November 2003: Attunement With the Harmonic Concordance

We have three new exciting essences that directly support us during major shifts. One such event is happening November 8. The Harmonic Concordance is a Star of David configuration of planets with a lunar eclipse in Scorpio. This astrological configuration has not happened in the last 3000 years of recorded history. It is a crux time. It is an opportunity for each of us to open our hearts, to take the next leap in our spiritual and evolutionary processes and to ground that into our daily lives.

Attunement with the Harmonic Concordance:
Blackcap Raspberry, Common Rush & Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose


Black Raspberry
Blackcap Raspberry (Rubus leucodermis)
Accentuates, brings to light blocks that keep you from manifesting your true self in the world.

I AM clear capacity for manifesting your true Self in daily life.


Common Rush

Common Rush (Juncus effusus)
Grounding and stability. Works through the etheric layer to affect the crystalline structure of the brain tissue. Clears foggy headedness and out of body sensation. Helps you to think more clearly.

I AM capacity for optimum brain functioning during evolutionary processes.





Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose
Our Lady of Guadalupe Rose
Calibrates the unfolding of the Higher Heart chakra as it begins to operate as a conductor of higher frequency heart energy into your physical body.

I AM conductor and regulator of higher heart energy as it seats into your physical form.


Many people have been drawn to these essences; the Our Lady of Guadalupe rose essence sold out at the first event after it was made. So far the Black Raspberry has been used by a child entering school for the first time, a person whose job requires her to be highly visible at public events and by several “Lightworkers” who are choosing to show their true Self in the world. Common Rush has helped many with the mysterious foggy headedness that has been creeping in like the Fall weather. The Our Lady of Guadalupe rose has been helpful for upper backache, feeling buzzed or having energy swings.

— Diana Pepper

For more information about the Harmonic Concordance visit