Fire Element: Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend
There is no physical organ for the Triple Burner system, AKA Triple Warmer, Triple Heater, Umbilicus. It relates to all of the organs and controls relationships between them largely through the endocrine glands and hormonal distribution systems. It is the heating system of the body/mind/spirit and regulates and distributes heat and water through the body. It is one of the heart protectors and contributes to emotional balance. Ancient Chinese Medicine considers the torso to be divided into three sections--the upper, the mist, which relates to the heart and lungs; the middle, the foam, which relates to digestive functions-stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder, and small intestine; and the lower, the swamp, which relates to excretion-kidney, bladder, and large intestine. The triple burner system works through these 3 sections. The triple burner meridian starts at the ring finger, runs through the arms and shoulders, around the ears, and through the temples to the outer edge of the eyebrow
Use Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience excessive body heat or hot and cold body temperature swings that can express as fevers, chills, hot flashes, and night sweats with accompanying emotional upsets. You may be unable to feel or express warmth in relationships and experience a lack of emotional intimacy. You may find it difficult to be your person, to choose your way of experiencing life that is different from family and cultural beliefs. Triple Burner relates to autoimmune diseases such as Graves disease and lupus. Other symptoms include digestive issues and loose bowels or constipation. It can relate to headaches in the temples and to ear problems. Triple burner imbalance - along with imbalances in spleen, bladder, or kidney systems - can manifest as edema.
The Triple Burner OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that affect metabolic processes physically, emotionally, and mentally. It regulates all of the organs, and balances and circulates warmth and water through the body. Higher frequency spiritual energies enter your body through the chakras, each of which relates to an endocrine gland. The Triple Burner system helps the body to regulate and integrate these energies. Emotionally, it supports circulating social warm and joy. This system is active in utero, thus the name "umbilicus.” It distributes vital energy to the other meridians as the organs are developing. Your experience in utero can affect your ability to find your individuality - especially from your mother and family - and to create your warmth, your relationships, and your way of relating to the world.
Heat & water balance; relationships between body systems, people and external environments; endocrine system. Heart Protector.
The Time when Triple Burner Meridian is functioning at Peak Energy:
9 PM – 11 PM
Meridian Energy Flow:
Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Blend contains the following Flower Essences and Tree Essences:
Note: Each of these essences is grounded through crystals; Western Red Cedar Tree also has sound imprints. Press the link to the individual essence page for more information.
Cooley's Hedge Nettle – Live life from an internal orientation of playful joy, knowing that we are all Spirit having a human experience. With this understanding from a higher consciousness, accept and honor each person in a relationship or situation even if the dynamic is difficult. Brings the endocrine system into balance.
Spotted Coral Root Orchid – Harness the fuel created through the process of decomposing and releasing old emotional and energetic patterns. Use this fuel to peacefully transform your biochemistry, moods, and beliefs to higher possibilities. Harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.
Valerian - Transforms buried negative emotions, especially anger, and the resulting emotional, mental, and hormonal wildfires, into the more beneficial fire. Assist you to burn away the weeds of illusions and produce fertile ground for future growth.
Pennyroyal - Provides strength to stand firmly in your center when experiencing perceived danger. Cycles through the fight/flight/freeze response and rebalances your nervous system toward personal peace, ease, and fulfilling your higher purpose.
Cooley's Hedge Nettle – Live life from an internal orientation of playful joy, knowing that we are all Spirit having a human experience. With this understanding from a higher consciousness, accept and honor each person in a relationship or situation even if the dynamic is difficult. Brings the endocrine system into balance.
Spotted Coral Root Orchid – Harness the fuel created through the process of decomposing and releasing old emotional and energetic patterns. Use this fuel to peacefully transform your biochemistry, moods, and beliefs to higher possibilities. Harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.
Valerian - Transforms buried negative emotions, especially anger, and the resulting emotional, mental, and hormonal wildfires, into the more beneficial fire. Assist you to burn away the weeds of illusions and produce fertile ground for future growth.
Pennyroyal - Provides strength to stand firmly in your center when experiencing perceived danger. Cycles through the fight/flight/freeze response and rebalances your nervous system toward personal peace, ease, and fulfilling your higher purpose.
Fireweed - A powerful transformer and healer! Initiates shifting personally and collectively from a male dominant, power-over paradigm to a more feminine loving, joyful, nurturing, in-harmony-with-nature paradigm.
Licorice - works at the energetic level to reduce body inflammation. Brings out your natural sweetness and supports a light of joyful presence.
Black Cohosh - Supports a playful approach to body changes accompanying aging or the spiritual maturation process by facilitating energetic realignment and improved communication within the body.
Devil's Club - Provides support and comfort when life's experiences have drained your inspiration and joy. Transforms thorns into a healing balm and reconnects you to your spiritual roots.
Lady's Mantle - Brings gentle joyful peace to your emotional heart and your whole body. Calms emotional shock to the heart, by inviting the Divine to encircle the heart and corresponding levels of the electromagnetic system. This calms the sympathetic nervous system and encourages self-love.
Woodland Strawberry - Clears negative thinking, worry, and anxiety. Creates a sense of ease by separating thoughts from feelings so they can pass through your mind freely without turning into sticky emotions. Facilitates thinking clearly and feeling authentically.
Self-Heal - Enhances downloading high-level spiritual frequencies while aligning all of the chakras. Increases your ability to integrate that strong communication into your physical body with ease. Facilitates grounding and moving into resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat. All of this enables your body/mind to function coherently.
Kinnikinnik - Encourages you to gently snuggle into open-hearted love for yourself. Opens the back of the heart chakra.
Red Alder tree - Restores healing "nutrients" to the "disturbed soils" of the intestines, reproductive organs, and lower back that are accessed through the 1st and 2nd chakras. This could be caused by trauma, injury, or surgery.
Our Lady of Guadalupe - Calibrates the unfolding of the Higher Heart chakra as it conducts higher love frequencies into your physical body. Encourages you to keep your heart and higher heart chakras open during this process.
Trillium – Encourages effortlessly integrating your energy into the Matrix of the Universal All-That-Is. Increases your experience of connection to and communication through this Divine Grid of Life.
Western Red Cedar Tree – Breaks down the barriers keeping you from discerning your true spiritual power. Invites you to experience the connection of your spiritual spine from the core of the Earth, through the heart, to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Encourages seeing through the veil of illusion to experience unity consciousness.
Pacific Bleeding Heart - Supports compassion for yourself and others as challenging situations unfold. Engenders compassion to see how your mind interprets stories of your life and how this affects your actions. Wrap yourself in the pink light of Divine Love, let go of any fear, and be safely at peace in your Heart’s Home.
Red-Osier Dogwood - Aligns the body/mind where frequencies are out of resonance with your evolutionary process and are disrupting your cellular body coherence.
San Juan Mugwort – Helps you integrate spiritual experiences and information received in expanded states of consciousness into your daily reality.
Oceanspray – Supports connecting with your light-hearted, jubilant Presence to resolve the undertow of grief and heartache below the illusion of calm and tranquility.
Soapberry - Washes clean fear of the natural world and encourages you to delight in nature. Clears and balances the back of the 3rd eye chakra, the occipital chakra, the back of the throat chakra, and the back of the Higher Heart chakra which aligns physical structure.
Grandmother Big-Leaf Maple Tree -– Encourages you to relax into a sense of complete calm, serenity, and safety with Grandmother’s outstretched arms, surrounding, protecting, and nurturing you.
Spirea – Invites you to let down your guard, to pull down the protections around your heart, and live with compassionate equanimity. It encourages you to generously engage life with a Spirit-filled heart. Spirea Flower
Essence balances all of the chakras, the cerebral spinal fluid, and the cranial bones after an expansion experience.
Bloodroot - Nudges out physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual genetic patterns inherited from generations of family members to make way for the light of new potential. Reawakens living as a fully functioning human.
Bloodroot - Nudges out physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual genetic patterns inherited from generations of family members to make way for the light of new potential. Reawakens living as a fully functioning human.
Energetically Charged in a Crystal Matrix of:
Cavansite – Supports receiving information from higher dimensions, connects you with inner truth, and enhances your ability to communicate that. It assists you to move into the future with enthusiasm and optimism.
Citrine – acts as a conduit for bringing Divine energy into form. It supports the endocrine system, encourages proper metabolism, and strengthens physical stamina.
Drusy Quartz –Energizes and stabilizes your energy fields.
Nirvana Quartz - Teaches you that situations you experienced as stopping your growth were key in tempering your spirit. They helped your unique wisdom to be honed through life’s journey.
Rose Quartz – Encourages gentleness, emotional healing, and uniting with the Divine; it shifts your body from stress-based physiology to a higher frequency Love-based physiology.
Tiger’s Eye – Assists you to balance the physical with the spiritual in daily life. Balances and strengthening the endocrine system bring your hormones and biochemistry into balance.
Citrine – acts as a conduit for bringing Divine energy into form. It supports the endocrine system, encourages proper metabolism, and strengthens physical stamina.
Drusy Quartz –Energizes and stabilizes your energy fields.
Nirvana Quartz - Teaches you that situations you experienced as stopping your growth were key in tempering your spirit. They helped your unique wisdom to be honed through life’s journey.
Rose Quartz – Encourages gentleness, emotional healing, and uniting with the Divine; it shifts your body from stress-based physiology to a higher frequency Love-based physiology.
Tiger’s Eye – Assists you to balance the physical with the spiritual in daily life. Balances and strengthening the endocrine system bring your hormones and biochemistry into balance.
Spray top: 1 or 2 sprays orally 2 or 3 times per day.
Dropper top: 2 or 3 drops 2 or 3 times per day.
Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils.
Click here for more information on the red shiso and vinegar preservative base.
Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Blend (30 ml/1-ounce bottle)
Dropper top: 2 or 3 drops 2 or 3 times per day.
Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend can be used by people who are sensitive to scents because it is made without essential oils.
Click here for more information on the red shiso and vinegar preservative base.
Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Blend (30 ml/1-ounce bottle)