Mid-May 2019: Headaches!

Have you been having headaches lately? I sure have! There are many kinds of headaches – in the forehead (3rd eye chakra), behind the eyes (liver), at the temples (triple burner), at the occiput (occiput chakra, bladder and DuRen meridians), at the center top of the head (crown chakra, du ren and bladder meridians), at the sides and top of the head pushing in (gallbladder), from a tight jaw (small intestine, large intestine, gallbladder, triple burner). And I’ve probably missed a few.

Another influence often over looked is the download of higher spiritual energies into the brain, nervous system and other parts of the physical body. That is what is happening for me. As a part of my healing process, we are raising the frequency of my physical body. I’m experiencing headaches mostly across the center top of my head and at my occiput. And my brain has definitely been affected!

I immediately started using three flower essences to help with the headaches and fuzzy mental processes – Saskatoon, White Yarrow and Marshmallow. They helped a lot! Then I thought about the meridians involved. The Bladder Meridian goes up over the forehead and top of the head about 1 inch from the center line, moves down the neck, the back along the spine, down the back of the legs, along the outside of the foot and ends at the little toe. The Du Meridian runs along the center back line of the body and over the center of the head, and the Ren Meridian runs along the center line on the front of the body. So, I started using the Bladder and DuRen Blends. What a difference!

This newsletter I’m offering all of these on special. Brain Organ Blend is also on special to help with integrating higher frequencies into the brain. Saskatoon is in all three blends. Marshmallow is in Brain and Bladder, and White Yarrow is in the Brain Blend. All are on special until mid-June.

This is a short video of me ringing the DuRen brass bowl over the DuRen bottles. They will charge in the crystal matrix for an hour after the bowl is rung three times.

Click on the picture to view the video.

InJoy, Diana

When you get a headache, slow down, breathe and reach for your flower essence allies. They really help!

Saskatoon Flower Essence

Saskatoon Flower Essence assists whole brain functioning at the new higher frequencies by supporting wiring of new brain pathways. Stabilizes ability to think clearly, orient in space, unsettled emotions and body metabolism. Facilitates being peacefully grounded in your body.

As Saskatoon Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM ease in the evolutionary process of becoming a whole-brain human.

For more information about the Saskatoon Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically charged it, amber, blue apatite, drusy quartz, fluorite, Herkimer diamond, icosahedron cut quartz, lepidolite, lithium quartz, quartz wand, sugilite and Tibetan black quartz, click on the picture.

White Yarrow Flower Essence

White Yarrow Flower Essence sets up a spherical field of white translucent protection at the boundaries of your energy fields. As the frequency of White Yarrow Flower Essence moves in through the crown chakra, it gently wraps the energy circuits of your brain then the energy circuits of your central nervous system with these higher White Light frequencies. This affects the way you process information, think and respond to stimuli.  White Yarrow Flower Essence will assist you to access the highest multidimensional White Light you are ready to integrate down to the cellular level. This affects the way you process information, think and respond to stimuli. And it is scaled to move you through the octaves within each dimension.

As White Yarrow says of itself:

I AM high resonance White Light for clear and healthy energy fields and body.

For more information about the White Yarrow Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically charged it, amber, azeztulite, drusy quartz, Herkimer diamond, Himalayan quartz, icosahedron cut quartz, Lemurian seed crystal, Jeffrey quartz and Tibetan black quartz, click on the picture.

Marshmallow Flower Essence

Marshmallow flower essence aligns the crown chakra, 3rd eye chakra, occipital chakra and cranial bones with white and violet frequencies of light, and it aligns the cranial bones. Aligning the crown, 3rd eye and occipital chakras provides the pathway, while aligning the cranial bones provides the expanded space, for these frequencies to integrate into the cellular level of your brain and whole body. This, in turn, reduces headaches, light-headedness and the spacey sensation that may accompany your spiritual expansion process.

As Marshmallow Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM ease with grounding white and violet Light into the body.  

For more information about the Marshmallow Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically charged it, amber, azeztulite, black tourmaline, blue aragonite, drusy quartz, icosahedron quartz, Jeffrey quartz, moldavite, stibnite, spirit quartz (citrine and amethyst) and Tibetan black quartz, click on the picture.

Brain Organ Essence Blend

The physical brain is a receiver, transducer and processor of information. There are actually four brains that make up the brain:

1. Brain Stem/Instinctive/Autonomic/Reptilian

2. Limbic/Emotional/Old Mammalian

3. Cerebral Cortex/Cognitive/Newer Mammalian

4. Prefrontal Cortex/Higher Consciousness, Compassion, Long Range Planning/God Mind

Also, like a computer, memory is decentralized and is stored in a number of places throughout the brain, body and energy fields. Our beliefs, customs and habits are created by repeated use of certain neural pathways and biochemical states. When all of this is functioning in a harmonious and balanced state, we think clearly, feel openly and our biochemistry facilitates our mental, emotional, physical and spiritual wellbeing. When there has been injury, disease, trauma or other kinds of disruption in harmonious brain functioning, you may experience a wide range of symptoms.

The Brain Blend facilitates clearer thinking with more focus and increased emotional and mental stability. It increases whole brain functioning by supporting the energetic pathways that facilitate neural and biochemical communication between all parts of the brain and related functions in the body. This leads to a greater sense of wellbeing.

For more information about the Brain Essence Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – amethyst, drusy quartz kyanite, fluorite lepidolite and lithium (purple) quartz – click on the picture.

Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Physically, the bladder is the reservoir for fluids waiting to be excreted. Energetically, it is the container for the power of the kidneys and reservoir for daily energy. The bladder organ energy system encourages you to pace yourself and to rest so you don’t deplete your energy supply. It supports the immune system. The bladder system relates to the emotion of fear and to personal trauma.

Symptoms of bladder system imbalance are a tendency to over exert, unable to complete things due to lack of energy, being inflexible, and fear as a response to life. Use the Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you experience headaches, back problems, or urinary problems.

For more information about the Bladder Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend and the crystals that energetically charged it, aquamarine, bloodstone, chrysocolla, drusy quartz, green aventurine, malachite, and red jasper, click on the picture.

DuRen Essence Blend

The Du and Ren meridians are two of the eight Extraordinary Meridians. The Du meridian (AKA Governing Vessel) controls all of the yang meridians and is the reservoir of yang energy. The Ren (AKA Conception Vessel) monitors and directs the yin meridians and is the reservoir of yin energy. They supply and circulate chi in the body and sustain core strength and energy for life.

Use DuRen Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you feel chronically exhausted, unstable to your core physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. The Du Ren Blend works at the points on the Du and Ren meridians to integrate high frequency energies into your body. When this process flows smoothly your body/mind/spirit connection stays within the balance of dynamic equilibrium. A balanced Ren meridian enhances emotional, mental and spiritual stability, restores life force and vitality. It regulates the 3 spaces (burners) and related organs. A balanced Du meridian enhances emotional, mental and physical strength to stand in your own power. It encourages you to have the “spine” to engage life from your authentic self.

For more information about the Du Ren Energy Meridian Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the crystals that energetically charged it – drusy quartz, hematite, Lemurian seed crystal, moonstone, stibnite and sunstones – click on the picture.

Suggested Reading

the real world of fairies - book

The Real World of Fairies, A First-Person Account

By Dora Van Gelder

This was one of the first books that I read about faeries, and I still love it!

Dora was born a clairvoyant and had her abilities further trained by working with other prominent clairvoyants of her time.

In her travels she has seen faeries from all over the world. She describes them and their work in detail. There are earth faeries; garden faeries; fire, water and air faeries to name a few.

A fun book for anyone interested in learning about faeries.

InJoy, Diana