Mid-October 2017: Transform Your Self Image

Transform Your Self Image

This was my 18th season making flower essences. When I started in 2000, I thought I’d make a few flower essences to complement the essences that I was using from other companies to make custom dosage bottles for my clients.

About 4 years later it occurred to me that it would best to check my essences first, then add essences as needed from other companies. I knew my essences from the ground up, exactly how they were made and what they did from personal experience. We also had a fledgling website. My image was changing from an energy healer who made essences to a flower essence producer who was also an energy healer. Now we have a thriving flower essence business, with employees and several lines of products. (Chakra essence blends are in the works. Stay tuned!!) In addition to meeting with clients, I also teach people how to become flower essence practitioners. How did all of this happen? It seems my life is a constant process of letting go of who I think I am and what I think the business will be. Here is my take away: When we don’t let go of old self-images and embrace change, we become stagnant. We have to let go so we can transform.

My constant allies are Transform Ease and Echinacea. And when I feel stuck during a deep process of letting go, Skunk Cabbage and Large Intestine Organ Blend are wonderful friends. Echinacea is in both blends. Skunk Cabbage is only in the Large Intestine Blend and is a complement to Transform Ease. All of these are on special from mid-October to mid-November. I took the photo spring of this year while making the skunk cabbage flower essence. This was the first time the muck was so deep that I had to put boards under the crystals so they didn’t sink down into the mud and disappear.

InJoy, Diana

Fall is a good time to let go of what no longer serves you. Open yourself to the possibility of who you are becoming.

Skunk Cabbage Flower


Essence Skunk Cabbage flower essence encourages you to delight in being in a physical body on Earth. It impulses you to dig deep into the emotional and psychological muck creating stagnant constipated energy that blocks your ability to live life to the fullest. When you feel stuck or stagnant in your life and personal growth process, Skunk Cabbage Flower Essence will give you the “kick in the pants” to get moving again. It works through the sacral chakra and large intestine to release constipated physical, emotional or psychological energy and to aid healing of deep skin issues. If what is no longer nourishing or useful cannot be excreted through the large intestine, it may turn toxic or try to be excreted through the skin.

As Skunk Cabbage Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM the transformation of stagnant life force into bright sunshine.

For more information about Skunk Cabbage Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence amber, aquamarine, drusy quartz, green tourmaline, Inca jade, orange calcite, red calcite and sunstone – click on the picture.

Echinacea Flower Essence


Echinacea Flower Essence supports you in transitioning to new ways of being as you interface with your daily world. When your self-image is beginning to change, but you haven’t completely become your “new” self, it breaks up whatever is holding you back. Echinacea Flower Essence slows down your reaction time to the changes making them more digestible and absorbable. This in turn makes your progress more visible. When you don’t release old images of yourself, they become stagnant and weaken your immune system. Echinacea Flower Essence stimulates letting go of these old self-images, making it more likely that you will remain healthy and strong during this transition time.

As Echinacea Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM melting away of old self-images to reveal the wealth that is your true Self.

For more information about Echinacea Flower Essence and the crystals that energetically grounded this essence – amber, amethyst, charoite, icosahedron quartz, and drusy quartz  – click on the picture.

Metal Element (Air): Fall

Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend


The season of the metal element is fall and the colors are white/grey. The yang meridian of the metal element is large intestine. It is most active from 5am to 7am. The job of the large intestine is final sorting and elimination of what is no longer useful on any level – physical body, emotions or attitudes.

Symptoms: Use Large Intestine Organ Energy Essence Blend when you experience constipation or diarrhea, bloating, colon or skin cancer, TMJ, stiff or spine, carpal tunnel syndrome, eczema, psoriasis or chronic rashes. Symptoms of large intestine imbalance include holding onto old stuff, stagnation, feeling guilt or regret, thinking you or situations are never good enough. People with large intestine imbalance are often stoic about loss or hardship, rigid, up tight or perfectionists.

Action: The Large Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical large intestines and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to them. It supports the large intestine in its job of the final sorting and elimination of what isn’t useful. It activates letting of what is no longer useful on any level in your life – attitudes like not good enough, emotions like old grief or guilt, an old self image or relationships that do not honor your worth. Unblocks stagnation and rigidity allowing flexibility, movement and change.

For more information about the Large Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the drusy quartz, fire agate, Lemurian seed crystal, moldavite, peridot, opaque pink calcite and rhodochrosite crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

Transform Ease Essence Blend


Transform Ease Essence Blend helps to shift emotional states related to metabolic imbalances – like anger and worry – to more balanced states of calm and ease with daily functioning. It facilitates transformational life processes – such as rapid spiritual growth, healing deep life learning situations, significant career changes, starting or ending a relationship, pregnancy or peri-menopause.

Transform Ease is also a wonderful ally as our bodies adjust to Earth tectonic plate and energy grid shifts, electromagnetic shifts accompanying solar flares, and other solar system wide changes due to higher frequency upgrades. As you go through transformational changes, your body metabolizes differently and your ways of feeling, thinking, speaking, moving and being in the world change. You may experience flu-like symptoms, a type of spiritual flu – temperature swings, sweats, wired and tired, exhaustion, moodiness, headaches, dizziness, achiness, or a sense of general body stress. Transform Ease assists you to move through and integrate these spiritual, energetic, emotional, hormonal, mental and physical body changes with ease.

For more information about the Transform Ease Essence Blend and the amethyst, bloodstone, cavansite, chrysocolla, and drusy quartz crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.

2018 Practitioner Training Class


Interested in learning about how to use flower essences?? Stay tuned for details about the 2018 Practitioner Training Course.

Level I: Two weekend classes of 3 days each will focus on learning how to use 48 individual flower essences to make custom blends.

Level II: One weekend class of 3 days will focus on an introduction to Chinese Five Element theory and Organ Energy Meridian Blends, the 7 major chakras and the Chakra Blends, and cranial sacral essences.

We will also pertinent information about starting a flower essence practice or adding them to your existing practice. Hands on practice will be included in each of the classes.

Book suggestion:

Choosing To Die By Phyllis Shacter


Phyllis bares her heart to share the journey she and her husband went through for his voluntary death. He was entering the later stages of Alzheimer’s disease and didn’t want to live like that. He wanted to die consciously, aware of his process. She shares his coming to the decision to VSED (voluntary stop eating and drinking), his dying process and her personal process during this.

Heartfully written, this love story is also a resource book of options for anyone facing a degenerative disease. In the death-denying culture we live in, this slim book of 6 chapters plus helpful appendices is bold and courageous.

InJoy, Diana