Flash Sale – Riding the Frequency Change Waves Set

We are keeping this email short and simple and offering a power-packed group of essences in this weekend’s flash sale. The 6 essences we are featuring work very well together during these rapidly changing times we are living in.

Choose any or all of the essences in this mix and match set! If you buy all 6 essences they come in a handy storage box for safekeeping and convenience in use.

This set is an incredible ally while you integrate the 5D frequencies into your body and brain. They help you adjust with ease to these higher frequencies while maintaining a peaceful and sunny disposition.

Be The Light – Rhaychell

P.S. Both Body Electric Blends are on special through this weekend too! You asked we listened. 🙂 Click the links below each to learn more about these amazing essence blends and how they can help during this time.

Saskatoon Flower Essence


Our brains are changing at an amazing pace! Saskatoon essence assists in whole-brain functioning at the new higher frequencies. Helps to stabilize your ability to think clearly and orient in space unsettled emotions, and body metabolism. Prevents “brain shatter”.

» Click the Photo to Learn More Information
about Saskatoon Flower Essence.

Self-Heal Flower Essence


Enhances downloading high-level spiritual frequencies through all of the chakras. Increases your ability to integrate that strong communication into your physical body without feeling stressed, while balancing and aligning all of the chakras. Facilitates grounding and moving into resonance with the Earth’s heartbeat.

» Click the Photo to Learn More Information
about Self-Heal Flower Essence

Iris Flower Essence

Helps you to feel the spirit in everything, even a location/place/land that has been severely compromised. Personally, Iris FE connects the torus of electromagnetic energy around your body with Earth and Spirit. If your connection has been compromised, it channels that connection on the cellular level, improving your overall health and wellbeing.

» Click the Photo to Learn More Information
about Iris Flower Essence

Chamomile Flower Essence

Calms sensitivities, irritations, and “raw nerves” where the “emotional skin” interacts with the world. Supports easily digesting experiences so they can comfortably be incorporated into your new understanding of life. Cultivates peaceful ease and connects you with The Divine In All, calming the peripheral nervous system.

» Click the Photo to Learn More Information
about Chamomile Flower Essence

Black Cohosh Flower Essence

Come to the quiet place of mind. Observe thoughts, feelings, sounds, and other impressions that arise and gently pass through. Open your awareness and connect with high spiritual energies.

» Click the Photo to Learn More Information
about Black Cohosh Flower Essence

Mullein Flower Essence

Use the strength and constancy of the sun to access tenderness and courage, instead of suffering, during difficult times. Trust that even during the darkest night, the sun will rise again in the morning.

» Click the Photo to Learn More Information
about Mullein Flower Essence

Click Here To Buy The Set of 6 Essences

Electromagnetic Field Vitality Essence Blend

Effective to balance ungrounded or dizzy sensations due to changes in Earth’s electromagnetic fields, solar flares, ELF emissions, or chemtrails.

Extremely beneficial to rebalance your body when Nature Beings and Elements are upgrading the energy grid, portals, or ley-lines of the land and general area where you live. Symptoms of this could include feeling ungrounded or dizzy, having headaches, stomach pain, or mild nausea.

» Click the Photo to Learn More Information
about Electromagnetic Field Vitality Essence Blend

Electrical Systems Integration Essence Blend

During spiritual growth, it is common for body systems to be challenged. Strange symptoms may occur that don’t seem to have a cause or be related. Electrical Systems Integration is an effective ally during this process to realign the affected systems and strengthen overall electrical communication throughout the body.

Click the Photo to Learn More Information about
Electrical Systems Integration Essence Blend

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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
― Margaret Mead