Mid-February 2013: Heart Protectors

Happy day after Valentine’s Day. We are staying with the sweetness of the heart for this newsletter. I’ve certainly had my challenges with staying open in self-love and compassion these past weeks. Working so intensely with the fairies on unblocking the flow in the ley line caused by tectonic plate shifts has stressed me physically and emotionally. I’ve felt exhausted with body temperature swings, grumpy and short tempered. Oops! After apologizing to my partner, John, I then attempt to move into a self-love and compassionate heart space. Sometimes, the best I can do is take a nap. You may be going through some tough stuff, too. Are you having similar physical and emotional impacts from your own experiences?

Heart Protectors

Because the heart is such a vital organ, it has 3 protectors: pericardium (sac around the heart), small intestine and triple burner. This mid-month cycle I’m highlighting the Triple Burner and Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blends to help keep your heart open while feeling safe. Pacific Bleeding Heart is a vital essence in both blends. And Kinnikinnik Flower Essence is also in the Triple Burner OEMB.

Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence

Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence
Pacific Bleeding Heart is native to the US Pacific Northwest. The heart-shaped pink flowers bloom in mid-spring and are a favorite of hummingbirds. Ants are attracted to the seeds and carry them off; this establishes new patches. Medicinally, bleeding heart has an analgesic action, and is used to treat pain including toothache, sprains or bruises. Taken internally as a tincture, bleeding heart herb keeps you calm and centered when you’re shaky, nervous, agitated, or extremely angry.

On the flower essence level, Pacific Bleeding Heart engenders compassion for yourself in challenging situations and relationships. It separates mixed up physical, mental and emotional heart energies. This helps you to see through the stories and realize you are not a victim unless you believe you are. Pacific Bleeding Heart Essence supports you to transform thinking and emotions about your stories into personal strength and compassion for everyone involved. It brings you to a place of safety and personal peace in your Heart’s Home.

As Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence says of itself:

I AM compassion pouring forth from an open and light-filled heart, soaring effortlessly into new insight.

For more information about the Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essence and the amber, cobalto pink calcite, peach moonstone, rhodonite, ruby, smokey quartz, and drusy quartz crystals that energetically grounded this essence when it was made, go to the link below.

» More information on Pacific Bleeding Heart Flower Essences

Fire Element

Fire is warmth & light. It is the spark of physical and spiritual energy, and is vital to life. People with fire out of balance may be emotionally and physically cold or overheated, distant or try too hard to prove themselves. A person with balanced fire systems lives life with zest full of creativity yet with limits so she/he doesn’t burn out, and is warm and nurturing to self and others. She/he is their own person yet is open to new ideas and experiences, has clear personal and sexual boundaries, and is open-hearted with healthy relationships.

Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Triple Burner OEM Essence Blend

There is no physical organ for the Triple Burner system (aka Triple Warmer, Triple Heater, Umbilicus). It relates to all of the organs and controls relationships between them largely through the endocrine glands and hormonal distribution systems. It is the heating system of the body/mind/spirit. As such, it regulates and distributes heat and water thorough the body. It is one of the heart protectors and contributes to emotional balance. Ancient Chinese Medicine considers the torso to be divided into three sections- -the upper, the mist, which relates to the heart and lungs; the middle, the foam, which relates to digestive functions-stomach, spleen, liver, gallbladder and small intestine; and the lower, the swamp, which relates to excretion-kidney, bladder and large intestine. The triple burner system works through these 3 sections. The triple burner meridian starts at the ring finger, runs through the arms and shoulders, around the ears, and through the temples to the outer edge of the eyebrow.

Use Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you experience hot and cold physical and emotional upsets. This can express as fevers, chills, hot flashes and night sweats. You may be unable to feel or express warmth in relationships and experience a lack of emotional intimacy. You may find it difficult to be your own person, to choose our own way of experiencing life that is different from family and cultural beliefs. Triple Burner relates to autoimmune diseases such as Graves disease and Lupus. Other symptoms include digestive issues and loose bowels or constipation. It can relate to headaches in the temples and to ear problems. Triple burner imbalance – along with imbalances in spleen, bladder or kidney systems – can manifest as edema.

The Triple Burner OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that affect metabolic processes physically, emotionally and mentally. It regulates all of the organs, and balances and circulates warmth and water through the body. Higher frequency spiritual energies enter your body through the chakras, each of which relates to an endocrine gland. The Triple Burner system helps the body to regulate and integrate these energies. Emotionally, it supports circulating social warmth and joy. This system is active in utero, thus the name “umbilicus.” It distributes vital energy to the other meridians as the organs are developing. Your experience in utero can affect your ability to find your own individuality – especially from your mother and family; and to create your own warmth, relationships, and way of relating to the world.

For more information about the Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend and the cavansite, citrine, drusy quartz, nirvana quartz, rose quart, and tiger’s eye crystals that energetically charged them, go to the link below.

» More information on Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

The small intestine is the heart’s pair, the yang to the heart’s yin. It is the body’s alchemist. As one of the heart protectors, its job is sorting on all levels what is useless from what is useful, then absorbing and transforming it for your continued health. On the physical level, it governs sorting and assimilation of food. Emotionally, it sorts for the heart helping you understand experiences and to determine healthy and appropriate relationships. Mentally, it sorts ideas and thoughts to help you make clear choices.

Use Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian (OEM) Essence Blend when you have difficulty with sorting and assimilating food. An example would be food allergies. The small intestine meridian starts in the little finger, runs up the outside of the arm, through the shoulders, neck and jaw, into the check, then turns back and ends at the ear. When there is a small intestine imbalance, often the shoulders are pulled up and armored. Shoulder, arm, and neck pain, TMJ, strokes, earaches, and difficulty sorting sounds are typical symptoms. The main emotional pattern is a consistent problem discerning healthy relationships – whether family, lover, friend, or work. Sarcastic comments may cover up emotional confusion. Over analyzing information or situations and difficulty sorting ideas and setting priorities, especially between 1PM – 3PM, can lead to confused input that makes the decision-making and implementing jobs of the gallbladder more difficult.

The Small Intestine OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that surround the physical small intestine and the meridian that feeds spiritual energy to it. This blend supports the healthy functioning of the small intestine as it sorts and transforms food, feelings and ideas into useful ingredients for the body/mind. Structurally, it encourages dissolving armoring in the arms, shoulders, neck, and jaw, leading to less constriction in these areas. Emotionally, it supports you to seek relationships that are supportive and nurturing to your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Mentally, Small Intestine OEM Blend helps you to sort information to make better-informed choices. A healthy small intestine system encourages openhearted joy, and clear, respectful communication.

For more information about the Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Blend and the carnelian, drusy quartz, fire agate, pink opaque calcite, rhodochrosite, and rose quartz crystals that energetically charged them, go to the link below.

» More information on Small Intestine Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend

May you move into a heart space of self-love when you feel stressed and out of sorts. Finding lovely compassion for yourself and others is one of the most powerful spiritual practices.

» More information on Monthly Specials

We are happy to answer your questions about our products or set a personal consultation time during regular business hours–Monday through Friday 9am to 5pm Pacific Time at (360) 758-7260; or e-mail us at info@treefrogfarm.com.

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