Mid-December 2020: The Gift of Higher Consciousness

‘Tis the season for gift giving and the gift of higher consciousness!

When we think of giving a gift it is usually an object or a service that we think the recipient will enjoy. Rarely do we think of giving a gift of our heart and Being, a gift of our Higher Consciousness. I can’t say what this would look like. It will vary for each person and may or may not have a physical form. It might be a warm hug infused with all of the Light radiating from your Being. Maybe it is a book of poems that you wrote in moments of your Highest Knowing.

This Winter Solstice, December 21st, the Great Conjunction of 2020 will occur as Jupiter and Saturn will appear to merge in Earth’s night sky creating the Christmas Star. This hasn’t happened since 1226AD.  At that time Genghis Khan was conquering large swaths of Asia, and Europe was still in the dark ages. Not too long later Europe moved into the Renaissance.

The Great Conjunction of 2020

This is a potent opportunity for humanity to open to Higher Consciousness. Saturn holds the space for each person to emerge as the Light of God/Spirit/Christ Consciousness. Jupiter holds the space for humanity to move forward in our collective evolutionary process. And this may be as simple as a Being infused warm hug or a book of Higher Consciousness poetry.

To support each of us in this Higher Consciousness process, I am offering Sacred Energies, Heart Chakra and Unified Spirit and Wholeness Blends on special. This time I had to include 5 individual flower essences because they all feel so supportive for this process:  Black Gooseberry, Sweet Valentine Rose, Pink Hollyhock, Starflower, Jerusalem Sage. Sacred Energies Blend includes Black Gooseberry and Starflower. Sweet Valentine Rose and Pink Hollyhock Essences are in the Heart Chakra Blend. And Starflower, Jerusalem Sage, and Pink Hollyhock Essences help to create the high frequency integrity of the Unified Spirit and Wholeness Essence Blend. All of these are on special through mid-January.

And remember, Yuletide Blessings is still available until the end of December, now at the full retail price of $20.75.

NOTE: Orders must be shipped no later than 12/18/10 by priority mail to be received before Christmas.

InJoy, Diana

This Solstice, Hanukkah and Christ-mas remember to give a gift of Higher Consciousness to yourself and others.

Sacred Energies Essence Blend

Come into your sacred self! Feel the sacredness in your surroundings! The flower and tree essences of the Sacred Energies blend set a high frequency resonance that connects you with your multidimensional self. Accessed through the higher consciousness in your energy fields, chakras, higher brain and higher heart functions.

To invite sacred energies for ceremony, celebrations and meditation, spray it into a room or outdoor area and feel the instant shift to higher heart-centered consciousness.

For more information about Sacred Energies and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, cavansite, moldavite, rose quartz, ruby and Jeffrey quartz that energetically charged it – click on the picture.

Heart Chakra Essence Blend

Supports the healthy functioning of the Heart Chakra:

Love, compassion, equanimity and peace are main themes of the Heart Chakra. The web of life held together with love unifies spirit and matter creating balance and wholeness. Breath of life, prana.

The thymus is the primary endocrine gland associated with the heart chakra. The Heart Chakra also relates to lungs, pericardium, arms and hands. The frequency color is green, and the element is air.

Emotional symptoms associated with the Heart Chakra are:

Sadness, grief, sorrow, feeling bereft or heartbroken. When the Heart Chakra is in resonance with Life, feelings such as compassion, gratitude, joy, self-love, wonder and bliss fill your life. You become oriented to living in the present moment with peace and equanimity.

For more information about the Heart Chakra Flower Essence Blend and the adamite, drusy quartz, emerald, green calcite, kunzite, mangano calcite, prehnite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz and watermelon tourmaline crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.

Unified Spirit and Wholeness Essence

Use Unified Spirit and Wholeness Chakra Essence Blend when:

You want to experience grounded spiritual illumination. It is helpful when you want to feel brighter and fully engaged with yourself, and when you want internal peace and to live with higher awareness. It inspires expansive, heart-centered, practical action as you walk in your soul’s purpose and helps you feel integrated as a whole human being.

This chakra essence blend enhances alignment and communication between 15 chakras including the 7 major chakras. Raising your energetic vibration to a higher octave of Light and helps you integrate that into daily life. Wonderful companion to your meditation practice!

The Unified Spirit & Wholeness blend does not take the place of balancing and aligning an individual chakra.

For more information about the Unified Spirit and Wholeness Chakra Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – adamite, drusy quartz, emerald, green calcite, kunzite, mangano calcite, prehnite, rhodochrosite, rose quartz and watermelon tourmaline – click on the picture.

Yuletide Blessings Aromatherapy & Essence Mister

Treat yourself to this scent of the Holiday Season!

Imagine being at a gathering of family and friends with the scent of holiday baking and evergreen boughs filling the air. Feel the sweetness! Now imagine being at a Solstice, Hanukkah or Christmas ceremony, a sacred time. Feelings of peace, love, compassion and the presence of angels fill your awareness. All of this in one bottle, Yuletide Blessings!!

This scent is made with Allspice, Juniper, Western Red Cedar Tree, Orange, Frankincense and Vetiver essential oils combined with flower essences and charged in a crystal matrix.

For more information about Yuletide Blessings Aromatherapy and Essence Mister, click on the picture.

Black Gooseberry Flower Essence

Use Black Gooseberry Flower Essence when:

Your multidimensional systems are out of alignment, you may have difficulty adjusting to changes and new opportunities and may experience symptoms like unusual emotional outbursts and mental confusion. You may not be able to hear, see, feel or sense your inner Guidance, which can lead to seeking answers elsewhere.

This essence brings you back to feeling and sensing the counsel downloading from your higher dimensions as it encourages you to turn inward to your deeper knowing. Supports honoring yourself as a wise soul and the wisdom by aligning your multidimensional circuitry. Strengthens the energy flow in all layers of your energy field to integrate seamlessly your mind and senses. As you are more aligned and able to access your wisdom, sudden changes in situations or frequency jumps are easier to integrate.

As Black Gooseberry Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM wisdom emanating from the core of your Being.

For more information about Black Gooseberry Flower Essence, imprints of eagle feather, rattle and Spirit Song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, angel wing, azeztulite, drusy quartz, Elestial quartz, Himalayan quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, Lemurian seed crystal, and rose quartz – click on the picture.

Sweet Valentine Rose Flower Essence

Use Sweet Valentine Rose Flower Essence when:

You are ready to fully engage your heart chakra yet feel something is holding you back or is in the way. You may or may not be conscious of what that is. Often forgiveness is an essential component to clearing whatever is clogging your energy fields or chakras.

This essence works through all of the energy fields out to the 9th layer boundary. It clears both intrusions, irritations and disturbances, and opens and connects the heart chakra. This essence is a dear ally when you are ready to engage the power of forgiveness. Rather than leaving these experiences as mental constructs or spiritual exercises, it helps to ground them into your daily life.

As Sweet Valentine Rose Flower says of itself:

I AM clear energy fields and heart chakra, calling forth forgiveness.

For more information on Sweet Valentine Rose Flower Essence, the imprint of Spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, garnet, hematite, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, rose quartz, ruby, rutilated quartz and drusy quartz – click on the picture.

Pink Hollyhock Flower Essence

Use Pink Hollyhock essence when:

You have experienced a lot of emotional heart healing and still feel unsure about opening up to life and letting yourself shine. If so, this is the essence for you.

This essence expands the heart chakra to a higher octave giving you access to a deep timeless peace overflowing with joy. It wraps you in soothing relaxation, bringing forth a sparkle in your eyes and a smile on your lips. From this place, rise up with confidence and shine forth your interconnection to everyone and everything.

As Pink Hollyhock flower says of itself:

I AM relaxed, open-hearted interconnection and genuine confidence.

For more information about Pink Hollyhock Flower Essence, the imprints of rattle and spirit song, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, blue celestite, danburite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, kunzite, morganite, pink Lemurian seed crystal, rhodochrosite and rose quartz – click on the picture.

Starflower Flower Essence

Use Starflower Flower Essence when:

You forget you are multidimensional soul having a human experience and when you forget that you literally are made of matter from the stars. Starflower Essence is also helpful when you get caught in the disempowering stories of your life and forget that you can align with the Divine Matrix to create your reality. When this happens you may feel jangled, misaligned or out of sorts for no apparent reason.

Starflower essence elevates your thinking from separation and disempowerment to multi-dimensional soul manifesting in the material plane of Earth. It aligns the Heart, Higher Heart, Occipital, 3rd Eye, Crown and Soul Chakras to help you experience that each moment your multidimensional soul aspects of Self (some from other stars and planets) are fully aligned and integrated with your physical body (which is literally made from stardust). This assists your body, mind, emotions and soul aspects to function as a balanced, unified whole for a vibrant life.

As Starflower says of itself:

I AM aligned, embodied multi-dimensional consciousness playing the Divine Matrix of reality.

For more information about Starflower Flower Essence, the imprints of rattle, owl feather and Spirit song coming through Diana’s voice and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, azeztulite, celestine, creedite, drusy quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Jeffrey quartz, moldavite, Nirvana quartz and peridot – click on the picture.

Jerusalem Sage Flower Essence

Use Jerusalem Sage Flower Essence when:

You are ready to see beyond duality to the vastness that is the truth of who you are. It is a strong ally when you are out of touch with living as Spirit.

Jerusalem Sage essence helps you know yourself as a Unified Spirit. It works through the Crown (7th), Soul (8th) and Spirit (9th) Chakras. The Spirit Chakra is the center, the heart of the Universe. At the same time the Spirit Chakra is everything and no-thing. The Beholder and the beheld are the same. The Witness and what are witnessed are the same. You, your body, mind and spirit are the Universe. Each cell, each molecule, each atom is the Universe. This is beyond duality. The mystics of all times have known this.

As Jerusalem Sage Flower says of itself:

 I AM unified spirit in daily life.

For more information about Jerusalem Sage Flower Essence, imprints of eagle feather, sound of rattle and Spirit Song coming through Diana’s voice, and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, azeztulite, clear apophyllite, creedite, danburite, drusy quartz, gold, golden topaz, Herkimer diamond, icosahedron cut quartz and quartz points – click on the picture.