Tag Archives: green tourmaline

Mid-August 2019: Manifesting Abundance!

March 2019: Mercury Retrograde and Polar Shifts!!💥💥

October 2018: Throat Chakra Flower Essence Blend!!

Mid-September 2018: Heart Chakra Flower Essence Blend!!

September 2018: Chakras During Uncertainty, Diana’s Story

August 2018: Heartapathic Life & Shipping Special

Mid-July 2018: Disarmor Your Heart

April 2018: Spring Green Empowered Action

Mid-December 2017: From Darkness Into Light

November 2017: Passionate For Your Health

Mid-August 2017: Season of Change

July 2017: 
Reducing Your Internal Heat

November 2015: The Magic of Gratitude

Mid-September 2015: Easing into Autumn

Mid-July 2015: Relaxed with Nature

July 2015: Spiritual Metabolism

Mid-June 2015: Fun Tripping!

May 2015: Living Barefoot Beauty

Mid-March 2015: Transform Worry to Gratitude

Mid-August 2014: Changing Seasons, Grounding Home

May 2014: Earth Wisdom

March 2014: Melting Into Spring

January 2014: Manifest with Confidence and Joy!

Mid-September 2013: Relaxed Open-Hearted Grounded

Mid-August 2013: Wrap Yourself In Autumn

June 2013: Core Emotional Strength

Mid-April 2013: Earth Day, Every Day!

Mid-January 2013: Deep Personal and Ancestral Healing