Solstice and Remembering Diana Pepper


Dear Friends,

The dark time of the year is hard for many of us. Not only are there very few hours of light each day at this time, but it is also very dark and overcast with lots of wet weather, keeping us indoors here in the PNW.

We are coming up on the 2nd Anniversary of our dear Diana’s passing on the 20th. Losing a loved one in human form on Earth is a painful experience, but honoring them in both life and death is something that can help keep their spirit within you. Last night we got a visit from one of the women who helped John take care of Diana in her final days. She has become a dear friend to us, along with one of Diana’s close friends who was there with John and me when Diana passed. These women have become extended family and we hold them both very dear. It is always good to see them. I heard from both of them on the same day, which to me was no coincidence.

Diana has been on my mind more frequently recently. Memories of her and times we spent together. Her sharing her wisdom with me in her gentle and matter-of-fact way are things that have stuck with me, and I hold them dear like a treasured pearl growing more amazing with each passing year. While visiting with our friend and sitting around a little fire we had outside, I realized that we all have our struggles in this life, our paths that get us to intertwine, and to where we are presently. It’s how we let these struggles of the past sit within us that shape who we are to the outside world, whether we share these struggles or not.

Because we are nearing the end of what we now call a year, and because of the significance this time of year holds, holidays, family gatherings, Yule, Christmas, Hanukkah, Solstice celebrations, and for us remembering Diana Pepper for her bright light and the gift of the flower essences of Tree Frog Farm, I felt it appropriate to send this out and include some essences that I intuitively felt are needed most right now for the collective as we go into this sacred time of the year.

I hope these essences resonate with those of you whom it is most intended to reach. Love and Blessings to all of you during the Holidays. Know that we are holding space and light for each of you and wishing you a Blessed year ahead. These essences and our Yuletide Blessings Aromatherapy and Essence Mister will remain on Special until the end of the year.

With Love and Light,

Rhaychell and Stu – Tree Frog Farm Essence


Ruby Hellebore Flower Essence works where there are no words, in the emotional heart. It brings a sense that your heart is safe and protected by helping you to discern appropriate boundaries. It instills courage and resilience from the heart to help you access deep peace and gentle joy in your daily life.  


Oceanspray Flower Essence allows old grief, sorrow, and heartache to surface and be released. It opens you to feel the compassion and protection of your Angels and Guides during the healing process. And Oceanspray Flower Essence encourages living in your jubilant Presence, which brings a genuine sense of calm and tranquility.  


Sweet Valentine Rose Flower Essence clears intrusions, irritations, and disturbances through all of the energy fields out to the 9th layer boundary. It opens and connects the heart chakra through all of the energy fields and opens the opportunity for you to consider forgiveness as a powerful force in your life. Rather than leaving these experiences as mental constructs or spiritual exercises, Sweet Valentine Rose Essence grounds them into your daily life.


Spotted Coral Root Essence works via the quantum field of energy information and the body’s energy circuits that relate to hormonal and biochemical shifts. It treats the changing biochemistry as fuel, like geothermal or biomass energy. It uses this fuel to transform the decomposing emotional and biochemical patterns into more evolved patterns. Harmonizes metabolism throughout the body.


Use White Yarrow Flower Essence when you want to resonate with the higher White Light frequencies, and think and respond from that higher perspective. When you feel weak around the edges and sense you need boundary and energetic protection.  Helpful when experiencing discomfort during the process of integrating higher dimensional energies from dissonance due to misaligned frequencies.


Use Devil’s Club Flower Essence when you feel drained by the weight of all that is hard to be with, whether it is part of your life or the larger world arena. Helpful when you feel like you carry the weight of the world on your shoulders. A strong ally when you feel cut off from your spiritual roots, possibly leading to grief, dissociation, addictive tendencies, abusive behavior, or lack of inspiration.


This Aromatherapy & Flower Essence Mister is only available during the Holiday Season. Made with the highest quality essential oils of Allspice, Juniper, Western Red Cedar, Bitter Orange, Frankincense, and Vetiver. Purchase while supplies last.


Flower and Tree Essences

~ In Partnership with Nature ~

3679 Sunrise Road

Lummi Island, WA 98262



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