Mid-March 2013: Growing Discernment

Growing Discernment

Even though Spring Equinox is a few days away, spring is definitely here at Tree Frog Farm. One sure sign is the patch of nettles bursting out of the ground. They die back to the ground over the winter and send up new shoots in spring. Just like the nettles, we are starting a new cycle, even a new era. Sometimes I find it challenging to recognize behaviors that are no longer useful in this exploration of new ways to live. Old thinking patterns and behaviors are familiar and seem “normal” until something jolts me into an awareness that they don’t feel resonant or healthy any more. What does nourish me? How do I discern what feeds healthy interactions? How can I make clear decisions about what I want for my life instead of feeling confused or angry? Perhaps you’ve had similar questions. What a wonderful opportunity to work with the Liver and Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blends! They address making clear decisions, discerning what is useful to pursue, turning confusion and anger into aligned action, and much more. Stinging Nettle Flower Essence is key to both blends and is the featured essence for mid-March to mid-April.

Stinging NettlesStinging Nettle Flower Essence

Stinging nettle is a common perennial herb to 8 feet found on moist forest edges, meadows and disturbed sites with rich soil. Hollow hairs on the leaves and stems inject folic acid into the skin, causing a stinging sensation. Nettles are a valuable plant for food, medicine and materials. Harvest young leaves and tender stems (wear gloves) in Spring. They are high in many vitamins and trace minerals and can be eaten when steamed, sautéed, added to soups or stews. Do not eat raw. Herbally, nettles are used for menopause symptoms, blood building, hay fever, allergies, urinary tract infections, strengthening kidneys, nourishing the nervous system, joint pain, tendonitis, and insect bites.

On the flower essence level, Stinging Nettle Flower Essence helps you to see and change old behaviors. Just as stinging nettles die back to the ground over the winter and send out new shoots in spring, our lives move in cycles. For example, behaviors that were necessary for survival as a child are not healthy as an adult. Behaviors that are normal and healthy for a teenager are not for a parent interacting with young children. Stinging Nettle Essence clears your thinking and aligns your heart with self-love and connection to Spirit. This enables you to see and respond to unhealthy, toxic or abusive situations more appropriately. These can be on any level — a relationship that no longer serves you, negative thinking about yourself and your life, addictive food or drug habits — anything that does not support your true being.

As Stinging Nettle Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM clear-minded, heart-centered, healthy decisions about life choices.

For more information about the Stinging Nettle Flower Essence and the amber, Apache tear obsidian, icoshahedron cut quartz, moldavite, Peruvian pink opal, pink Lemurian seed crystal, rhodonite, rose quartz, smoky quartz, white and red stilbite and drusy quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence when it was made, go to the link below.

» More information on Stinging Nettle Flower Essences

Wood Element

Wood is representative of all of the elements. Trees connect Heaven and Earth and are a metaphor for the human body-mind-spirit connection. (The trees here are amazing! Over 100 foot tall cedar, firs and alders!) They bring rain, take up water, collect the warmth of the sun then give us firewood to warm our homes. The wood element illustrates the pushing upward of new growth as plants awaken into the rebirth of spring. Thus its color is green. In humans, the wood element helps us sprout ideas, grow plans, and bloom into action. If that process is thwarted, anger may burst forth or fester inside. Just as plants in a creek filter toxins out of the water, the wood element in humans also filters toxins out of our digestive systems.

Liver Organ Energy Meridian Essence BlendLiver Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

The liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body. It secretes biochemicals, including bile, that support digestion and other metabolic processes. It stores glycogen to be released into the blood as glucose for quick energy. The liver synthesizes blood plasma proteins, decomposes spent red blood cells and breaks down toxins. It is necessary for life.

Use the Liver Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have liver disease or problems with physical liver functions. Rules hips, other joints, connective tissue and muscular structure. Arthritis is a common symptom. May have eye problems and headaches behind the eyes. The main emotional patterns are anger turned in on your self, self-critical, victim, or addictions. Mentally expresses as fuzzy, confused thinking. Waking up often between 1AM – 3AM.

The Liver OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical liver and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. It supports the healthy functioning of the liver and can assist “liver” headaches. Structurally, it encourages the body to move with strength and grace. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and use anger as motivation for change. It facilitates clear thinking in liver’s role as the big picture planner, organizer and implementer. Supports detoxifying.

For more information about the Liver Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz and sugilite that energetically charged it, go to the link below.

» More information on Liver Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

The gallbladder is the back up to the liver. It stores the bile secreted by the liver, clears it of water and other substances, and secretes it into the digestive tract to digest fats.

Use Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have gallstones or other gallbladder disease. Rules hips, other joints, connective tissue and muscular structure. TMJ, and headaches around the side of the head are common symptoms. The main emotional patterns are bitterness, cynicism and anger turned outward at authority figures, objects, or when a creative process is disrupted. Mentally expresses as fuzzy, confused thinking. Waking up often between 11PM – 1AM.

The Gallbladder OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical gallbladder and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. It supports the healthy functioning of the gallbladder and can assist “gallbladder” headaches. Structurally, it encourages the body to move with strength and grace. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and channel anger toward creative solutions. It facilitates clear thinking in gallbladder’s role as the strategist, decision maker and implementer of effective action. Supports detoxifying.

For more information about the Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz and sugilite that energetically charged it, go to the link below.

» More information on Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

This spring may you increase discernment of what truly nourishes you as you sprout ideas, grow plans, and bloom into action.

» More information on Monthly Specials

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at info@treefrogfarm.com.