July 2020: Emotional Freedom!

On a July 4th in a year past I remade the Snowberry Flower Essence. I hadn’t planned on making it that day. We were open to the public for the Holiday. Since we are located on a small island, we don’t usually have many people dropping in. Holidays, however, are usually busy for us. But by noon no one had come by and traffic was quiet. The weather was perfect for making an essence, so I took down the open sign, put up the rope gate across the driveway and set up the Snowberry Flower Essence. 

Snowberry was one of the very early flower essences that I made. Its original quality was to help us through the dark night of the soul experience. Imagine my surprise and delight when the during the remake Snowberry described itself as “Emotional Freedom! Declare Independence from ALL previous emotional trauma! Declare this through your whole body/being! Declare this is how you will live every day!” 

And what a good time to declare emotional freedom with two lunar eclipses in July! According to Tiffany Harelik from Wise Skies Astrology, the intention for the 7/5/20 Full Moon Eclipse is: “I transform and transcend outdated belief systems and ego-based motives through honesty, acceptance, forgiveness, and compassion. I set myself and others free.” And Tiffany says about the New Moon Eclipse on 7/20/20: “When the New Moon falls in the Water sign of Cancer, you can expect emotional intelligence to reign supreme.”  https://wiseskiesadvice.com/forecast/

During this time of deep emotional repatterning, in addition toSnowberry Flower Essence, I’m also offering Paper Birch Tree Essence that peels away energetic layers of old emotional patterns, and Mock Orange Flower Essence for cellular emotional release. The three blends this time are Kidney, Large Intestine and Liver Organ Energy Meridian Blends. Snowberry Flower Essence is in the Kidney Organ Blend which transforms fear to confidence, will and motivation. Mock Orange Flower Essence is in both Large Intestine and Liver Organ Blends. Large Intestine Blend activates letting of what is no longer useful including attitudes like not good enough and emotions like old grief or guilt. Liver Blend supports you to speak your truth and use anger as motivation for change. Paper Birch Tree Essence is not in any of the blends, yet it is a powerful complement to all three of them. All of these are on special through the month of July.

This video touches my deeply and brings on tears of happiness. Don’t be fooled by the opening, “I’m feeling very Olympic today. How about you?” It is the correct video. Enjoy!

Video: I Can See Clearly Now, Jimmy Cliff

Jimmy Cliff https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MrHxhQPOO2c

screen shot time index: 2:00

Declare emotional freedom! Use the transformative energy of the full moon eclipse and the emotional intelligence brought in by the new moon eclipse to support you in this process.  

Snowberry Flower Essence

Use Snowberry Flower Essence for emotional trauma so deep and intense that you forget who you truly are. 

Snowberry Flower Essence was made on July 4th, Independence Day in the U. S. This is how it describes itself: “Emotional Freedom! Declare Independence from ALL previous emotional trauma! Declare Freedom to express who you truly are from a soul, multidimensional level! Declare this through your whole body/being! Declare this is how you will live every day!” 

To do this Snowberry Flower Essence works through the Emotional Subtle Energy Field clearing out old “cobwebs” and clearing space for new ways of being. It helps you to stay open to your healing process as you integrate learning from previous difficult or traumatic experiences. 

As Snowberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM freedom to express who I truly am every day.

For more information about Snowberry Flower Essence, the imprints of rattle and blue jay feathers and the amber, black obsidian bloodstone, charoite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, red jasper, rose quartz and smokey quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence – click on the picture.

Paper Birch Tree Essence

Use Paper Birch Tree Essence when you want to release old beliefs, habits, energetic patterns and ways of being in the world that no longer serve you. Helpful when you are in an emotional jumble and are unable to feel or express joy and love in your life.

Paper Birch Tree Essence peels away energetic layers that cloud your ability to enjoy life. When old emotional patterns resonate at a lower frequency that you are stepping into, the disparity can create emotional upheaval. Paper Birch Tree Essence strips away these layers and elevates your frequency to resonate with your own sunshine – joy and love – activating de-Light. By doing so, it connects you to your True Nature and integrates emotional stability.

As Paper Birch Tree Essence says of itself:

I AM peeling away old layers to reveal love, joy and emotional stability.

For more information about Paper Birch Tree Essence and the amber, chrysoprase, drusy quartz crystals, eudialyte, icosahedron cut quartz, pink opaque calcite, silver topaz, sodalite and sunstone that energetically grounded this essence – click on the picture.

Mock Orange Flower Essence

Use Mock Orange Flower Essence when you are stuck in old emotional patterns often relating to anger, fear, lack of self-esteem or being inflexible. These ingrained biochemical patterns often served as a survival mechanism during traumatic or abusive situations but are no longer useful.

As you heal, the previous emotional survival patterns hold back your personal/spiritual growth.  Sounds of drumming, rattling, and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice were infused into the Mock Orange Flower Essence as it was being remade.  The use of sound strengthens the way that this essence works. Similar to the healing from drumming and ritual, Mock Orange Flower Essence energetically releases habitual emotional patterns and aligns you with new healthier emotional states by energetically changing the communication between your nerves, cells and biochemistry.

As Mock Orange Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM rhythmic repatterning from old habits to new healthy emotions.

For more information about Mock Orange Flower Essence, imprints of drumming, rattling, and spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the amber, blue quartz, red jasper, sodalite, smokey quartz, drusy quartz used to energetically charge it – click on the picture.

Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Use Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you experience shock and fear, panic attacks, adrenal depletion, chronic fatigue, or frequently feel wired-tired.

The Kidney Organ Blend shifts fear to confidence, will and motivation, and transforms shock to resilience. It restores access to the source of your physical life force.

For more information about the Kidney Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite and red jasper crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.

Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Use Large Intestine Organ Energy Essence Blend when you experience holding onto old stuff, feeling guilt or regret, thinking you or situations are never good enough. People with large intestine imbalance are often stoic about loss or hardship, rigid, up tight or perfectionists.

The Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend supports the large intestine in its job of the final sorting and elimination of what isn’t useful. It activates letting of what is no longer useful on any level in your life – attitudes like not good enough, emotions like old grief or guilt, an old self-image or relationships that do not honor your worth. It unblocks stagnation and rigidity allowing flexibility, movement and change.

For more information about the Large Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite and rhodochrosite crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.

Liver Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Use the Liver Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you experience anger turned in on yourself, being self-critical, living as a victim, or acting out addictions. Liver imbalance can express as fuzzy, confused thinking.

The Liver Organ Blend supports you to speak your truth and use anger as motivation for change. It facilitates clear thinking in liver’s role as the big picture planner, organizer and implementer.

For more information about the Liver Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically grounded it – black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz with citrine, and sugilite – click on the picture.

Product Reviews!

Good News! We now have a product review option on our website! As you know, we have been trying to generate customer reviews organically through Google and Facebook. We are elated to receive the reviews customers have submitted to these forums (THANK YOU!!), but now you can leave a review directly on our site, with no hassles or sign ups. Easy Peasy! Just scroll to the bottom of the product page to find the Customer Reviews section.