It’s Hot 🔥 Cool Your Emotional Wildfires😡
It’s been really hot here in the Pacific NW this summer. Portland International Airport hit a record 113 degrees. There were record highs in Seattle on three consecutive days: 102 (the same as Tucson, AZ), 104, and 108 degrees. Each day was a record breaker! Inland during the heatwave the pavement on State Route 544 near Everson, a small town about 35 miles from us, buckled in the heat to the size of a speed bump and had to be closed! (See photo) The temperature here at Tree Frog Farm is moderated since we are surrounded by water and tall trees. Our highs were only in the 80’s.

I grew up in Phoenix AZ. Having a temperature slightly over 100 degrees in the summer was common. (Their record this year was 118!) Now I’ve been in the woods long enough that 85 degrees feel oppressive to me. My emotional fires flare in the heat. I get grumpy, irritable, and quick to anger. My body overheats to the point that I feel sick. It’s challenging to relax into my connection to higher energies.
This is when I reach for Transform Ease, Triple Burner, and Pericardium Heart Blends. Transform Ease shifts emotional states related to metabolic imbalances such as anger and worry, to more balanced states of calm and ease with daily functioning. Triple Burner balances heat and water in the body and helps to integrate higher frequencies. Pericardium Heart enables healthy functioning of your body/mind and emboldens being consciously awake with the gleam of spiritual life force shining through your eyes. The individual essences are Spotted Coral Root Orchid, Valerian, and Nootka Rose. Transform Ease and Triple Burner both contain Spotted Coral Root Orchid and Valerian. Nootka Rose is in the Pericardium Blend. All of these are on special through August.
This summer cool your emotions before you overheat and buckle like the road pavement!
Transform Ease Essence Blend
Use Transform Ease to shift emotional states related to metabolic imbalances such as anger and worry, to more balanced states of calm and ease with daily functioning. This blend also facilitates transformational life processes, including healing from deep life learning lessons, significant career changes, starting or ending a relationship or pregnancy, or perimenopause.
As you go through transformational changes, your body metabolizes differently, and your ways of feeling, thinking, speaking, moving, and being in the world change. You may experience flu-like symptoms, temperature swings, sweats, wired and tiredness, exhaustion, moodiness, headaches, dizziness, achiness, or a sense of general body stress. Transform Ease assists you to move through and integrate these changes with ease.
For more information about the Transform Ease Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the amethyst, bloodstone, cavansite, chrysocolla, and drusy quartz crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.
Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Blend
Use Triple Burner Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you experience excessive body heat or hot and cold body temperature swings which can express as fevers, chills, hot flashes, and night sweat with accompanying emotional upsets. You may be unable to feel or express warmth in relationships and experience a lack of emotional intimacy. You may find it difficult to be your own person, to choose your own way of experiencing life that is different from family and cultural beliefs. It can relate to headaches in the temples and to ear problems.
The Triple Burner OEM Blend works through the energy circuits that affect metabolic processes physically, emotionally, and mentally. It balances heat and water in the body and regulates all of the organs. Higher frequency spiritual energies enter your body through the chakras, each of which relates to an endocrine gland. The Triple Burner system helps the body to regulate and integrate these energies. Emotionally, it supports circulating social warm and joy.
For more information about the Triple Burner OEM Blend, the flower and tree essences in it, and the cavansite, citrine, drusy quartz, nirvana quartz, rose quartz, and tiger’s eye crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.
Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Blend
Use Pericardium Heart Organ Energy Meridian Essence Blend when you feel heartbroken, try too hard to gain attention, or feel distant and dead inside. It is helpful when you feel a lack of joy and passion for life, are a workaholic or lethargic, have difficulty being in your body, and experience confusion about personal boundaries.
The Pericardium Heart Blend enables the healthy functioning of your body/mind and enlivens your interactions with the external world. It supports having appropriate boundaries and loving respectful relationships. The Pericardium Heart blend encourages being fully embodied while joyfully and playfully circulating your creative gifts in the world. It emboldens being consciously awake with the gleam of spiritual life force shining through your eyes.
For more information about the Pericardium Heart Organ Blend, the flower and tree essences in it and the drusy quartz, golden topaz, green heulandite, nirvana quartz, pink sapphire, rhodochrosite, rhodonite and rose quartz crystals that energetically charged it – click on the picture.
Spotted Coral Root Orchid Flower Essence

Use Spotted Coral Root Orchid Flower Essence when experiencing any kind of significant hormonal or biochemical shifts, usually with accompanying emotional/mood shifts. This essence works through the field of energy information and the energy circuits throughout the body that relate to hormonal and biochemical shifts. It treats the changing biochemistry as fuel, much like geothermal or biomass energy. It uses this fuel to transform the decomposing emotional and biochemical patterns into more evolved emotional and biochemical patterns. For example, transforming self-reproach to self-love, or transforming hot flashes and headaches to peaceful ease in the body. It harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.
As Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM peaceful ease and self-love while transforming emotional and energetic patterns to higher functioning.
For more information about Spotted Coral Root Flower Essence, the imprints of eagle feather, rattle, spirit song, and the amber, bloodstone, chrysoprase, drusy quartz, fire agate, green tourmaline, icosahedron cut quartz, Peruvian pink opal, rose quartz, and tiger’s eye crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.
Valerian Flower Essence
Use Valerian Flower Essence for any situation in which fire is out of control in your body, such as anger, hot flashes, sweating, anxiousness, mind “on fire.”
Valerian Flower Essence works through the energetic circuits that regulate heat in the body to cool excessive fire on the emotional, mental, and physical levels. Unresolved anger and other buried negative emotions can lead to hot flashes, sweats, headaches, anxiousness, high blood pressure, temperature swings, mental agitation, and more. Use Valerian Flower Essence to transmute the fire blocking your body/mind from reorienting to a higher emotional state. In addition, it regulates body temperature when the weather is very hot or when you experience internal temperature fluctuations due to cellular change during your spiritual growth process.
As Valerian Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM beneficial fire transforming wildfires into fertile growth.
For more information about Valerian Flower Essence and the amber, charoite, smokey quartz, and drusy quartz crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.
Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence
Use Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence when you feel that your heart is closed, shut down, protected. This could manifest emotionally as feeling depressed, anxious, or detached.
Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence opens, balances and connects your Heart Chakra with the World Heart and the Universal Heart. The World Heart emanates from the collective heart consciousness of all living Beings seen and unseen that live on Earth. Nootka Rose Essence clears your Heart Chakra through the inner and outer 9 dimensions of Earth’s energy layers to connect your personal heart with these higher energies. This connects you with Divine Love and enriches your relationships with loved ones, friends, your Self, Nature, and All Beings.
Nootka Rose Flower Essence also carries an orientation toward gratitude because it points toward the heart space from which gratitude wells up.
As Nootka Wild Rose Flower Essence says of itself:
I AM awakening of Divine Love and Gratitude in daily life.
For more information about Nootka Rose Flower Essence and amber, drusy quartz, garnet, icosahedron quartz, morganite, nirvana quartz, pink Cobalto calcite, pink opaque calcite, rhodochrosite, rhodonite, rose quartz, and ruby crystals that energetically charged it, click on the picture.
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