August 2007: Spiritual Spine, Seeing Through Illusion

Western Red Cedar TreeIt is unusual for me to introduce an essence that I recently made.  However, Western Redcedar Tree Essence is so timely that I am writing about it now.

For hundreds of years the Western redcedar tree has been at the center of the Salish-speaking Indian culture that ranges along the northwest Pacific coast of US and SW Pacific coast of Canada.  It is a coniferous tree that grows in lush forests and in riparian and swampy areas. The bark is used to make clothing, hats, baskets and cord.  Wood is cut for house planks, totem poles, tools, dishes, canoes and fishing gear. Native Americans also recognize a strong spiritual aspect of redcedar.  They say a person can gain strength by standing with his/her back against the tree.

Spiritual Spine, Seeing Through Illusion: Western Redcedar

As a tree essence, Western Redcedar helps you to see through illusion and have the “spiritual spine” to accept what you see.  It also supports experiencing your spine as a reflection of the electromagnetic vertical axis of consciousness between the iron core center of Earth and the center of the Milky Way Galaxy.

A few weeks ago I was at a healing intensive that was based on Network Chiropractic spinal analysis and body breath integration. Towards the end of the day, I began to hear my mind speaking a storyline that I had long believed.  When I tuned into my higher Knowing, I realized that the mind’s perspective was not really true.  It’s an illusion that was helpful earlier in my life for survival. Now it keeps me from fully feeling the divine power that flows through each of us and from truly sharing gifts I want to share with others.  I am so grateful to have the Western Redcedar Tree essence as an ally to assist the process.

This is such an important time for humans and all beings of Earth.  We are evolving rapidly (see June newsletter) and it is very important to share the gifts that we brought with us this lifetime.  What are the illusions that hold you back?  Is it an illusion about not having the abundance of time, money, and personal energy to be able to offer your gifts (see July newsletter)?  Is it an illusion about lack of power?  What are your storylines, your illusions?  Perhaps Western Redcedar Tree Essence can assist your process.

As Western Redcedar Tree says of itself:

I AM spiritual spine while seeing with discernment through illusions.

I AM spiritual spine while seeing with discernment through illusions.

» More information on Western Redcedar Tree Essence

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours – Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at