March 2015: Grounding the In-Between

Grounding the In-Between

Devil's ClubIs it winter or is it spring? I ask myself that question often these days.Today is overcast and a damp 45 degrees, late winter. Last Saturday was sunny and 54 degrees, definitely spring. Some days start out as winter and turn to spring. My body gets confused. Newly forming ideas pop up in my head as newly forming leaves pop out on previously bare branches. They buzz around like the recently awakened bees, yet how do I ground these ideas? At the same time, an ancient wound is surfacing. As much as I work with nature, I still feel cut off from experiencing being nature, from feeling the Spirit of Nature through my body. When did our species become so separate? I ask this as I’m sitting at a computer, instead of walking in the woods.

The Earth Element rules the change of seasons. Spleen and Stomach are the related organs. Has your digestion been a little unsettled lately? Mine has. Devil’s Club and Rattlesnake Plantain Flower Essences are key essences in the Spleen and Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blends. All of these are on special during March.

InJoy, Diana

Devil’s Club Flower Essence

Devil's Club FlowerDevil’s Club is native to the US Pacific North coast. It is armed with large sharp thorns along the large thick stems, and on both the top and bottom leaf ribs. It is a bane to hikers and a blessing to herbalist. Devil’s Club is in the same family as ginseng and is still an important herb for indigenous people. Generally the inner root bark is used for respiratory issues, blood sugar regulation, diabetes, and arthritis.

On the flower essence level, Devil’s Club lifts the weight of the world off of your shoulders and comforts your weary soul. It helps you to separate from the thorns of life and nurture yourself, while reconnecting to your spiritual roots. Even though devil’s club is a power plant and healer for Native Americans, the signature applies to all humans. At one time or another, people of every cultural lineage have experienced displacement and disempowerment at the hands of conquerors, religions, corporations or earth changes like floods and volcanic eruptions. When we find peace and connection to Spirit within ourselves, we can heal these types of wounds and reconnect to our inspiration and joy.

As Devil’s Club Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM solace to those who are spiritually wounded and world-weary.

For more information about Devil’s Club Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence–amber, bloodstone, carnelian, chrysocolla, fire agate, icosahedron quartz, red jasper, smokey quartz and drusy quartz, go to the link below.

» More information on Devil’s Club Flower Essence

Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid Flower Essence

Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid FlowerRattlesnake plantain orchid grows wild in coniferous forests of Western North America on hummus among mosses at mid to low elevations. The oblong basal leaves are dull green with white stripes. The tiny orchid blossoms open from bottom to top on a single stem that is 6″ to 8″ tall during July to August. According to the doctrine of signatures, because the leaf patterns resemble rattlesnake markings early settlers thought that the leaves could be used to treat snakebite. Some indigenous peoples used the plant for childbirth or to treat cuts and sores.

On the flower essence level, Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid flower essence reconnects your electromagnetic energy fields to the electromagnetic energy fields of Earth. It facilitates being “plugged in” by working in the 1st chakra (root chakra). This grounds strands of light through your legs and feet several feet into the Earth so you can recharge from the limitless energy source of Mother Earth. In many spiritual traditions the 1st chakra is seen as the foundation and the home of feminine spiritual creative energy (kundalini) often symbolized as a snake.

As Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM comfort and grounding through the sweet caress of Mother Earth.

Rattlesnake Plantain LeavesFor more information about the Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence–amber, bloodstone, clear stilbite with green apophyllite, green tourmaline, blue quartz, smokey quartz and drusy quartz, go to the link below.

» More information on Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid Flower Essence

Earth Element: Transition Between Seasons

Earth is soft, nurturing and fertile. It is the food we eat that nourishes our bodies and souls. It is our muscles, our center and grounded stability–physically, emotionally and mentally. As the earth is fertile, so the earth element rules fertility in humans. With a balanced earth element our relationships are warm and nurturing. The color of the earth element is yellow and it relates to transition time between seasons.

People with earth out of balance may have digestive issues, emotional instability and a difficult time being embodied. Excessive energy in the head–repetitive thinking, planning, worrying or obsessing–is a characteristic of earth element imbalance making it challenging to handle day-to-day mundane tasks.

Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend

Spleen Organ Energy Meridian BlendThe spleen/pancreas organ energy system (spleen system) is the yin to the stomach’s yang. It is known as the “source of life” for the other yin organs since it separates the life force energy (chi) from the food the stomach is processing, and sends this chi to the heart, lungs, liver and kidneys. The spleen system itself uses this chi to create blood, circulate it and keep it within the blood vessels. It circulates chi to muscles to keep them strong, and circulates information through out the body supporting memory, concentration and will. The spleen regulates the center; when the center is not stable, excess energy expresses as unproductive repetitive thinking. Since it draws energy up from the body of the Mother Earth, it regulates fertility cycles. The physical spleen/pancreas regulates blood sugar, produces red blood cells and supports the immune system.

The Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical spleen and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. This blend activates balanced blood sugar regulation, healthy immune responses and fertility. Structurally it supports strong, flexible muscles. Mentally, it calms excessive and obsessive thinking by rerouting that energy back into the body for life energy. Emotionally, it uses this life force energy for motivation and will to put ideas into action. It provides a deep sense of inner home, of living in your body.

For more information about Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the crystals that energetically charged it–drusy quartz, fire agate, Inca jade, malachite, peridot, red jasper and sunstones, go to the link below.

» More information on Spleen Organ Energy Meridian Blend

Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend

Stomach Organ Energy Meridian BlendThe stomach organ energy system is the yang to the spleen’s yin. The stomach system digests food and experiences, provides nourishment, a sense of stability, center and place on Earth. Symptoms of stomach system out of balance include digestive issues, sinus problems, headaches in the forehead, TMJ, and surface skin issues like minor rashes. Unbalanced stomach system fuels worry, anxiety, unhealthy relationships and lack of safety.

The Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical stomach and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. It balances your appetite for food and stimulates your appetite for life. It helps resolve digestive issues, encourages self-nourishment and gracefully receiving abundance. Structurally it supports strong, flexible muscles. Emotionally, the Stomach OEM Blend addresses worry, anxiety, feeling unsafe and ungrounded. A balanced stomach system supports stepping out into the world with centered confidence, creating nourishing relationships, and facing the challenges of life with balanced emotions.

For more information about Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the crystals that energetically charged it–drusy quartz, fire agate, Inca jade, malachite, peridot, red jasper and sunstones, go to the link below.

» More information on Stomach Organ Energy Meridian Blend

During this in-between season,
ground your Earth by taking time in Nature.
And, of course, by using Earth element supporting essences.

» More information on Monthly Specials

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at