator and help us to love all unconditionally in order to empower the love of the Creator and manifest it as our chosen reality on the Earth and the inner planes. It is important to be aware and alert to the fact that all aspects of the Nature Kingdom whisper their words of guidance that flow from the will of the Creator for humanity to accept. Nature can even reflect or mirror to you the energies of love, the sense of confusion or turmoil that is within your being to help you heal, learn and accelerate forth along your spiritual path.
Observing and existing within Nature is very powerful especially when you ensure your protection, activate your energies and ask to view the Nature World around you, whether it is small or large through the eyes of your soul; the divine sacred presence of the Creator within you. This is a powerful technique that can awaken you to the possibilities of the Nature World as a positive influence in your reality.”

Coltsfoot Flower Essence

Coltsfoot Flower Essence instills physical and emotional vitality when you are exhausted and weary from grief or challenging situations. It relieves hesitations to fully engage in life and new adventures. It relieves old self-imposed limitations to your creativity, and encourages deeply focused joyful activity. The energy of Coltsfoot is invigorating and exuberant yet calm, and helps you to access multi-dimensional guidance on how to use this renewed level of energy.

As Coltsfoot Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM focused exuberance and vitality for new adventures and challenging situations.

For more information about Coltsfoot Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, black tourmaline, blue topaz, charoite, drusy quartz, green aventurine, green calcite, gold (raw), icosahedron cut quartz and red jasper, click on the picture.

Blackcap Raspberry Flower Essence

Blackcap Raspberry
Blackcap Raspberry enables you to access your inner knowing and multidimensional Guidance for helpful information about subconscious blocks that are impeding or hindering your process. The process could be a project, a business, your spiritual development, or what is happening this moment. When you start to draw on your multi-dimensional knowledge, synergies begin to occur. Life will present you with opportunities to see what stands in your way. Pay attention! This is the most important information. Heeding these prompts will benefit not only the project, but also your ability to function in all areas of your daily life.

As Blackcap Raspberry flower essence says of itself:

I AM removing blocks to manifesting your true Self in daily life.

For more information about Blackcap Raspberry Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, barite, blue apatite, desert rose (selenite), drusy quartz, ichoshedron cut quartz, smokey quartz and Tibetan black quartz, click on the picture.

Crocosmia Flower Essence

Use Crocosmia Flower Essence when experiencing a lack of confidence. Whining about how hard things are and blaming circumstances for not being able to accomplish what you want. Conversely, trying too hard to act confident may lead to becoming overly serious. Difficulty speaking confidently from your power around other people.

Crocosmia encourages you to playfully engage your emotional strength, power, and will to express yourself with confidence. Its relaxing quality invites you to be in your body. To pour out – radiate out – your strength, power, and will with enthusiasm to encourage others to engage and radiate theirs. Speaking with confidence doesn’t come solely from the throat chakra. It comes from sensing your emotional strength, power, and will from the sacral chakra. Crocosmia Flower Essence harmonizes both the front and back of the throat chakra and primarily the back of the sacral chakra.

As Crocosmia Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM confidence radiating out in all directions.

For more information about Crocosmia Flower Essence, the imprints of rattle and spirit song, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, aragonite star cluster, blue calcite, citrine, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, shattuckite, and tangerine quartz, click on the picture.

Heart Chakra Essence Blend

Heart Chakra
Use Heart Chakra Flower Essence Blend when you shut off feelings, become emotionally disabled by taking on too much of other people’s pain and suffering, have difficulty with personal relationships or become co-dependent. A guarded Heart Chakra can lead to self-destructive tendencies. Emotional symptoms associated with the Heart Chakra are sadness, grief, sorrow, feeling bereft or heartbroken.

Love, compassion, equanimity, peace and prana, the breath of life, are main themes of the Heart Chakra. When the Heart Chakra is in resonance with Life, feelings such as compassion, gratitude, joy, self-love, wonder and bliss fill your life. You become oriented to living in the present moment with peace and equanimity. The web of life held together with love unifies spirit and matter creating balance and wholeness.

For more information about the Heart Chakra Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it and the adamite, drusy quartz, emerald, emerald calcite, kunzite, mangano calcite, prehnite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz and watermelon tourmaline that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

Earth Wisdom Essence Blend

Earth Wisdom
Love Your Mother Earth! Earth Wisdom Blend supports living in sacred harmony with Nature and all Beings who are here on Earth. It encourages peacefully engaging life while actively living and working with the health of Earth in mind. It reminds us to honor each other and all creatures. Earth Wisdom provides solace when you are weary of strife and destruction. It encourages a deep connection to your spiritual roots, and personal peace as you live with the wellbeing and sacredness of our planet in your heart. Earth Wisdom is the yang to Beauty Way’s yin.

For more information on the Earth Wisdom Essence Blend, and the chrysocolla, red aventurine, turquoise, variscite, and drusy quartz crystals that energetically charged this blend, click on the picture.

Gentle Heart Essence Mister

Gentle Heart Mister
Gentle Heart Mister has a wonderful soft lemony rose scent. Perfect for personal, family and ceremonial use and for romantic occasions.

* Encourages you to engage life from your heart.
* Helps to release emotional heart wounds.
* Gently balances, strengthens and opens your heart.
* Gives a gentle lift to your mood and spirit.
* Aligns your heart with the Spiritual Heart of the Universe.
* Encourages you to express caring love for yourself and others.
* Provides a sense of comfort during times of grief and heartache.
* Supportive after the loss of a loved one.
* Opens and connects your heart chakra with the collective heart consciousness of all living Beings.

For more information about Gentle Heart Aromatherapy & Essence Mister, the flower essences and essential oils in it, and the drusy quartz, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and rose quartz crystals that energetically grounded it, click on the picture.