March 2022: Anger into Action – Fuel for Positive Action

I am in awe of the thousands of Russian citizens that took to the street to protest the invasion of Ukraine by their country. This bravery inspired me to find ways to help. The Global Citizen has compiled a list of 22 ways to help those affected by this conflict. Learn more here.

Chinese 5 Elements and the organ meridians liver and gallbladder are connected to the element of the Spring season. Early signs of spring emerged for a moment, then winter came back with a cold reminder that it is still her season and she is not done! If you’ve been feeling bitter or angry, these sorts of emotions often come to the surface during this time of year and are resurfacing because they are asking to be acknowledged and cleared. Just as the liver and gallbladder work to rid the body of toxins that are no longer useful, spring begins to do the same of our emotions.

Use this time for harnessing the furry that erupts into the delicate petals and new leaves of the turn of seasons. When we are able to harness the fuel created by the intensity anger produces for positive change, we can make our world a better place.

Warmly, Rhaychell 

Our new prices are now live. Thank you for your patience! We really care about our customers and what you say makes an impact on us. 🙂 We will always strive to give you the very best service and products at a price that is reasonable and fair in this ever-changing economy. 

Wood Element – Spring

Wood is representative of all of the elements. Trees connect Heaven and Earth and are a metaphor for the human body-mind-spirit connection. (The trees here are amazing! Over 100 foot tall cedar, firs and alders!) They bring rain, take up water, collect the warmth of the sun then give us oxygen to breath and firewood to warm our homes. Its color is green since the wood element illustrates the pushing upward of new growth as plants awaken into the rebirth of spring.

Wood Element: Liver Organ Energy Meridian Blend

The Liver Organ Energy Meridian Blend helps support you when you experience anger turned in on your-self. Things such as being overtly self-critical, playing the victim role, self-harm or addiction.This meridian essence blend will assist to speak your truth and use anger as motivation for change rather than self-destruction. Mentally, liver imbalances express as fuzzy, confused thinking.

Facilitates clear thinking in liver’s role as the big picture planner, organizer and implementer.This blend is also helpful when you have liver disease, problems with physical liver functions, “liver” headaches behind the eyes, or arthritis.

Supports detoxifying.The blend is formulated to work through the energy circuits that surround the physical liver, and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it to support the healthy functioning of the liver.

For more information about the Liver Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically grounded it – black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz with citrine and sugilite – Click Here to Learn More.

Wood Element: Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend

When you experience anger turned outward at others, especially authority figures, Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend will help support you. Emotionally, it supports you to speak your truth and channel anger toward creative solutions. Shifts confused, disorganized thinking toward clear thinking in gallbladder’s role as the strategist, decision maker and implementer of effective action.It can assist “gallbladder” headaches at the sides of the head, gallstones, or other gallbladder diseases. Supports detoxifying.

For more information about the Gallbladder Organ Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically grounded it – black tourmaline, charoite, drusy quartz, red aventurine, smokey quartz with citrine and sugilite – Click Here to Learn More

DuRen Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Du/Ren Meridan Blend

DuRen Energy Meridian Essence Blend is used to help symptoms such as chronic exhaustion, and feeling unstable at your core physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. It restores life force, instills core strength, and creates stability.

The DuRen Blend works at the points on the Du and Ren meridians, including the chakras, to integrate high frequency energies into your body. A balanced Ren meridian enhances emotional, mental and spiritual stability, restores life force and vitality. It regulates the 3 spaces (burners) and related organs. A balanced Du meridian enhances emotional, mental and physical strength to stand in your own power.

For more information about the DuRen Energy Meridian Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, hematite, Lemurian seed crystal, moonstone, stibnite and sunstones – Click Here to Learn More.

Shock or Stress SOS Flower Remedy

Shock or Stress is the all-in-one first aid flower essence remedy for adults, children and animals. It quickly eases physical, emotional, and spiritual shock to restore calm and balance.

Use S.O.S. Blend when an old trauma becomes reactivated from a similar experience, or during a healing process. S.O.S. acts quickly to calm overwhelm and stress. It is a wonderful ally for PTSD sufferers or other similar stress disorders.

For more information about the Shock or Stress Flower Remedy, the flower and tree essences in it, and the amber, aquamarine, black onyx, drusy quartz, and Inca jade crystals that energetically grounded it, click on the link below – Click Here to Learn More.

Dandelion Flower Essence


Dandelion flower essence is helpful when you have problems with your liver or gallbladder, or experience old anger and rage that are turned outward towards others or inward towards yourself. It is useful when you have difficulty planning and organizing your life and putting into action what you have planned. Helps clear the energetic patterns of addictive behaviors such as alcoholism, and chemical sensitivities that have become imbedded in the liver and gallbladder.

Dandelion attunes you to the essence of the sun to upgrade the quality of how you live. Increases the frequency of the many functions performed by the liver and gallbladder while promoting deep cleansing of toxic imprints on the physical, emotional and mental levels. These could include feelings of frustration and anger caused by blockages in the creative process. As Dandelion Flower Essence does this energetic work, it assists the body to function at the 5th dimensional level, supporting the energetic liver and gallbladder systems.

As Dandelion Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM essence of the sun aligning the liver and gallbladder systems with clear and healthy functioning.

For more information about Dandelion Flower Essence, the spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, bloodstone, drusy quartz, green calcite, icosahedron cut quartz, malachite, and smokey quartz – Click Here to Learn More.

Evergreen Huckleberry Flower Essence

When you feel worn out emotionally, fearful, angry, depressed, lack joy, and an aching sense it’s all too much Evergreen Huckleberry flower essence will be your guide and ally. Useful when you experience a lack of trust or inner peace.

These days feeling fearful, unsafe, and angry have become a common way of life for many. This can lead to depression and feelings of wanting to give up. Evergreen Huckleberry interrupts this downward emotional cycle. It transforms the disheartened malaise of joyless stress into engaging life with curiosity and enthusiasm. Orients you toward your inner path of peace, harmony, and health.

As Evergreen Huckleberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM experiencing beyond duality into the dynamic balance between the “unseen” and the “seen.”

For more information about Evergreen Huckleberry Flower Essence, the spirit song coming through Diana’s voice, and the amber, charoite, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, Larimar, pink calcite (opaque), rutilated quart, sodalite, white and red stilbite and yellow calcite crystals that energetically grounded this essence – Click Here to Learn More.

Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence

Spotted Coral Root Orchid flower essence helps when you’re experiencing any kind of significant hormonal or biochemical shifts – usually with accompanying emotional/mood shifts.Spotted Coral Root essence works through the field of energy information and the energy circuits throughout the body that relate to hormonal and biochemical shifts. It treats the changing biochemistry as fuel, much like geothermal or biomass energy. It uses this fuel to transform the decomposing emotional and biochemical patterns to more evolved emotional and biochemical patterns.

For example, transforming self-reproach to self-love, or transforming hot flashes and headaches into peaceful ease within the body. It harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.

As Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM peaceful ease and self-love while transforming emotional and energetic patterns to higher functioning.

For more information about Spotted Coral Root flower essence, the imprints of eagle feather, rattle, spirit song, and the amber, bloodstone, chrysoprase, drusy quartz, fire agate, green tourmaline, icosahedron quartz, Peruvian pink opal, rose quartz and tiger’s eye that energetically charged it – Click Here to Learn More.