Flash Sale – Box Set Savings!

This Flash Sale ends on Monday so don’t wait!

Save big this weekend on all our 2022 Box Sets! Not only can you buy these as a set, but you can mix and match to make your own box set of 6 (or 8) with any of the essences featured in this flash sale!

We are also adding our signature scent of the season, Yuletide Blessings Aromatherapy and Essence Mister for sale live on our store front. Click HERE for purchase.

You can buy any of these essences on special this weekend only, or you can buy as individual sets and save 15% on each! Click the Button link below each to be redirected to our box set pages. Click the essence names in the description to be taken to purchase as an individual essence. Box sets come in a Tree Frog Farm storage box for a safe and convenient way to keep your essences. This also makes for a handy way to reference the qualities of the essences that this set embodies, or a wonderful gift for friends and family…or for Yourself!

Stu & Rhaychell – Tree Frog Farm

Reawakening the Sacred Feminine: Box Set of 6


Fireweed Flower Essence: A powerful transformer and healer! Initiates shifting personally and collectively from a male dominant, power-over paradigm to a more feminine, loving, joyful, nurturing, in-harmony-with-nature paradigm.

Clustered Wild Rose Flower Essence: Engenders strong, heartfelt, compassionate, and purposeful feminine energy. It supports the world consciousness to become more gentle and compassionate.

Lungwort Flower Essence: Balance the masculine and feminine energies from the universal to the personal level.

Indian Pipe Flower Essence: Activates rising above grudges and conflicts. It encourages you to access forgiveness, embody the lessons and step away from the drama. This process engenders personal peace.

Moon Shadow Rose Flower Essence: Release shadows of your past. Be open to lessons that can be gleaned and move forward toward discovering your authentic Self.

Snowberry Flower Essence: Strengthens the opportunity to heal both present and past emotional wounds.

»Click Here for More Information on Reawakening the Sacred Feminine: Box Set of 6

Riding the Frequency Change Waves: Box Set of 6


Saskatoon – Assists whole-brain functioning at the new higher frequencies by supporting wiring of new brain pathways. Stabilizes ability to think clearly, orient in space, unsettled emotions, and body metabolism. Facilitates being peacefully grounded in your body.

Blue Cohosh– Come to the quiet place of the mind in the Now. Observe thoughts, feelings, sounds, and other impressions that arise and gently pass through. Open your awareness and connect with higher spiritual energies.

Self Heal– Enhances downloading high-level spiritual frequencies while aligning all of the chakras. Increases your ability to integrate that strong communication into your physical body with ease. Facilitates grounding and moving into resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat. All of this enables your body/mind to function coherently.

Iris – Keeps the torus of electromagnetic energy around your body stable and connected with Earth and Spirit when you are in a disruptive environment, and channels that connect to the cellular level.

Chamomile (German)– Calms sensitivities, irritations, and “raw nerves” where the “emotional skin” interacts with the world around you. Supports easily digesting experiences so they can comfortably be incorporated into your new understanding of life. Cultivates peaceful ease with daily life. Calms the peripheral nervous system.

Mullein– Use the strength and constancy of the sun to access courage, joy, and internal peace, instead of suffering, during difficult times. Trust that even during the darkest night, the sun will rise again in the morning.

»Click Here for More Information on Riding the Frequency Change Waves: Box Set of 6

Shape-Shift Your Life! – Box Set of 6


Hawthorn Tree Essence: Shape shift your creative process! When blocks and slowdowns get in your way, stay with the process instead of falling into anger and confusion. Use the magic of clear, intense, spiritually aligned intention to create exactly what you want to happen.

Blackcap Raspberry Flower Essence:Brings awareness and moves through ingrained patterns that block your ability to present yourself and your unique gifts to the world.

Camas Lily Flower Essence: Speak what you want to create! Supports intentionally using your thoughts and voice to create what you want and need to manifest a meaningful and potent life.

Douglas Fir Tree: Stand in your own power, solidly rooted in your legs. Ground your ideas and confidently step out with practical action.

Evergreen Huckleberry: Transforms the disheartened malaise of joyless stress into engaging life with curiosity, enthusiasm, and deep stillness. Releases feeling overly responsible for things.

Western Columbine Flower Essence: Instills visceral body confidence for living a fully engaged and competent life.

»Click Here for More Information on Shape-Shift Your Life! – Box Set of 6

Rewiring for a Peaceful Body: Box Set of 6


Hawthorn Tree Essence: Shape shift your creative process! When blocks and slowdowns get in your way, stay with the process instead of falling into anger and confusion. Use the magic of clear, intense, spiritually aligned intention to create exactly what you want to happen.

Blackcap Raspberry Flower Essence:Brings awareness and moves through ingrained patterns that block your ability to present yourself and your unique gifts to the world.

Camas Lily Flower Essence: Speak what you want to create! Supports intentionally using your thoughts and voice to create what you want and need to manifest a meaningful and potent life.

Douglas Fir Tree: Stand in your own power, solidly rooted in your legs. Ground your ideas and confidently step out with practical action.

Evergreen Huckleberry: Transforms the disheartened malaise of joyless stress into engaging life with curiosity, enthusiasm, and deep stillness. Releases feeling overly responsible for things.

Western Columbine Flower Essence: Instills visceral body confidence for living a fully engaged and competent life.

»Click Here for More Information on Rewiring for a Peaceful Body: Box Set of 6

Harmonious Integration & Empowerment: Box Set of 6


Pathfinder Flower Essence: Correlates the link between the Earth’s energy meridians, the human body’s organ energy meridians, and the cosmic pathways of light and sound.

Garry Oak Tree Essence: Ancient wisdom for knowing how to journey through, operate in alternate dimensions in a healthy and cohered way and return to ordinary reality with ease. It aligns with the current energetic shifts and helps support multidimensional experiences.

Hot Tamale Rose Flower Essence: Centeredness in the midst of chaos while riding the transformational roller coaster. Time coded to support your body/mind as you adjust to shifting frequencies.

Pacific Bleeding Heart – Supports compassion for yourself during challenging or stressful situations. It Aids the process of shifting from wanting to change another person or situation to realizing you can only change yourself and your reactions to situations.

Trailing Blackberry –With an open heart, joyfully serve yourself and others through compassionately speaking the full conviction of your perceived truth.

Stinging Nettle Flower Essence – Support for coming out of the fog of living in a way that can’t support our true Being. Aids in making clear choices, especially about changing your relationship to toxic situations.

»Click Here for More Information on Harmonious Integration & Empowerment: Box Set of 6

Higher Heart of Unity Consciousness – Box Set of 8


Garnet Hollyhock Flower Essence: Invites you to access the heart of the Milky Way Galaxy through the gateway of your higher heart. Supports you to live from this expanded higher-heart centered awareness

Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence: Supports compassion for yourself and others. Wrap yourself in the pink light of Divine Love – let go of fear and be safely at peace in your Heart’s Home.

Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose Flower Essence: Calibrates the unfolding of the Higher Heart chakra as it begins to operate as a conductor of higher frequency heart energy into your physical body. It assists your nervous system to integrate these frequencies without becoming overstimulated.

Spirea: Invites you to let down your guard; pull down the protections around your heart. Enables you to live with compassionate equanimity and encourages you to generously engage in life with a Spirit-filled heart.

Hardy Fuchsia: Aligns you with the resonance of the heart’s electromagnetic field transforming heart experience imprints that no longer serve you. It deepens your capacity to breathe in Universal Joy and breathe out your own heartfelt Joy to others. Reawakens “heart-a-pathic” communication.

Starflower:Helps you to remember we are multidimensional star-conscious souls aligned with living on Earth. We are the creators and players of the Divine Universal Matrix! We are the ones we have been waiting for.

Lily of the Valley: All is in Divine order; facilitates the re-connection of the energetic pathways that hold the codes of being a multidimensional Human. Assists you to experience calm and acceptance in the moment

Western Red Cedar Tree:Supports the process of developing a spiritual spine and the connection from the iron core of Mother Earth to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy. Lifts your head above the clouds of illusion in the collective human consciousness, and encourages the capacity of seeing with discernment.

»Click Here for More Information on Higher Heart of Unity Consciousness Box Set of 8

»Click Here for More information on All Our Monthly Specials