Mid-March 2017: Detox Your Emotions

Detox Your Emotions

HummingbirdSpring has sprung in the Pacific Northwest – at last! Some of the early native flowers are budding and soon will be blooming to welcome back the rufous hummingbirds. Just saw the first male rufous hummer today! This is a good time to detox, to move out the winter blahs and to stimulate your liver and gallbladder. I’ve added Dandelion greens to several of my meals to kick start this process.

How has your emotional state been lately? I’m still using the Spleen and Stomach Organ Blends highlighted in the last newsletter to help me feel more grounded and safe in my body and more trusting that people are rising up for what we want in our world. These are still on special until the end of March.

I use the Liver and Gallbladder Organ Blends on a regular basis to support the detox function of these organs and to continue healing an old pattern of frustration bordering on anger. Evergreen Huckleberry Flower Essence is very helpful in this process and is a key essence in the Liver Blend. Dandelion is a leading essence in both the Liver and Gallbladder Blends. All of these are on special mid-March to mid-April.

Happy Spring!

InJoy, Diana

Dandelion Flower Essence

DandelionDandelion Flower Essence attunes you to the essence of the sun to upgrade the quality of how you live. It increases the frequency of the many functions performed by the liver and gallbladder, and promotes deep cleansing of toxic imprints on the physical, emotional and mental levels. These could include feelings of frustration and anger caused by blockages in the creative process. As Dandelion Flower Essence does this energetic work, it assists the body to function at the 5th dimensional level, supporting the energetic liver and gallbladder systems.

As Dandelion Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM essence of the sun aligning the liver and gallbladder systems with clear and healthy functioning.

For more information about Dandelion Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, bloodstone, drusy quartz, green calcite, icosahedron cut quartz, malachite, smokey quartz and wulfenite – go to the link below.

» More Information on Dandelion Flower Essence

Evergreen Huckleberry

Evergreen_HuckleberryIn the current western culture feeling fearful, unsafe and angry are a common way of life. This can lead to depression and giving up. Evergreen Huckleberry interrupts this downward emotional cycle. It transforms the disheartened malaise of joyless stress into engaging life with curiosity and enthusiasm, and orients you toward your inner path of peace, harmony and health.

Evergreen Huckleberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM inner peace and harmony leading to curiosity and enthusiasm for life.

For more information about Evergreen Huckleberry Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, charolite, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, Larimar, pink calcite (opaque), ritualated quart, sodalite, white and red stilbite and yellow calcite – go to the link below.

» More Information on Evergreen Huckleberry Flower Essence

Wood Element: Spring

Wood is representative of all of the elements. Trees connect Heaven and Earth and are a metaphor for the human body-mind-spirit connection. (The trees here are amazing! Over 100 foot tall cedar, firs and alders!) They bring rain, take up water, collect the warmth of the sun then give us oxygen to breath and firewood to warm our homes. Its color is green since the wood element illustrates the pushing upward of new growth as plants awaken into the rebirth of spring.

Liver Energy Meridian Blend

Liver Organ BlendThe liver is one of the hardest working organs in the body. It secretes biochemicals, including bile, that support digestion and other metabolic processes. It stores glycogen to be released into the blood as glucose for quick energy. The liver synthesizes blood plasma proteins, decomposes spent red blood cells and breaks down toxins. It is necessary for life.

Symptoms: Use the Liver Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have liver disease or problems with physical liver functions. Rules joints, including hips, connective tissue and muscular structure. Arthritis is a common symptom. May have eye problems and headaches behind the eyes. The main emotional patterns are anger turned in on your self, self-critical, victim, or addictions. Mentally expresses as fuzzy, confused thinking. Waking up often between 1AM – 3AM.

Action: The Liver OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical liver and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. It supports the healthy functioning of the liver and can assist “liver” headaches. Structurally, it encourages the body to move with strength and grace. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and use anger as motivation for change. It facilitates clear thinking in liver’s role as the big picture planner, organizer and implementer. Supports detoxifying.

For more information about the Liver OEM Blend and the black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz and sugilite that energetically charged it – go to the link below.

» More Information on Liver Organ Energy Meridian Blend

Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend

Gallbladder Organ BlendThe gallbladder is the back up to the liver. It stores the bile secreted by the liver, clears it of water and other substances, and secretes it into the digestive tract to digest fats.

Symptoms: Use Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have gallstones or other gallbladder disease. Rules joints, including hips, connective tissue and muscular structure. TMJ and headaches around the side of the head are common symptoms. The main emotional patterns are bitterness, cynicism and anger turned outward at authority figures, objects, or when a creative process is disrupted. Mentally expresses as fuzzy, confused thinking. Waking up often between 11PM – 1AM.

Actions: The Gallbladder OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical gallbladder and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. It supports the healthy functioning of the gallbladder and can assist “gallbladder” headaches. Structurally, it encourages the body to move with strength and grace. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and channel anger toward creative solutions. It facilitates clear thinking in gallbladder’s role as the strategist, decision maker and implementer of effective action. Supports detoxifying.

For more information about the Gallbladder OEM Blend and the black tourmaline, charolite, drusy quartz, red aventurine and smokey quartz that energetically charged it – go to the link below.

» More Information on Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend

Wake up your liver and gallbladder with a spring detox – energetic, emotional and physical.

» More information on Monthly Specials