Mid-March 2020: Anger to Action
August 2017: Not Mercury Retrograde Yet?
Mid-October 2016: Elemental Grief
April 2016: Spring into Action!
February 2016: Align your Heart and your Life Purpose
November 2015: The Magic of Gratitude
February 2015: Bring Me A Higher Love
August 2014: Live Your Gifts, It Is Time!
October 2013: Letting Go Into Your Self
Mid-September 2012: Quantum Brain
July 2012: Enjoying the Fire of Summer
May 2012: Detox and Spring Ahead
December 2011: Seed Peace Love and Harmony
May 2011: Shapeshift Your Life!
April 2011: Spring Cleaning, New Growth
April 2008: Emotional Detox: Stinging Nettle
April 2007: Spring Detox: Dandelion