May 2018: Upgrade Your Body!

How have you been feeling lately? Woozy, ungrounded, buzzy, out of sorts, discombobulated? I sure have! Humans are being asked to integrate higher frequencies while at the same time functioning fully in our daily lives. Sometimes this process seems calm and steady. But lately it has been happening with an intensity that can be very disruptive to the body. This can be challenging!

Electrical Systems Integration Essence Blend (ESI) was formulated to help us have more ease with this process. Sacred Energies Essence Blend is a wonderful companion as it accesses and integrates multidimensional energies that gently create sacred space in your energy fields and body. I’m pairing three individual flower essences – Black Gooseberry, Trillium and Pacific Dogwood – with these. ESI features all three. Sacred Energies contains Black Gooseberry and Trillium. All of these are on special through May. What a potent combo to support us during this upgrade!

InJoy, Diana

April Specials Available over the Weekend

You are in luck! April, Mid-April and May specials will all be available through April 30. Stock up on the last few days of the April specials: Liver and Gallbladder Organ Blends; Spotted Coral Root Orchid, Vine Maple Tree and Red Huckleberry Flower Essences.

During this time of intense body systems upgrade, breathe, relax, get out in nature and reach for your flower essence allies.

New! In This Issue:

Diana’s Favorite Products is something new we are trying out. Scroll down to read more. And let us know what you think!

Last Call for the Flower Essence Practitioner Training Course! See below.

Pacific Dogwood Flower Essence

Pacific Dogwood Tree Essence works from the spiritual to the physical levels laying in an upgraded blueprint for your nervous system.  In effect, it is like rewiring you from 110 volts, to 220, 330 or 440 volts so your nervous system can accommodate these higher frequencies as they are introduced to Earth. By doing this it calms the sense of shattering and brings peace to your body and emotions.

As Pacific Dogwood Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM peaceful integration of your higher voltage nervous system.

For more information about Pacific Dogwood Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence –  amber, cavansite, drusy quartz, green aventurine, icosahedron cut quartz, nirvana quartz, red jasper and rutilated quartz – click on the picture.

Trillium Flower Essence

Trillium flower essence reorganizes your personal energy grid so points/areas of your body that are disconnected can reconnect and learn to maintain a connection to the Divine Matrix. It increases your experience of being connected to and receiving energetic communication through the Grid of the Universal All-That-Is.

As Trillium Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM one with the Divine Matrix of Life.

For more information about Trillium Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence –  amber, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, quartz points and Tibetan black quartz – click on the picture.

Black Gooseberry Flower Essence

Black Gooseberry Flower Essence encourages you to turn inward to your deeper knowing. When you seek outside information, it brings you back to feeling and sensing the counsel downloaded from higher dimensions through your inner knowing and wisdom.

Black Gooseberry Essence supports honoring yourself as a wise soul and the wisdom you have to draw upon. It does this by aligning your multidimensional circuitry and strengthening the energy flow in all layers of your energy fields so they integrate seamlessly with your mind and senses. As you are more aligned and able to access your wisdom, sudden changes in situations or frequency jumps are easier to integrate.

Black Gooseberry Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM wisdom emanating from the core of your Being.

For more information about Black Gooseberry Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, angel wing, azeztulite, drusy quartz, Elestial quartz, Himalayan quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, Lemurian seed crystal, and rose quartz – click on the picture.

Electrical Systems Integration Body Electric Essence Blend

Enliven your energy matrix! Electrical System Integration (ESI) Blend enhances communication between all of the electrical circuitry in and around your body. This includes your connection to the matrix of the universal All-That-Is, energy fields, chakras, organ energy meridians, cells & nervous systems. ESI does not take the place of balancing individual chakras, organs or other systems.

A glowing report from one of our customers:

The first time I took your ESI remedy, it felt like something flowed together and ignited. Also, I believe the remedy aids in holding the tube torus of my electrical field in an integrated and flowing enough manner that I can make and sustain profound changes. A shift has happened wherein I feel like I am linked to the whole and I am learning to embody that in a new way and use it. I have never felt more grounded. ~ L.S., Bellingham, WA

For more information about the Electrical Systems Integration Essence Blend and the amazonite, aragonite, black tourmaline, copper, drusy quartz, hematite, Jeffrey quartz, sunstones and Tibetan black quartz that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

Sacred Energies Life Process Essence Blend

Come into your sacred self! Feel the sacredness in your surroundings! The flower essences of Sacred Energies set a high frequency resonance that connects you with your multidimensional self that is accessed through the higher consciousness in your energy fields, chakras, higher brain and higher heart functions. To facilitate spiritually aligned healing and healthy living, take it orally by spray or dropper, or spray into your energy fields.

To invite sacred energies for ceremony, celebrations and meditation, spray it into a room or outdoor area and feel the instant shift to higher heart-centered consciousness.

For more information about the Sacred Energies Essence Blend and the cavansite, drusy quartz, Jeffrey Quartz, moldavite, rose quartz and ruby that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

Diana’s Favorite Products

Recently I developed an infection in a deep gum pocket between two teeth. The whole right side of my face and the roof of my mouth were swollen. The pain was intense, so I started spraying SOS Flower Remedy Blend on the affected areas.

What a relief!

After seeing the dentist, I continued using the SOS spray during the course of antibiotics until the swelling subsided. This the first time I’ve used SOS for dental pain, so I decided to share this with you. Click on the picture for more information about SOS.

InJoy, Diana

2018 Practitioner Training Course

The class starts in one week!! If you have been thinking about taking it, this is the time to Sign Up! (link)

In addition to learning to make a custom dosage bottle of essences for your family and clients, students will learn about choosing essences using both written descriptions and intuitive methods.

We will talk about personal boundaries and determining if what you are feeling is yours or your clients. An action-packed weekend, May 4 -6!!

For more information or to register! (Link)

Personalized Healing with Diana

Experience a personal flower essence consultation or energy healing session with Diana!

She will create a custom bottle of flower essences to support your personal healing and growth. And you may include an energy balancing, or shamanic journey experience if you’d like.

Contact Diana at 360-758-7260 or

Click here (link) for more information.

Suggested Reading

Braiding Sweetgrass, Indigenous Wisdom, Scientific Knowledge and the Teachings of Plants, by Robin Wall Kimmerer

I love this book!! Poetic, lyrical prose combined with clearly presented scientific knowledge. Robin doesn’t just tell us about her experiences as an indigenous person in today’s world. She invites us into her experiences. Here are a couple of excerpts:

“I come here to listen, to nestle in the curve of the roots in a soft hollow of pine needles, to lean my bones against the column of white pine, to turn off the voices in my head until I can hear the voices…the shhh of wind in needles, water trickling over rock, nuthatch tapping…the wordless being of others in which we are never alone. This was my first language.”

“Listening to rain, time disappears. If time is measured by the period between events, alder drip time is different than maple drip time. This forest is textured with different kinds of time…Fir needles fall with the high frequency hiss of rain, branches fall with the bloink of big drops.”

InJoy, Diana