Mid-April 2019: Celebrating Earth Day!!

I recently found a video through Karma Tube about the astronauts of the Apollo 8 Mission whose job was to circle the moon and return back to Earth. It is a 30-minute video that is well worth watching. The astronauts talk of their experience of seeing earth from space. The video shows images taken from space during their voyage in 1968, including the famous Earthrising photo. The astronauts describe themselves as scientists – not poets, philosophers or photographers. Yet they were all deeply moved by this experience.

celebrating earth day

As Frank Borman, the head of the mission said: When people back on Earth saw the Earthrising photo, “we were all Citizens of the Earth” for a least a few moments. In a Newsweek article he is quoted as saying, “When you’re finally up at the moon looking back on earth, all those differences and nationalistic traits are pretty well going to blend, and you’re going to get a concept that maybe this really is one world and why the hell can’t we learn to live together like decent people.” Newsweek magazine, 23 December 1968 [1]

To honor Earth Day, I am offering Beauty Way and Spiritual Spine Life Process Blends as specials. Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid and Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essences are in both blends. Western Red Cedar Tree is the key essence in Spiritual Spine. All of these are on special through mid-May.

You may notice that Spiritual Spine and Western Red Cedar Tree Essence are already on sale from the last newsletter. My Guides says they are extremely important now and want them to be highlighted again. It is time for us to see through the veil of illusion that we are only citizens of a country. Instead recognize we are all citizens of Earth.

InJoy, Diana

This Earth Day and every day open your heart and mind to the reality that we live on a tiny sphere hanging in vast black space. This precious blue green planet is our only home, our “space ship.” It’s time we lived as if that were true.

Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid Flower Essence

rattlesnake plantain orchid

Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid Flower Essence reconnects your electromagnetic energy fields to the electromagnetic energy fields of Earth. It facilitates being “plugged in” by grounding luminous strands of light through your legs and feet into the Earth so you can recharge from the limitless energy source of Mother Earth. It does this by working through your 1st (root) chakra, the minor chakra in the center of each foot, and your earth chakra that is 12 to 18 inches below your feet.

As Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM comfort and grounding through the deep connection to Mother Earth.

For more information about Rattlesnake Plantain Orchid Flower Essence, spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, bloodstone, drusy quartz, green tourmaline, icosahedron cut quartz, mahogany obsidian, red jasper, tiger eye, unakite and vanadinite – click on the picture.

Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence

BL Maple Tree

Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence is unique. The Universal Spirit (Plant Spirit or Deva) of big leaf maple tree and the spirit of the individual tree (spirit, dryad or faun) both imbued their frequencies into the essence. This maple tree is very old. The wise and gentle dryad that inhabits this tree brings the energy of “Grandmother” to this essence. Use Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence when you feel raw, jarred by life experiences, vulnerable, unsafe, unable to settle for fear of something happening to you or when the demands of life seem like too much to handle. Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence assists you to relax and reconnect to feelings of safety and serenity, like a child that is being held and nurtured by a loving grandmother. From this place of safety, your body can relax and begin to release the symptoms created by your previous distress.

As Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence says of itself:

I AM loving grandmotherly arms surrounding you with nurturing, peaceful safety.

For more information about Grandmother Big Leaf Maple Tree Essence, the rattle and spirit song imprints, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, blue aragonite, blue calcite, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green tourmaline, icosahedron cut quartz, lapis, Peruvian pink opal and rose quartz – click on the picture.

Western Red Cedar Tree Essence

Western Red Cedar Tree

This powerful essence breaks down the barriers keeping you from discerning your true spiritual power. Western Red Cedar Tree Essence supports experiencing your spine as a reflection of the electromagnetic vertical axis of consciousness from the iron-core center of Earth, through the heart, to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. It will enhance your ability to see through the veil of illusion formed by cultural and family conditioning and have the “spine” to change your understanding of reality. Western Red Cedar Tree Essence brings you into unity consciousness by experiencing that All-That-Is is also All-That-Is-Not, since at the level of unity consciousness there is no separation into opposites or objects.

As Western Red Cedar Tree Essence says of itself:

I AM spiritual spine seeing through the veil of illusion with heartful discernment.

For more information about Western Red Cedar Tree Essence, the eagle feather, sound of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, azeztulite, drusy quartz, hematite, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, moldavite, pyrite, red calcite, rhodochrosite and rose quartz crystals – click on the picture.

Beauty Way Essence Blend

Beauty Way Essence Blend

Today may I walk out in beauty.
With beauty may I walk.
With beauty before me, may I walk.
With beauty behind me, may I walk.
With beauty above me, may I walk.
With beauty below me, may I walk.
With beauty around me, may I walk.
It is finished in beauty.
It is finished in beauty.

The Navajo (Diné) chant inspired the Beauty Way Essence Blend. Many indigenous peoples make a spiritual practice of walking through daily life honoring and connecting to the spirit and the life force in everything around them. Mitakuye Oyasin – we are all related – is the Lakota Sioux understanding of this. This is a vital practice for each of us, since we are all indigenous to the Earth!    Beauty Way Blend helps you to slow down, feel yourself, see the beauty in your surroundings, and remember that the energy with which you do a task is even more important than the task. It cultivates remembering that your higher wisdom is more easily accessed when you are quiet inside.

For more information about the Beauty Way Essence Blend and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence blend – chrysoprase, drusy quartz, sodalite, turquoise and variscite – click on the picture.

Spiritual Spine Life Process Blend

Spiritual Spine Essence Blend

Spiritual Spine Essence Blend aligns your physical spine with the energies of spiritual spine. It instils courage, fortitude, and flexibility during tumultuous times. It encourages having the “backbone” to stay grounded during chaos while accessing personal peace and compassionate equanimity. It aligns your chakras, and keeps you connected energetically to Mother Earth’s energy fields while experiencing your multidimensional Self.

Spiritual Spine supports you to stand in your power and see through the illusion of the collective fear, to sense what feelings are yours and what are not. Then to compassionately and gently release what is not yours. All the while being able to function in your daily life. And it is a wonderful ally during rapid spiritual growth to help you stay committed to the process.

For more information about the Spiritual Spine Life Process Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, golden topaz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey’s quartz, moldavite and spirit quartz (citrine with amethyst) – click on the picture.

Suggested Reading

Yes! magazine April 2019 Dirt

Yes! Magazine

This is my all-time favorite publication! They focus on positive ways to deal with difficult current issues. The Spring 2019 magazine is entitled “Beautiful Dirt! By Reconnecting With Soil, We Heal the Planet and Ourselves.” It has a multitude of great articles, including “The Climate Solution Right Under Our Feet, Early Native Traditions That Lead to Good Health, There’s Science behind Mud’s Healing Magic, …Cultivating a Revolution in Your Backyard. The magazine is available both in print and online. Check it out! We are citizens of Earth. Time to find out about the marvels of the soil that make this planet green!

InJoy, Diana