November 2022:Core Energy & Strength

As we change and grow during our healing journey we shed old wounds, and peel back the layers to reveal emotions and experiences that we often suppress. The most profound healing takes place when we can recognize this process, work through it while holding space, and having the strength to let what no longer serves us go. Once we begin to heal old traumas we discover that what once was necessary for our survival, isn’t necessary for the present.

Finding strength in witnessing the changes and feeling the shifts within while working through deep emotional wounds allows me to keep going. Recognizing the patterns I have replayed out in my life as survival mechanisms and knowing that they are no longer useful or necessary, then replacing these experiences with a new understanding of myself. Healing gives your soul the opportunity to learn and grow!

The Du and Ren meridians govern our core energy and strength. We need this strength to overcome our past trauma. They are related to all seasons and support all of the elements. Self-Heal is a key essence in this blend. Blackcap Raspberry essence helps us to understand why or where subconscious blocks occur, and how to process old experiences to make way for new potential. Trillium essence eases a re-connection after disconnect by aligning your personal energy grid after periods of intense emotional growth. Spotted Coral Root Orchid essence calms the emotional wild fires that rapid spiritual expansion can bring forth while in the process of healing deep traumatic wounds.

Lung and Large Intestine are also supportive during emotional healing, and offer encouragement to feel inspired rather than beat down or drained to be open and fully engage in life. Use Sacred Energies essence blend before or after a healing session to keep the space sacred during this process. This blend works to clear space between clients for therapists and other healers when working with those who are processing deep traumatic wounds during the healing process.

As we head into these dark fall-into-winter months, take this time to go inward. Be supportive of your own spiritual process, and let go of old self images or mechanisms that no longer serve you.

~ Rhaychell

Self Heal Flower Essence

Self Heal

Self heal can be found on all continents, and is a healing medicinal plant known to help stop bleeding, as well as accelerate tissue regeneration. It lowers blood pressure, and removes obstructions of the liver and gallbladder. Self heal herb has a strong antibiotic action against many microbes that cause serious illnesses and can be used as a gargle for sore throats.

Self Heal as an essence aligns and balances all of the chakras, which enhances your ability to receive higher frequency energies without feeling stressed. It attunes your chakras to receive downloads of information from many realms – including angels and Illuminated Beings -then to integrate this information with ease.

Self Heal Flower Essence also moves your body into resonance with the Earth’s electromagnetic fields and heartbeat. By working in these ways, it strengthens the energy circuits that affect the alignment of the spine, cerebral spinal fluid balance, and pressure in the head. These in turn bring more ease to the head, neck, back, hips and shoulders, and help you feel clearer and more grounded in your body.

As Self Heal Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM balanced and aligned chakras that receive spiritual frequencies with ease.

For more information about Self Heal Flower Essence, and the amber, azeztulite, blue aragonite, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, moldavite and smokey quartz with chlorite inclusions that energetically grounded this essence, go to the link below.

» More information on Self Heal Flower Essence

Blackcap Raspberry Flower Essence

Blackcap Raspberry Flower Essence

Blackcap Raspberry enables you to access your inner knowing and multidimensional Guidance for helpful information about subconscious blocks that are impeding or hindering your process. The process could be a project, a business, your spiritual development, or what is happening this moment. When you start to draw on your multi-dimensional knowledge, synergies begin to occur. Life will present you with opportunities to see what stands in your way. Pay attention! This is the most important information. Heeding these prompts will benefit not only the project, but also your ability to function in all areas of your daily life.

As Blackcap Raspberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM removing blocks to manifesting your true Self in daily life.

For more information about Blackcap Raspberry Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, barite, blue apatite, desert rose (selenite), drusy quartz, ichoshedron cut quartz, smokey quartz and Tibetan black quartz – go to the link below.

» More information on Blackcap Raspberry Flower Essence

Trillium Flower Essence

Trillium Flower Essence

Point or areas of your personal energy grid can disconnect from the Grid of the Universal All-That-Is through injury, surgery, physical or emotional trauma, energetic intrusions in your energy fields, the overload of daily life or rapid spiritual expansion. This can lead to a myriad of symptoms including joint, muscle or nerve pain; muscle weakness; headaches; digestive problems and much more.

Trillium flower essence reorganizes your personal energy grid so points/areas of your body matrix that have been disconnected can reconnect and learn to maintain a connection to the Divine Matrix. It increases your experience of being connected to and receiving energetic communication through the Grid of the Universal All-That-Is.

As Trillium Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM one with the Divine Matrix of Life.

For more information about Trillium Flower Essence and the amber, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, quartz points and Tibetan black quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence, click below.
» More information on Trillium Flower Essence

Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence

Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence

Use Spotted Coral Root Orchid Flower Essence when you are physically overheated. It is very helpful when experiencing any kind of significant hormonal or biochemical shifts, usually with accompanying emotional/mood shifts. This can include puberty, pregnancy, postpartum, peri-menopause, or rapid spiritual growth. Likewise, Spotted Coral Root Essence is also useful when life changes, including rapid spiritual growth, create emotional shifts that can trigger biochemical shifts. This could include, for example, healing deep trauma, a sudden relocation, or a change in financial condition. In any of these situations, you may experience symptoms such as power surges (hot flashes), sweats, nervous agitation, mood swings, headaches, dizziness, achiness, or a sense of general body stress.

As Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM peaceful ease and self-love while transforming emotional and energetic patterns to higher functioning.

For more information about Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence and the amber, bloodstone, chrysoprase, drusy quartz, fire agate, green tourmaline, icosahedron quartz, Peruvian pink opal, rose quartz, and tiger’s eye crystals that energetically grounded this essence click below.
» More information on Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence

Lung Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Lung Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

The lung organ energy system (lung system) is the yin to the large intestine’s yang. It is the organ most connected to the spiritual energies accessed through breathing, prana. Its focus is to rhythmically breath in and out, to oxygenate the body and release carbon dioxide, to support you during low emotional moments and inspire you to fully engage life. The lung meridian is most active from 3am to 5am.

Symptoms: Use Lung Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you frequently experience shallow breathing, lung congestion, pneumonia, bronchitis, asthma or colds. Sadness, grief, loss, rejection, abandonment, depression, longing and sense of emptiness are emotional symptoms of Lung imbalance that may lead structurally to a contracted, caved-in chest. A person with Lung system imbalance often has difficulty breathing in the energy of life–prana–and exhaling to fully engage life.

Action: The Lung OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical lungs and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to them. This blend aligns you with the rhythmic order of life, breath. It supports flow through the peripheral nervous system as you engage the ebb and flow of life and loss with ease. Structurally, it encourages your chest to expand as, emotionally, you experience acceptance for your unique self. You begin to recognize your brilliance, your self worth and to share your true self with joy.

For more information about the Lung Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite and rhodochrosite crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below.
» More information on The Lung OEM Blend

Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

The large intestine organ energy system (large intestine system) is the yang to the lung’s yin. The symptoms listed below are the embodied expression of grief, loss, guilt, emotional and mental stagnation, or inability to flow with life. The meridian is most active from 5am to 7am.

Symptoms: Use Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience constipation or diarrhea, bloating, colon or skin cancer, TMJ, stiff neck or spine, carpal tunnel syndrome, eczema, psoriasis or chronic rashes. Symptoms of large intestine imbalance include holding onto old stuff, stagnation, feeling guilt or regret, thinking you or situations are never good enough. People with large intestine imbalance are often stoic about loss or hardship, rigid, up tight or perfectionists.

Actions: The Large Intestine OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical large intestines and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to them. It supports the large intestine in its job of the final sorting and elimination of what isn’t useful. It activates letting of what is no longer useful on any level in your life – attitudes like not good enough, emotions like old grief or guilt, an old self image or relationships that do not honor your worth. The Large Intestine OEM Blend unblocks stagnation and rigidity allowing flexibility, movement and change.

For more information about the Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite and rhodochrosite crystals that energetically charged it, go to the link below.
» More information on The Large Intestine OEMB

Sacred Energies Essence Blend

Sacred Energies Essence Blend

Come into your sacred self! Feel the sacredness in your surroundings! The Flower Essences of Sacred Energies Life Process Flower Essence Blend set a high-frequency resonance that connects you with your multi-dimensional self, accessed through your higher consciousness in your energy fields, chakras, higher brain, and higher heart functions.

To facilitate spiritually aligned healing and healthy living, take it orally by spray or dropper, or spray into your energy fields. To invite sacred energies for ceremonies, celebrations, or meditation, spray it into a room or outdoor area and feel the instant shift to the higher, heart-centered consciousness.

For more information about the Sacred Energies Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – cavansite, drusy quartz, moldavite, rose quartz, ruby and Jeffrey quartz – go to the link below.
» More information on Sacred Energies Essence Blend

DuRen Meridian Essence Blend

DuRen Meridian Essence Blend

The Du and Ren meridians are two of the eight Extraordinary Meridians The Du meridian (AKA Governing Vessel) controls all of the yang meridians and is the reservoir of yang energy. It moves up the center line of the back following the spine, over the center of the cranium and down to the upper lip. The Ren (AKA Conception Vessel) moves up the front center line of the torso to just below the lower lip. Together they supply and circulate chi in the body.

Use DuRen Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you feel chronically exhausted or unstable to your core – physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Symptoms of an unbalanced Ren meridian may include extreme anxiety, feeling shattered or broken; digestive, lung, heart, or reproductive issues. The DuRen Blend works to integrate high frequency energies into your body. When this process flows smoothly your body/mind/spirit connection stays within the balance of dynamic equilibrium.

For more information about the DuRen Meridian Essence Blend go to the link below.
» More information on DuRen Meridian Essence Blend

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