In this season of thanks-giving and gift-giving, we would like to offer all of our customers a special treat!
Yuletide Blessings Aromatherapy and Essence Mister, our signature scent of the holiday season is back and on special, along with ALL of our Aromatherapy and Essence Misters, and our soothing, luxurious Aromatherapy and Essence Bath Salts. These make wonderful gifts!
ALL our 1 oz Chakra Blends and our Chakra Essence Set of 8 are on special through November.
Free Shipping for all orders in the U.S. over $50. International Orders get $4.00 OFF shipping through end of November.
InJoy, Diana
Yuletide Blessings – Scent of the Holidays!
Treat yourself to this scent of the Holiday Season. Imagine being at a gathering of family and friends with the scent of holiday baking and evergreen boughs filling the air. Feel the sweetness! Now imagine being at a Solstice, Hanukkah or Christmas ceremony, a sacred time. Feelings of peace, love, compassion and the presence of angels fill your awareness. All of this in one bottle, Yuletide Blessings!!
Made with the essential oils of Allspice, Juniper, Western Red Cedar Tree, Orange and Frankincense.
For more information about Yuletide Blessings Aromatherapy and Essence Mister, click on the picture.
Aromatherapy and Flower Essence Misters

Angels of Light
Angels of Light: Wrapped in Angel wings, let your spirit soar! Instantly uplifting and soothing, Angels of Light is mostly Lavender essential oil, with some Bitter Orange and Thyme essential oils that are combined with flower essences and energetically charged in a crystal matrix. Release from worry and fear. Feel lighthearted and grounded. Provides protection by strengthening your personal boundaries.
Clear the Air
Let go and breathe in life! The clean fresh scent of Clear The Air is made with Eucalyptus, Clary Sage and Thyme essential oils combined with flower essences and charged in a crystal matrix. Spray this blend in the air in front of you and walk into it. Breathe it in deeply and feel yourself open up. Opens the respiratory system.
Enlighten yourself and enlighten your life! The most sacred aromatherapy blend we offer, EnLighten is wonderful for the holidays and any time of year. The divine, soft, yummy, heart opening, sweetly earthy and enlivening scent is made with White Sage, Ylang Ylang, Rosewood, Clary Sage and Western Red Cedar essential oils combined with flower and tree essences and charged in a crystal matrix. Bathe yourself with Spiritual Light. Let Divine Love Blossom in your life! Bask in peace and joy that radiates from your Being. Be at peace within yourself.
Fresh Start
Joyfully engage your deepening sense of self and new life direction. The wonderful citrusy and earthy scent of Fresh Start is made with Bitter Orange, Melissa, Citronella, Vetiver essential oils combined with flower essences and charged in a crystal a matrix.
Gentle Heart
Encourages you to engage life from your heart. The wonderful soft lemony rose scent of Gentle Heart is made with Rose Geranium, Melissa and Citronella essential oils combined with flower essences and charged in a crystal matrix. It gently balances, strengthens and opens your heart. Gives a gentle lift to your mood and spirit. Helps to release emotional heart wounds to express caring love for yourself and others.
Golden Armor
Relax and engage life with joy! Golden Armor’s earthy scents of Roman Chamomile, Sweet Birch and Vetiver essential oils are sure to entice you. Pull down your armor and let people and impressions in without feeling overwhelmed or unsafe. Create appropriate boundaries with the true protection of your Light from within.
Stress Relief
Breathe in the mind calming, heart opening, grounding scent of Stress Relief, made with Vetiver, Lavender and Geranium essential oils. Invites you to stay lighthearted and centered and reminds you to slow down. Stay energetically aligned with your inner wisdom and create time to nourish, center and comfort yourself and relax.
Aromatherapy Flower Essence Bath Salts

Sweet Dreams
Soak away your cares and worries with Lavender essential oil and Lavender flower essence to calm your thoughts. Sweetly relax into restful sleep.
Gentle Heart
Drift into the space of open-hearted ease with Rose Geranium essential oil and Nootka Rose flower essence to open your heart to Divine Love. Gives a gentle lift to your body, emotions, mind and spirit.
Breathe Deeply
Bask in the clean scent of Eucalyptus essential oil and Devil’s Club flower essence for comfort and inspiration. Wonderful any time you want to feel clear and full of vitality. Great if you have a cold or other respiratory congestion.
Box Set of 8 (1/2 oz 15 mL) Chakra Blends

What a wonderful gift for yourself or a loved one!
The Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye Chakra, Crown and Unified Spirit and Wholeness Flower Essence Blends are available in a convenient 8-pack storage box.
Suggested use and care information is on the inside of the box top.
($100.50, regular $108).
1 oz Chakra Essence Blends
Root Chakra
Use the Root Chakra Blend when you experience:
Shock, fear for physical safety, the fight/flight/freeze response leading to panic, living in the past with an inability to release memories and fear of scarcity.
The Root Chakra Essence Blend supports:
Survival, being grounded, unity within family, tribe, group and collective consciousness.
Sacral Chakra
Use the Sacral Chakra Blend when you experience:
Low self-esteem, taking things personally, anger, guilt, regret and being emotionally dependent.
The Sacral Chakra Flower Essence Blend supports:
Emotions, duality of self vs. other, cooperation vs. competition, body confidence and physical empowerment.
Solar Plexus Chakra
Use the Solar Plexus Chakra Blend when you experience:
Mind chatter, obsessive unfocused thinking, brain fog, habits of inertia and procrastination. Common emotions are worry, anxiety, anger, shame, disappointment, envy and jealousy.
The Solar Plexus Chakra Flower Essence Blend supports:
Calming mind chatter, using higher thinking to regulate emotions, engaging will and sustaining energy to create and manifest.
Heart Chakra
Use the Heart Chakra Blend when you:
Shut off feelings, become emotionally disabled and self-destructive. Common emotions are sadness, grief, sorrow, feeling bereft or heartbroken.
The Heart Chakra Essence Blend supports:
Love, compassion, equanimity and peace are the main themes of the Heart Chakra.Breath of life, prana.
Throat Chakra
Use the Throat Chakra Blend when you have:
Difficulty expressing truth and feelings, have a habit of thinking or speaking negatively about self and others, are unable to clearly think and verbalize what you want to create.
the Throat Chakra Flower Essence supports:
Communication, creativity through sound, vibrational resonance and clairaudience.
Third Eye Chakra
Use the Third Eye Chakra Blend when you relate:
Only to the physical world to the exclusion of anything non-physical or, alternately, want to live only from what you see as spiritual.
The Third Eye Chakra Flower Essence Blend supports:
Sight, insight, experiencing beyond time and space, precognition, creative visualization, clairvoyance and safely opening your etheric sight.
Crown Chakra
Use the Crown Chakra Blend when you:
Experience headaches, alienation, boredom, apathy and inability to learn, feeling detached from the world, dizziness and mental disorders from crown chakra being too open.
The Crown Chakra Essence Blend supports:
Consciousness, higher thought, selflessness, integrity, wisdom, spiritual awareness and non-duality.
Unified Spirit and Wholeness Blend
Use Unified Spirit and Wholeness Chakra Blend when you:
Want to experience grounded spiritual illumination. It inspires expansive, heart-centered, practical action as you walk in your soul’s purpose and helps you feel integrated as a whole human being.