January 2007: At Home In Your Body: Rattlesnake Plantain

rattlesnake plantainThe days are becoming visibly longer now. It is time for setting intentions and goals, for implementing plans and beginning new projects for this year.  I’ve always been good at visioning, but it has often been a challenge to ground the vision into a realistic plan and schedule.  Over the years I’ve come to realize that much of my challenge has come from being disconnected energetically from the Earth.  I’ve spent most of my life living in my head. My energy has been pulled up from my legs and feet so that I walked on my legs and feet, but haven’t been in my legs and feet. This is partly from our cultural conditioning, partly as a way to cope during my early years.  With the help of Rattlesnake Plantain Flower Essence, I’m learning to plug my energy fields into the energy fields of Mother Earth and to engage life with more vitality from being at home in my whole body.

At Home In Your Body: Rattlesnake Plantain

Rattlesnake Plantain Flower Essence is one of only three of our flower essences that were not made at Tree Frog Farm.  It needs a little rockier more exposed site than we have on the farm.  This essence was made about one-half mile down the road from us on a land preserve where we are volunteer stewards. The rattlesnake plantain grows wild among the Douglas firs and big leaf maple trees, the snowberry, red huckleberry, Oregon grape and orange wild honeysuckle shrubs, western starflower and other ground covers, and myriad mosses. The oblong basal leaves are dull green with white stripes.  The tiny orchid blossoms open from bottom to top on a single stem that is 6″ to 8″ tall during July to August.  According to the doctrine of signatures, early settlers thought that the leaves could be used to treat snakebite because the leaf patterns resemble rattlesnake markings.  Some indigenous peoples used the plant for childbirth or to treat cuts and sores.  Others thought it a good luck charm and children of some tribes blew the leaves into “balloons”.

So if the “snakebites” of your life have disconnected you from the Earth and from being at home in your body, if you haven’t yet learned to be nurtured from the Mother Earth, consider using Rattlesnake Plantain Flower Essence.

As Rattlesnake Plantain Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM comfort and grounding through the sweet caress of Mother Earth.

» More information on Rattlesnake Plantain

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours – Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us atinfo@treefrogfarm.com.