Mid-January 2018: Embodied Confidence and Resilience

Shift any fear you have about manifesting your wildest dreams into embodied confidence and resilience! In the Chinese Five Element understanding of health, winter is related to the water element. The primary unresolved emotion is fear. The flip side is confidence and feeling safe in your body.

The water element also rules the immune system. By supporting your Bladder and Kidney systems, you will have more resilience to stay healthy and flow with the needed changes.

Rosemary and Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essences are key essences in both the Kidney and Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Blends. These essences assist you to embody confidence with resilience. Echinacea is also in the Kidney Organ Blend and is a complement to the Bladder Organ Blend. It supports keeping your immune system healthy and strong as you make the changes needed to go for what you want to create. All of these are on special mid-January to mid-February.

It is definitely winter here at Tree Frog Farm – rain, rain and more rain with a little snow thrown in for a change. The furry kids spend the day mostly inside when it rains. Our kitten Star still isn’t sure about snow, so here is a photo of Aspen thoroughly enjoying the snow.

InJoy, Diana

As you go for your wildest dreams, transform any fear that arises into embodied confidence and resilience!


Rosemary Flower Essence

Live life with zest! Rosemary Flower Essence offers grounded resilience for living life with enthusiasm. It instills physical vitality, emotional balance and a calm knowing that Earth is your home this lifetime. Rosemary Essence strengthens the energy fields and energy circuits around the kidneys and adrenal glands.

As Rosemary Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM grounded vitality and embodied enthusiasm for life.

For more information about Rosemary Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, andalusite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, red jasper, ruby, tiger’s eye and unakite – click on the picture.



Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence

Use Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence when you want to slow down the pace of your life, feel more comfortable in your body, and grow into experiencing the richness of who you truly are. It helps to facilitate balanced communication throughout the autonomic nervous system, both sympathetic and parasympathetic. The sympathetic nervous system responds to danger and other immediate needs by increasing heart rate, breathing and muscular activity for a quick response. The parasympathetic nervous system slows the body’s functions, which supports relaxing into sleep and settled digestion. How revved or calm we feel is determined by the balance of neuro-electrical and biochemical stimuli through out the autonomic nervous system. Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence facilitates the process of balance through the energetic-electrical systems that in turn promote balance in the physical nervous system. When you entrain your nervous system to a state of balance, you facilitate the process of feeling peacefully and calmly at home in your body.

As Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM peacefully and calmly engaging life as my authentic self.

For more information about Orange Wild Honeysuckle Flower Essence and the amber, drusy quartz, lapis, smokey quartz and white with red stilbite that energetically grounded this essence, click on the picture.

Echinacea Flower Essence

Echinacea Flower Essence breaks up whatever is holding you back from the changes that are in process. It slows down your reaction time to the changes making them more digestible and absorbable. This in turn makes your progress more visible. When you don’t release old images of yourself, they become stagnant and weaken your immune system. Echinacea Flower Essence stimulates letting go of these old self-images, making it more likely that you will remain healthy and strong during this transition time.

As Echinacea Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM melting away of old self-images to reveal the wealth that is your true Self.

For more information about Echinacea Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, charoite, drusy quartz and icosahedron cut quartz – click on the picture.

Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Blend

The season of the water element is winter and the color is dark blue/black. The yin meridian of the water element is kidney. It is the source and storehouse of physical life force, chi. Bones, the lymphatic and immune systems. The kidneys purify blood. The kidney system holds the memory of family lineage trauma. Fear and shock are the emotional responses most associated with the kidney system. Adrenal glands sit on top of the kidneys and produce adrenaline that participates in the body’s fight/flight/freeze response and cortisol that stimulates stress. The kidney meridian is most active from 5pm to 7pm.

Symptoms: Use Kidney Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience reoccurring kidney stones or diseases, shock and fear, panic attacks, adrenal depletion, chronic fatigue, or frequently feel wired-tired. A person with kidney system imbalance often lacks will, motivation, or resilience. Contributes to edema and autoimmune responses.

Action: The Kidney OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical kidney and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. In doing so, it blend activates the immune system and calms the adrenal glands. The Kidney OEM Blend shifts fear to confidence, will and motivation, and transforms shock to resilience. It restores access to the source of your physical life force.

For more information about the Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.

Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend

The bladder organ energy system (bladder system) is the yang to the kidney’s yin. Physically, the bladder is the reservoir for fluids waiting to be excreted. Energetically, it is the container for the power of the kidneys and reservoir for daily energy. It encourages you to pace yourself and to rest so you don’t deplete your energy supply, and it supports the immune system. The bladder system relates to the central nervous system including the brain, the emotion of fear and to personal trauma. The meridian is most active from 3pm to 5pm.

Symptoms: Use Bladder Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience headaches, back problems, or urinary problems including excessive urination and leaking. Symptoms of bladder system imbalance are a tendency to over exert, unable to complete things due to lack of energy, being inflexible, and fear as a response to life. A deep need to control your environment from not being able to protect yourself or someone else during the experience of trauma is another expression of Bladder System imbalance.

Actions: The Bladder OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical bladder and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. This blend supports the healthy functioning of the physical bladder and the immune system. It balances the central nervous system, and the amygdala (fear center) of the brain, encouraging a shift from fear-based existence to living with the sustained energy, confidence, adaptability, and flexibility needed to fully engage your daily life.

For more information about the Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.

2018 Practitioner Training Course

Join us for this fun and enlivening course! Great for healing professionals and people who want to use flower essences for family and themselves.

Level I: Two weekend classes of 3 days each will focus on learning how to use 48 individual flower essences to make custom blends. The essences will work with a range of issues including trauma, confidence, boundaries, nervous system support, mental clarity and higher energetic and emotional functioning. I will discuss pertinent information about starting a flower essence practice or adding them to your existing practice. Practicum included in each class.

Level II: One weekend class of 3 days will focus on an introduction to Chinese Five Element theory and Organ Energy Meridian Blends, chakra and cranial sacral essences, and an overview of how these all work together as spiritual energies move into the body. Discussion on how to integrate these into your client practice. Practicum included.

Please let us know if you have questions or are interested. Purchase classes here.

Suggested Reading:

All Black Cats Are Not Alike 

by Amy Goldwasser and Peter Arkle

Our kitty, Star (Starburst!) must have directed me to this book. I found it in a local bookstore and immediately knew she could have easily been included in it. Star is seven months old, totally black, slim and sleek with gold eyes. She looks a lot like Cleo, who is featured in the book, but her temperament is similar to Tzipi.

Like Tzipi, Star has a wild streak and likes to hunt. We are in the process of training her with the help of flower essences, intense interventions and working with her spirit Guides to only watch birds. Our adventurous girl bursted up a tall tree, but unlike Tzipi she didn’t come down. She spent the night about 75 feet up in the cedar tree. The next morning our employee Stu, upon his arrival to work, climbed up and carried her down. Yeah, Stu! Since then, Star only races across the yard to burst up short apple trees. Bet you can find your own kitty, black or not, in this cute little book. A fun read!