I’ve been wondering for a while now what essences the faeries would recommend for us humans. So I asked. I was directed to the faery that works closest with me – the human – for the health of the land. I had ideas based on what I need and she agreed with me. We picked out Pink Wild Honeysuckle for childlike joy and becoming enthralled with the magic in each moment, Oceanspray for living in your own jubilant Presence, and, of course, Fairy Rose for engaging consciously with like-minded friends and in community for a spiritually focused common purpose.
She said, “Humans are way too serious.” Yep, that’s me. “Humans are intended to be joy embodied, to share joy with an open heart and to work together for common spiritually oriented purposes.”The faeries know about this. They do it every day!
Spiritually oriented purposes. I’ve pondered that since making the essence several years ago. To me, it can mean meditation groups, church groups or indigenous healing ceremonies. I’ve now come to realize that it means anything that supports living consciously in daily life. This can include AA meetings, working with community groups to get food to people who can’t shop during the stay at home mandate, collecting money to help people who are out of work and can’t afford to pay rent or utilities, creating an organic cooperative farm, working toward sustainable renewable energy sources, and so many other activities that benefit individual people and communities. Most gatherings can’t be in person these days. Facetime, Skype and Zoom are ways people are still connecting.
Usually I pick out the product blends first then choose the individual flower essences that relate to them. Since the faery and I picked out Pink Wild Honeysuckle, Oceanspray and Fairy Rose Essences first, I then had to find out what blends they are in. To my delight all three essences are in the Small Intestine Organ Blend. The Pericardium Heart Organ Blend contains Pink Wild Honeysuckle and Fairy Rose Essences. And Oceanspray Flower Essence is in the Lung Organ Blend. All of these are on special through the month of June to help us be more joyful and spiritually engaged humans.

P.S. This image of the Fairy Rose faery in her energy form came through automatic drawing when I made the essence.
Wake up your inner joy and childlike wonder of life! Bring that into helping others to create a better world.
Pink Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence
Pink Wild Honeysuckle restores childlike joy, playfulness, innocence and openness. It encourages you to become enthralled with the magic in each moment.
Use Pink Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence when you’ve lost your connection to the magic and wonder of life. When you focus on all of the unhappy things that happened in your life, what is wrong now or all of the bad things that might possibly happen. When you think that being a mature, responsible person means giving up childlike joy and playfulness.
As Pink Wild Honeysuckle says of itself:
I AM playful enjoyment of the magic in each moment.
For more information about the Pink Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence, the spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically charged it – amber, icosahedron quartz, Lemurian seed crystal, nirvana quartz, peach moonstone, pink calcite, rose quartz, ruby, sunstone and drusy quartz – click on the picture.
Oceanspray Flower Essence
Oceanspray supports living in your own jubilant Presence, which brings a genuine sense of calm and tranquility.
Use Oceanspray Flower Essence when you cover over deep grief, sorrow and heartache while taking care of daily life as if everything is fine. The grief and heartache could be from loss of a loved one, loss of a dream of how your life will unfold, loss of trust in people you thought were trust-worthy or loss of innocence from trauma or abuse. This may be such an ingrained way of being that you don’t even realize you are doing it. You may cover over feeling vulnerable by staying busy. Respiratory problems or feeling disconnected from your joyful Presence can be indicators that this essence would be helpful.
As Oceanspray Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM connection to your lighthearted, jubilant Presence during times of grief.
For more information about Oceanspray Flower Essence, sounds of rattle and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, aquamarine, black obsidian, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, kunzite, morganite, and rose quartz – click on the picture.
Fairy Rose Flower Essence
Fairy Rose encourages you to engage consciously with like-minded friends and in community for a spiritually focused common purpose. Practice unconditional love for yourself and others during group dynamics. With gratitude, sing the sweet song of joy, love and peace.
Use Fairy Rose Flower Essence when you want to feel more at ease in groups, and to work more consciously and effectively with groups of like-minded people. Useful when there is dissonance interrupting the flow of the Divine Feminine into your heart. Fairy Rose is an ally when you feel a disconnection between your heart and your femininity.
As Fairy Rose Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM open-hearted, engaged, Love of the Divine Feminine.
For more information about the Fairy Rose Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically charged it – amber, drusy quartz, green smithsonite, icosahedron quartz, morganite, pink calcite (opaque), pink cobalto calcite, pink Lemurian seed crystal, pink tourmaline and quartz and rose quartz – click on the picture.
Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend
The Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend helps you to understand experiences and to determine healthy appropriate relationships and boundaries. It encourages openhearted joy and clear respectful communication.
Use Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you feel you have to give up joy to be a mature responsible person. Eases trouble sorting and assimilating food, information or emotions. It is helpful when you have difficulty discerning healthy, supportive relationships.
For more information about the Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it and the crystals that energetically charged it – carnelian, drusy quartz, fire agate, pink opaque calcite, rhodochrosite and rose quartz – click on the picture.
Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend
The Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend encourages being fully embodied while joyfully and playfully circulating your creative gifts in the world. It emboldens being consciously awake with the gleam of spiritual life-force shining through your eyes.
Use Pericardium Heart Blend when you feel lack of joy and passion for life, are heart-broken, try too hard to gain attention or feel distant and dead inside. It is helpful if you are a workaholic or lethargic, have difficulty being in your body and experience confusion about personal boundaries.
For more information about the Pericardium/Heart Organ Blend, the flower and tree essences in it and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, golden topaz, green heulandite, nirvana quartz, pink sapphire, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and rose quartz – click on the picture.
Lung Organ Energy Meridian Blend
Lung Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend supports experiencing acceptance for your unique self. You begin to recognize your brilliance, yourself worth and to share your true self with joy. It supports you to engage the ebb and flow of life and loss with ease.
Use Lung Organ Blend when you have difficulty breathing in the energy of life – prana – and exhaling to fully engage life. Helpful when you experience sadness, grief, loss, rejection, abandonment, depression longing and sense of emptiness.
For more information about the Lung Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite and rhodochrosite – click on the picture.
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