January 2023: Inner Work in Winter

Happy New Year!

Looking back on this past year and thinking about the things we have accomplished here at Tree Frog Farm we think about the year ahead, and what we would like to accomplish in order to continue growing as people, and as a business. We have a lot to be grateful for! Emotionally the past month was more difficult than I anticipated, which lead to a lot of much needed inner work, and reconnection necessary for new growth and opportunities. I feel on a deep level that the winter months are good for deep introspection and healing both personal, and ancestral wounds that resurface for healing and release. Use this time to clear out old contracted emotions and do your inner work. After the winter as life emerges renewed in the spring, it’s the best time to make resolutions and set intentions. This is a natural flow for all life on this planet; to be in resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat.

Since this is the first email of the new year, I wanted to share our desire for a slight change in how we run our monthly specials. We would like to make the specials more revolving. This would mean that our monthly newsletters would be sent out once a month, rather than bi-monthly, with product specials that will change month to month. We will send out up to 3 other short emails monthly – flash sales included, offering our essence products on special, but only for a short time. The reason we want to try this is because often an essence or essences call out to either me or Stu to be offered to our customers during these rapidly transformative times. The essences were made for helping with ease through difficult shifts in humanity’s history. We are living this right now. When this happens, the essences that come forth are most necessary and needed to effectively help the collective as we go through periods of growth and change. I hope this makes sense!

For the month of January, heal and rest with help from the essences of Comfrey, Pennyroyal, Wild Gooseberry, and Bloodroot. These are all key essences found in our Bladder and Kidney Blends, which are the organ meridians that are associated with the winter season. Because of the introspection that comes naturally to us during winter we are also offering our Third Eye Chakra essence blend. Diana made the chakra essence blends mainly for energy field clearing. It is important to raise your vibration to a higher frequency and clear any blockages that may be hindering you from living fully in your abilities. These will all be on special all month long.

Many blessings to you all in the months ahead as we begin a new calendar year, 2023!


Comfrey Flower Essence


Comfrey creates a sense of comfort and solace for your soul. Use Comfrey Flower Essence when you experience very deep emotional and psychological wounds that are usually from trauma, abuse and shock. The wounds could be recent or very old, from this lifetime or a past life. Comfrey Flower Essence works through the energy circuits and the root chakra to influence your body to rebuild cellular structures that support your continued healing and growth. It encourages feeling emotionally and physically safe and engenders tenderness and compassion for yourself with joy during this deep healing process.

As Comfrey flower essence says of itself:

I AM healing salve on the open sores of your soul.

For more information about Comfrey Flower Essence and the amber, pink calcite, green tourmaline, blue quartz with blue tourmaline inclusions, smokey quartz, and drusy quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence when it was made, click on the picture.

Wild Gooseberry

Wild Gooseberry

Wild Gooseberry helps you stay open and engaged while facing fear. This could be a current situation or old fear that is locked into your body/being. Intensity can propel you forward; however, it’s common instead to contract around the intensity of fear. Wild Gooseberry Essence helps you stay open to what feels intense and experience that new growth, new life can arise from the compost of fear. It instills confidence to participate in new opportunities.

As Wild Gooseberry flower essence says of itself:

I AM transforming fear into engaging life!

For more information about Wild Gooseberry Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, aquamarine, bloodstone, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Inca (Lemurian) jade, malachite, moonstone, red jasper click on the picture.

Pennyroyal Flower Essence


Pennyroyal essence provides the strength to stand firmly in your center when experiencing perceived danger. Cycles through the fight/flight/freeze response and rebalances your nervous system toward that of personal peace and ease in fulfilling your higher purpose.

As Pennyroyal flower essence says of itself:

I AM centered strength to fully engage life with peaceful calm and ease.

For more information about Pennyroyal Flower Essence, sounds of rattle and spirit song and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence –amber, amethyst, blue aragonite, charoite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, nephrite, larimar, lepidolite, and smokey quartz click on the link below.

Bloodroot Flower Essence


Use Bloodroot Flower Essence to facilitate the transformation of genetic tendencies such as alcoholism, blood sugar imbalances, autoimmune disorders, depression, brain chemistry imbalances, and heart problems. It also helps to transform genetic attitudes and generational trauma, such as ingrained fear, hopelessness, mistrust, deep anger, and separation from the Earth

When you are ready to step out of the inhibiting beliefs of your ancestors and embrace the potential all of us have as humans, bloodroot will assist your journey to full health.

As Bloodroot Flower Essences says of itself:

I AM the embodiment of my full potential this lifetime.

For more information Bloodroot Flower Essence, imprints of rattle and spirit song, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, andalusite, bloodstone, drusy quartz, elestial quartz, green tourmaline, icosahedron cut quartz, Lemurian Seed crystal, and shaman stone crystals go click the picture.

Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Kidney OEMB

Use Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you experience shock and fear, panic attacks, adrenal depletion, chronic fatigue, or frequently feel wired-tired.
The Kidney Organ Blend shifts fear to confidence, will, and motivation, and transforms shock to resilience. It restores access to the source of your physical life force.

For more information about the Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite, and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it, click on the link picture.

Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Bladder OEMB

Use Bladder Organ Blend when you want to shift from a fear-based existence to living with the sustained energy. Gives confidence, adaptability, and the flexibility needed to fully engage your daily life. When you have a deep need to control your environment from the experience of trauma.

The essences in this blend help support a healthy functioning of the bladder and the immune and central nervous systems, addressing symptoms such as headaches, back problems and excessive urination. Encourages you to pace yourself and to rest so you don’t deplete your energy supply.

For more information about the Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it click on the picture.

Third Eye Chakra Essence Blend

Third Eye Essence Blend

The Third Eye Chakra Essence Blend supports the healthy functioning of the Third Eye Chakra. The main themes of the Third Eye Chakra, aka Brow Chakra, include sight, insight, experiencing beyond time and space, precognition, creative visualization, and clairvoyance.

When the Third Eye Chakra is open and active you see and experience beyond time and space for clear intuition and insight. Manifest possibilities into the physical with a calm, relaxed, and balanced biorhythm in line with higher frequencies and dimensions.

For more information about the Third Eye Chakra Flower Essence Blend and the angel wing, azurite, blue apatite, blue kyanite, cavansite, celestite, drusy quartz, fluorite, iolite and pietersite crystals that energetically charged it click on the picture.