Tag Archives: bloodstone

March 2024: Let the Sunshine In ☀️

March 2023: Shifting Worry into Supportive Thinking

Valentine’s Day Flower Essences for an Open Heart

February 2023: Heart Centered with Nature and Mother Earth

Clear Connected & Cohered Box Set

Flash Sale – Your Core Energy

December 2022: Release, Renew & Celebrate this Sacred Time

Flash Sale – Box Set Savings!

August 2022: Manifest With Passion this Summer

Mid-March 2022: Transitions and Transformations 

March 2022: Anger into Action – Fuel for Positive Action

Mid-January: Natural History of Fairies

Flash Sale – Rose Essences for a Weary World

January 2022: Messages and Mysteries of Winter

Mid-October 2021: Changes

October 2021: Grief and Letting Go with Flower Essences

Mid-September 2019: Emotional, Mental & Boundary Help 😀

Mid-August 2019: Manifesting Abundance!

July 2019: Emotional and Metabolic Help

May 2019: Gardening With Faeries

Mid-March 2019: Spring!!

March 2019: Mercury Retrograde and Polar Shifts!!💥💥

Mid-February 2019: Live with Heart

Mid-January 2019: Ground your Creative Mojo!

Mid-September 2018: Heart Chakra Flower Essence Blend!!

September 2018: Chakras During Uncertainty, Diana’s Story

August 2018: Heartapathic Life & Shipping Special

Mid-July 2018: Disarmor Your Heart

June 2018: Diana’s Story, How She Started Making Essences

March 2018: Season of Change

Mid-January 2018: Embodied Confidence and Resilience

November 2017: Passionate For Your Health

Mid-September 2017: Fires, Hurricanes and Earthquakes, Oh My!

Mid-August 2017: Season of Change

August 2017: Not Mercury Retrograde Yet?

November 2015: The Magic of Gratitude

Mid-October 2015: Speaking Beauty

October 2015: Engaging Grief

Mid-September 2015: Easing into Autumn

August 2015: Heartful During Stress

July 2015: Spiritual Metabolism

Mid-June 2015: Fun Tripping!

April 2015: Spring Into Action!

Mid-March 2015: Transform Worry to Gratitude

March 2015: Grounding the In-Between

Mid-January 2015: Authentic Sweetness

Mid-September 2014: What, Me Worry?!

Mid-August 2014: Changing Seasons, Grounding Home

April 2014: Detox and Spring Ahead

March 2014: Melting Into Spring

Mid-February 2014: Transform to Higher Heart-Centered Awareness

Mid-January 2014: Relax Your Immune System

January 2014: Manifest with Confidence and Joy!

Mid-September 2013: Relaxed Open-Hearted Grounded

June 2013: Core Emotional Strength

Mid-January 2013: Deep Personal and Ancestral Healing