May 2006: Self Love: Kinnikinnik

Oregon GrapeThe little scalloped pink blossoms of kinnikinnik (Arctostapylos uva-ursi) are fading and soon the low growing evergreen shrub will be covered with little red berries.  Bearberry or Uva ursi, as it is more commonly called, grows wild throughout the northern hemisphere in wild sunny sites. The name kinnikinnik, which means “smoking mixture”, comes from the North American Pacific coast native Algonquin language. It was smoked by a number of groups including Salish, Haida and Nuxalk.  It was also used by the Haida as a diuretic in kidney disease and to treat infections in the urinary tract. Among present day herbalists, it is best known for treating urinary infections.

Self Love: Kinnikinnik

On the flower essence level Kinnikinnik encourages you to gently snuggle into open-hearted love for yourself.

Kinnikinnik says of itself:

I am ease with loving myself.

Addictions, heart disease, and auto-immune disorders are some of the ways the body expresses a lack of self-love. As you learn to accept yourself for the unique person that you are (there is no one else in the world exactly like you) and to discover and share your unique talents with others, your willingness to love yourself will blossom.  May your self-love flower this Spring!

» More information on Kinnikinnik

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